
The Rise of the Blood Mosquito

"A blood-sucking mosquito possessing the soul of a university student, rises from weakness to strength for revenge, step by step, from the inconspicuous life-bearing planet 'Earth,' dominating the entire universe! 'The liquid core of this planet ahead contains a high concentration of alloy material, perfect for treating wounds on my exoskeleton surface!' 'So, to obtain the core material, we must obliterate this planet entirely!'"

sckyh · แฟนตาซี
280 Chs

Chapter 37 Chasing the Unidentified Flying Object!

Expand the muscles of the wings to their strongest state!


Breaking the sound barrier!

Breaking through 1500 kilometers per hour!

Breaking through 1800 kilometers per hour!

Breaking through 2000 kilometers per hour!

Breaking through 2300 kilometers per hour!


The body of the giant mosquito emitted a tremendous sound as it soared through the air, creating sonic booms in the atmosphere.

Jia Yan's dive showcased his fastest speed, yet at this moment, he still felt unsatisfied with his velocity!

Those mysterious white beams were clearly moving at the speed of light; how could he possibly surpass that?

Flying through the air, Jia Yan paused at the thought of the speed of light.

The speed of light?

It didn't seem right!

The white beam that had just passed near his body was clearly not moving at the speed of light!

Moreover, the constant noises in the air... What were they? It was evident they weren't targeting him!

His nervousness had prompted him to flee upon seeing the white light, considering the formidable opponent he faced—the UFO from before!

But now, he realized something was amiss!

Performing a swift maneuver in the air, Jia Yan swiftly descended to the ground.

After landing, he swiftly concealed himself behind a large rock.

This rock conveniently shielded Jia Yan's body from view. Through a crack at the top of the rock, he observed the commotion above.

Soon, Jia Yan's compound eyes glittered with astonishment!

He saw, not far above his head, the UFO-like craft he had previously encountered. However, there was also a large object resembling a stick that had appeared alongside it!

Both were moving at incredible speeds, exceeding the speed of sound. But it wasn't just the speed of sound; they were at least three times as fast... No, perhaps even four or five times the speed of sound!

Jia Yan's compound eyes gleamed with fascination.

The fastest flying objects he had encountered on Earth were human-made aircraft, which could barely double the speed of sound. But to surpass the speed of sound fivefold? It seemed impossible!

Yet here they were, not only exceeding the speed of sound fivefold but also demonstrating maneuvers and transformations that Jia Yan deemed impossible!

"These... are truly extraordinary!" Jia Yan observed the two aerial crafts fighting above him. They darted around each other, emitting white beams from their hulls.

They were attacking each other!

After observing for a while, Jia Yan realized that the UFO-like craft and the stick-like object were engaged in combat, clearly belonging to different factions!

"Their strengths seem comparable, and they both appear to be injured. No wonder they didn't attack me earlier!" Jia Yan concluded after observing them. It seemed that to these entities, he was nothing more than a large mosquito!

But this disdainful attitude was advantageous for Jia Yan. At least for now, he had yet to engage in direct combat with such formidable opponents!

So he watched from below as the two entities battled in the sky.

At the same time, his thoughts raced.

"That UFO-like craft must be the one that attacked me last time. It's injured now, but its adversary isn't much better off. Moreover, if these two are fighting like this, it's evident they're not on the same side. Could it be, as the scientists on Earth speculated, that these creatures have factions?"

Through the combat between the two aerial crafts, Jia Yan deduced that they were not renegades from the same faction but belonged to two distinct groups.

"I can't participate in their fight, but under normal circumstances, they wouldn't even consider me a threat. However, both of them seem to be injured now..."

Jia Yan's compound eyes flickered rapidly.

He recalled the two metal fragments he had obtained—those metallic substances that had exerted such a strong attraction on him. They seemed to have fallen from the UFO-like craft!

Jia Yan's memory seemed to have been enhanced during his mutation, so after the battle that day, he remembered seeing similar damaged areas on the craft's body, which matched those metal fragments perfectly!

If those fragments had fallen from the craft...

Jia Yan's compound eyes gleamed even brighter!

Did that mean the entire UFO was made of the same metal that had such a strong allure for him?!

If he used this material for his next mutation, wouldn't his enhancements become incredibly powerful?!

Jia Yan couldn't imagine how much stronger he would become if he used this material for all his future mutations!

It was certainly incomparable to the gains from the small gray stones he had harvested!

"No, I must pursue them!" Jia Yan thought to himself, his desire for such immense potential enhancement growing stronger.

Under normal circumstances, he wouldn't dare to chase after them. But now these two entities were engaged in combat!

There was even a chance they might perish together!

The metallic substance from the UFO-like craft had a significant allure for Jia Yan. Similarly, the stick-like object would likely hold tremendous attraction for him!

Of course, Jia Yan was getting ahead of himself.

If these two entities were so easily vanquished, they wouldn't have been grappling for so long without finding a resolution!

But Jia Yan's refusal to give up was a result of his experiences in battle!

As long as there was a glimmer of possibility, he would seize it and refuse to let go!

He was determined to grow stronger, no matter what!

That was his philosophy! And it had always been the driving force behind his continuous growth!

So, after briefly taking cover, the giant mosquito resumed its flight into the sky!

Abandoning the original plan to collect the small gray stones wasn't a significant loss, as his current harvest was quite substantial. As auxiliary material for his next mutation, it wouldn't make much of a difference!

Thus, he pursued the two powerful unidentified flying objects!

"I mustn't get too close. If they perceive me as a threat and unleash those white beams casually, even if those beams seem less ferocious than the ones they used against me before, they could still pose a significant danger."

Gradually ascending, Jia Yan watched as the two mysterious flying objects quickly flew away under the barrage of each other's attacks.

He elevated himself!

Two thousand meters above ground!

The distant, unknown flying objects were nearly disappearing from sight!

Jia Yan's compound eyes glittered, and he accelerated in their direction!

In the sky, the two unidentified flying objects engaged in even faster combat.

Their speed was simply astounding!

In an instant, they reached an altitude unreachable by Jia Yan, only to descend to less than a meter above the ground as if Earth's gravity didn't affect them at all!

A bright white light descended from the sky, illuminating the ground below!

A tree caught in the path of the beam split in two with a thunderous crash, and the light continued onward, leaving a large hole in the ground.

The power of this attack was evident!

Before long, the two grappling unidentified flying objects swiftly departed.

Shortly after, a colossal flying creature, previously shrouded in darkness, flew in from the horizon!

Seeing the massive hole in the ground, the glimmer in Jia Yan's compound eyes flickered slightly.

"While this attack is formidable, it seems to pale in comparison to the white light attack I endured that night. It appears that they can't unleash those incredibly powerful beams without limit! But that UFO-shaped craft still targeted me with that beam that night, evidently because it viewed me as a threat that required such an attack to neutralize!"