
The Rise Of Hebe

•Princess Graciana Syrcouse Princess Graciana/Grace is the adopted daughter of an alpha king of Syrcouse pack, Mateo and her wife Aurellia. Grace is the lead protagonist of this story. Events in her life will slowly unfold the storyline as she is a human and only heir to the throne of her pack. But no body in her pack knows that she is adopted and a human. But in reality she is not just a human but more than that, she herself doesn't acknowledge her powers yet. Whole story will revolve around her journey to explore her true identity. •Alpha king Aloysius Corinth King Aloysius/Aloy Corinth leads the Corinth pack, a fearless and cruel king. He is the male protagonist of this story. Her father was killed in a war with Syrcouse pack and now Aloy lives only for revenge. He wants revenge, he wants to destroy the whole syrcouse pack. Story will slowly unfold different shades of his character from ruthless husband to Grace to a loving son to his mother and caring brother to his sister. •Synopsis Story takes place in year 1111, when Mateo and Aurellia find Grace in a forest to their way back home. They are a childless couple so they raise grace as their daughter and never reveal to anyone that she isn't their real daughter. Mateo becomes the Alpha king of his pack after he loses all his brothers in the war and by rules, Grace, a human, becomes the next heir to the throne. She grows up into a beautiful princess, unaware of the fact that she is adopted. On the other side, when Aloysius loses his father in the same war, he sits on the throne, promises to his pack to avenge every death of that pack. He grows up into a ruthless, merciless, cruel king. Now the only motive of his life is to avenge his father's death and that's how he will end up marrying Grace due to revenge, unaware of the fact that Grace is not Mateo's real daughter and she is only a human, but later in the story it will be revealed that Grace is not just a human but incarnation of goddess Hebe, she will slowly acknowledge her powers and now Aloysisus's fate will be in her hands. Will she forgive him? Will she fall in love with him, forgetting all the hell he put her through? Or will she kill him for good? Destiny will decide the consequences of this forbidden love.

GloAddington · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

3.The Crown Games.

"Grace? Wow. It's a beautiful name, Mateo." Cecil said, looking at the baby with tears in her eyes. Everyone in the room was happy that suddenly someone knocked at the door.

"Come in." Cecil said, looking at the door. A man in an army uniform entered the room. He was injured badly as his head was still bleeding from the left side. Cecil looked at him with a frown, her forehead as her heart was beating fast as he was the Royal informer.

"Your Majesty." He bowed even in that condition, "Your Majesty, we've won the war. Our army has killed King Amadeus Of Corinth" He said, looking at Cecil. Her eyes beamed with a surge of happiness for a second as soon as her ears heard this news. "But we've lost Prince Helios during an attack of Corinthians near the river Soca." He completed his sentence, looking down at the ground. For a second Cecil's heart sank. Helios was her fifth son who was the crown prince, she already had lost her four sons in these wars. Tears began to roll down her cheeks, Mateo hugged her tightly to calm her down.

"How can I be so unlucky to lose five of my sons in just two years?" She said, weeping like a kid in Mateo's arms. Mateo was never close to his brothers as he always hated politics. He wanted to live his life on his own terms but his father and brothers wanted him to fulfil the role and duties of a prince. But Mateo decided to leave the palace seven years ago along with his wife and never came back. Now when his family was shattered because of Corinthian attacks on their territory, his father ordered him to come back as soon as possible and Mateo couldn't say no this time as he was well aware of the situation of the pack and as the youngest son of this family he wanted to help them.

"Aurellia, take Grace to the room and let her rest. Meet me in my father's room after that." Mateo said, grabbing her mother's shoulder to make her stand on her feet as she was still weeping non-stop. Aurellia nodded and picked up Grace and took the perfume with her before leaving. Mateo took her mother to his father's chamber.

Mateo entered his father's chamber along with his mother. The informer already informed him about his son's death. He was sitting in his bed, looking at the window with those old dull eyes and tears were flowing down his wrinkled cheeks.

"Father! Mateo went close to him and hugged him slowly.

"Mat! I've been waiting for you. What took you so long?" He said, breaking the hug, looking at his son.

"I'm here father and I promise I will never leave you again." Mateo said, wiping his father's tears.

"After Helios, you are the crown Prince of this pack. My end is near, Mat. You have to lead this pack, keep them safe." His father said, grabbing his hand tightly, closing his eyes slowly as if he was slipping into a peaceful slumber. Mateo looked at her mother who nodded in response.

"Yes Mateo, Magnus is right. Now our safety is in your hands. Our pack might have won the war but now they need a strong leader like you who can lead them fearlessly." Cecil said, looking at her son with a light of hope in her eyes.

Next day, they arrange a funeral for Helios and Magnus. This was the new beginning of Mateo's life as The new King of Syrcouse as well as the father of a human girl. His pack welcomed him and his family with open arms, unaware of the fact that Mateo was not only their king but now he was hiding a human among them, a girl who had now the title of crown princess attached to her name, the girl who was supposed to lead this pack after her father but nobody knew the secret of that baby girl. Only the future would tell how a human would lead a pack of werewolves!

Here in Syrcouse, Mateo was sitting on the throne and on the other side in Corinth, an eight years old innocent boy was getting ready to wear the heavy crown of the king after his father died in that war with Syrcouse.

"Your Majesty, we are ready to go." A maid said, putting the heavy crown on that child's small head. His green eyes were red now, full of rage, he looked himself in the mirror for one last time and left the room immediately. He was merely eight years old but his attitude, his walk and the rage in his little green eyes were bigger than his age. He walked towards the throne gracefully. Everybody looked at him with watery eyes, cheered for him as loud as they could. "All hail the King Aloysius, All hail the King Aloysius." Was echoing in the room, the room exploded with the cheers. He sat on the throne and looked at his pack.

"I will avenge my father's death, I promise you all, I am going to avenge the death of each and every wolf of this pack, I will destroy the Syrcouse and make them cry bloody tears." He roared like a lion, sitting on that throne. Everybody cheered at his enthusiasm. Such strong words from such a small boy's mouth was not very shocking to the Corinth pack as it runs in their blood, the bravery, the rage, the anger runs like a blood in their veins. Corinth was one of the most powerful pack before this war but war with Syrcosue made them lost everything. The pack lost their King, Aloy lost his father, they lost half of their territory to Syrcouse and now their pack was restricted to Nunatak Of mount Pantaion and they could no longer cross that line.

Aloysius spent the next twenty years of his life to make his pack powerful again as it was during his Father's reign. An eight year old boy transformed into a full-fledged Alpha of his pack. He went to different packs to sign treaties, he fought so many wars and won so many territories in next twenty years but the only territory he wanted and couldn't get yet was Syrcouse, his pack was still not powerful enough to attack Syrcosue as Mateo also made his pack powerful in these twenty years. Mateo was the best king Syrcousians ever had, he proved himself in every way, be it in the war or in convincing the other packs to sign the treaties with them. Mateo was more focused on his pack's development as a wise king so he mostly avoided the unnecessary wars unlike Aloysius who was young and short tempered, who believed only wars could make his pack strong. Two different worlds, unaware of their fate, were ready to collide with each other soon. Will there be war or a peaceful solution? Only the future would tell.