
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Leaving Konoha

Shirohi was currently packing his things away in a storage scroll Tsunade gave him. Dinner last night was an exciting one for him… Jirayia gave him a scroll of jutsu to practice while Kushina gave him a book filled with beginner to intermediate fūinjutsu (Sealing Jutsu) she even told him that if he somehow managed to get through the whole book in 3 years she would give him the other book which has fūinjutsu all the up to master…

Looking out the window he realized that he has spent too long packing despite his lack of material things, picking up the picture of his mother that Hiashi was nice enough to grab from his home he sealed it into the scroll before running out of the room.

Jirayia, Kushina, and Tsunade were in the atrium, as he approached he heard Jirayia "I'm going to settle down in Konoha for a while, maybe look for someone to take under my wing," Kushina looked at Tsunade with a pout "I wish I could come with you…"

Tsunade rested her hand on Kushina's shoulder "I know… but you have a larger purpose in Konoha, if the elders found out you left you would be declared a traitor…'' Tsunade let her words trail off as she saw Shirohi approaching, "You ready Shirohi? Shizune is saying goodbye to some of her friends and will meet us at the gate."

Shirohi nodded his head, "Yup, I'm all packed up," he turned towards Kushina giving her a wave before doing the same towards Jirayia, Tsunade spoke up "Come on, let's go before the monkey changes his mind," Shirohi was confused who this 'monkey' was but didn't voice his confusion as Tsunade said her final goodbyes…

As they walked through the village, many eyes were on Shirohi… some whispers began to start around them making Shirohi feel uncomfortable but Tsunade gave him a light nudge "Ignore them, they are probably wondering why you're with me." Shirohi gave a curt "Okay," before running through the hand seals 'Raiton: Little Moon' he fed it the minimum chakra, allowing the music to only spread a few feet from him. Jirayia had told him to keep this jutsu active for as long as he can as not only would his control slowly grow but his chakra capacity would grow as it was exercised, Shirohi took this to the extreme last night nearly completely depleting himself of chakra before he went to sleep. He felt groggy and drained when he woke up as not all of his chakra had been replenished but after some meditation it was nearly full, allowing him to repeat the process slowly throughout the day.

As they reached the gate leading out of Konoha, Shirohi's eyes landed on a small group of kids, Shizune looked up spotting Shirohi and Tsunade practically beaming as she grabbed ahold of one of her friends dragging them over, the group closely following behind. Shizune hurriedly went to introduce her friends to Shirohi but her steps slowed as she got close, the familiar music entering her ears not a moment later a young brunette with two patches of purple on her cheeks questioned "Where's this music coming from?" She twisted her head about near the back of the group a grey haired boy wearing a mask pointed at Shirohi "From him."

The whole group turned to look at the grey haired boy then Shirohi… Shizune pouted raising her voice slightly "Guys!" Pulling all their attention, "This is Shirohi, Tsunade adopted him yesterday… Shirohi this is Rin Nohara," pointing at the brunette with the purple patches, "Here's Obito Uchiha," She pointed at a black haired youth wearing goggles who was currently saluting, "That's Kakashi" pointing towards the grey haired mask wearing boy, "Oh, there is-'' she didn't get to finish as the black haired girl stepped forward reaching her hand towards Shirohi "Kurenai Yuhi…"

As Shirohi was about to shake her hand a sun kissed young boy with dark hair intervened "Asuma Sarutobi," Kurenai sent Asuma a glare causing his neck to shrink back but he held his ground in between Shirohi and Kurenai, Tsunade just watched a small smile on her face, she was kinda disappointed that Shirohi didn't have any friends of his own inside the village but it only made it easier for him to leave it… "Alright come on we need to reach Kennai Village before nightfall," Tsunade's eyes landed on Shizune as she teased "Unless you want to spend the night sleeping outside~…"

Shizune hurriedly waved her hands with an awkward laugh "Sorry, I'll see you guys later!" Pulling Tsunade and Shirohi alongside her as she ran through the gates, the group watched them leave with Obito muttering "Lucky bastard," as he followed Tsunade's 'back' with his eyes earning a punch from Rin "Pervert…"

A few hours passed and the trio; Tsunade, Shizune, and Shirohi, made considerable progress if you factor in that Shizune and Shirohi didn't know the 'Body Flicker Jutsu' nearly a quarter way to their destination Tsunade stopped, "Alright, from here on you two will be practicing a jutsu. Shirohi will you pull out the scroll Jirayia gave you?"

Pulling the scroll out from under his shirt a small clanking sound was heard and Tsunade frowned "How do you always manage to get your hands on a kunai?! Never mind… it's actually good you have one… anyways find the 'Body Flicker Jutsu' and begin practicing once you two get a hold on it we will begin your training."

(A/N: Sooo I sat on this one for a while thinking I royally F*cked the timeline… after changing it twice I realized that I didn't in the first place… just thought I'd let y'all know :))

(A/N 2: We have officially passed into Year 55 AFK

Jirayia: 30 years old

Minato: 14 years old

Kushina: 15 years old

Tsunade: 29 years old

Shizune: 6 years old

Shirohi: 5 years old

Hizuren: 55 years old

Kakashi: 4 years old)