
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


Sitting on the shore Shirohi meditated, the soft noise of water sloshing as the waves rolled dragged him into a serene trance. The dim white light from the full moon illuminated his body slightly brighter than the surroundings from the tree line Kikuyu watched, her mouth was slightly agape as she felt the circulation of his chakra.

The rhythm danced through her mind, his chakra raced through his pathways like a raging tide but there was a softness to that raging tide that couldn't be described… her eyes trace the outline of his body, the moon seemingly hanging in front of him. Kikuyu watched as Shirohi put his fist into his palm and bent down, she couldn't hear the words he spoke but she shuddered as her chakra-sense backlashed. Reeling back while gripping her head she ran back to the base, knowing she had seen something she shouldn't have, Kikuyu went straight to her room, heart racing as she closed the door.

Drenched with sweat she fell back against the door, slumping on the ground gripping her head…

After paying his respects to the 'Moon Goddess' as stated in the 'Tensuki Manual' he stood up and gazed at the moon, the beauty it held in his eyes were immeasurable. He felt that without the moon watching over him he wouldn't have reached the strength he had, all his major breakthroughs took place under the light of a full moon and he had a feeling many more would come as long as he continued paying his respects…

Although he couldn't feel it, Shirohi was truly blessed… because he had fallen into the eyes of the 'Moon Goddess' and what she saw excited her…

Pulling Kusagani from a storage seal he set aside the cheap dull sword and unsheathed the wet blade taking a stance his expression turned indifferent, still to this day he slowly modified 'Clockwork'. Not a name he came up with, after watching many of his training sessions Yumi had designated names to most things in his arsenal.

Like every other time he swung his sword under the full moon he mind hazed as Kusagani moved leaving afterimages made from Futon, although he wasn't proficient in Futon Kusagani had some Futon related aspects making such things possible. He had reached the speed and strength to leave afterimages physically, with the usage of Shunshin he could achieve this…

Every movement was followed with progress as he slowly forged 'Clockwork' to his body and his body to 'Clockwork'.


"*Knock Knock*"

Kikuyu was startled at the knocks, the pain from last night gone. She didn't know when she went to sleep, moving the hide she found Hikomori, his expression turned awkward as he averted his eyes and coughed.

"Huh…?!" Her eyes fell to her current state of dress… or well undress… in panic she forced the hide closed only for it to fall from the wall causing a fierce blush to spread across her face as she grabbed for, however she ended up tripping falling straight into Hikomori's arms…

He stood froze with his arms out to his side, "*eeek*…" Kikuyu pushed off Hikomori,tears traced down her cheeks from embarrassment as she wrapped the hide around herself… the two just sat in silence before Kikuyu rattled out "Whatareyoudoingleave! idoitstupidpervert—"

"Ah…" darting off Hikomori pushed everything on his mind into a dark corner to view… study later…


Shirohi looked through the base, everything seemed to be in order. The seal matrix was working and doors had been placed, noise canceling charms were placed in necessary rooms and the hidden exits were finished. He did those himself to keep the knowledge about them to himself, taking the report Hikomori had written Shirohi left…

There was much he had to do in Konoha, and it all was related to the handprint on his stomach, over the past few weeks he had gently probed the seal matrix but the marking used were unlike anything he had seen, even studying it for too long brought on a headache while also consuming his chakra at a rapid rate.


Kurotsuki picked a piece of meat from his teeth with a thin needle of dark grey lightning. There were many women surrounding him, some offering him drinks, some offering stimulants, some offering simulation…

He paid them little mind, he had already played with a few while he waited and didn't feel like indulging further. He would have sweeter nectar later, a small chuckle rose from him as he pushed the girl grinding in his lap away when the door opened, spreading his arms as a majestic woman walked through the door. A veil covered her face so he couldn't see the frown marring her beautiful complexion, although he wouldn't see it anyways as he eyes ravished her body.

Her figure was one rarely seen, effortlessly pulling the attention of any man wherever she went… "Are we going to do this or not?" Her voice was impatient as she pulled a chair from the side, positioning it infront of Kurotsuki she took a seat, Kurotsuki fixed his clothes as he lazily spoke, "Ladies, give us the room…"


Shirohi leapt over the wall, he hadn't been seen leaving the village so entering through the gate would only attract suspicion. He flickered through the village ignoring the Shinobi on his tail, just from the weight of the steps Shirohi could guess who it was twisting around as he let his chakra calm while waiting until the person following him caught up, "Yo…" a grey haired kid with a mask appeared in front of Shirohi lazily waving.

"Sorry, I can't chat I'll meet up with you later," Shirohi's figure faded as he finished his words leaving a cloud of dust, Kakashi stared at the spot he was his brow furrowed as he muttered to himself "Let's not near Yumi today…" turning the opposite way he flickered away.

Appearing in front of the Senju Gate Shirohi stood there for a moment, ever since the days he would meet Shizune under these gates he felt it comforting to stand under them for a moment. Turning around due to some chatter he saw Shizune walking up the road with Kurenai; who spotted him first sending him a toothy smile and a wave, Shizune's face morphed into confusion and curiosity as she turned her head.

An elated expression washed over Shizune's face as she flickered forward tackling him into a hug, but unlike with Yumi he stood like a brick wall and wrapped his arms around her, "Why'd you cut your hair again…" Shirohi chuckled at her pouting as he took a step back, "Who asked you to grow so much huh? You're taller than me now…"

Shizune softly laughed as Kurenai let out a boisterous laugh, "I think your done growing your going to be stuck short forever," Shirohi hmpf'd as he eyed her, "Hmm I wonder if you'll ever grow…" Kurenai 'growled' as she swung at Shirohi