
Plan A

On that same day, after being enrolled in the soccer academy, Vitor couldn't contain his excitement when he arrived home. His heart was racing, and the smile on his face was uncontrollable. He ran to his mother, hugging her tightly and repeatedly saying, "Thank you, Mom! Thank you!" Adriana laughed, stroking her son's hair, pleased to see how happy he was.

"I knew this day would come," she said, holding Vitor by the shoulders and looking into his eyes. "Now, it's up to you to do your best and make it worthwhile."

Vitor nodded, his eyes shining with determination. "I will, Mom. I promise."

Without wasting any time, he ran up the stairs to his room, with his heart still pounding, and turned on the laptop that was on the table. He searched for a song that had always inspired him: "Hall of Fame" by The Script. As the music video started, he threw himself on the bed, arms stretched out, and stared at the ceiling. The song's lyrics echoed through the room, filling the space with a message of overcoming and determination. "You could be the greatest, you can be the best," the song said, and Vitor closed his eyes, imagining himself in a packed stadium, wearing his team's jersey, hearing the crowd chant his name.

For a few moments, he transported himself to a distant future, where he saw flashes of himself scoring decisive goals, celebrating titles, and his parents in the stands, watching proudly. It was as if he could feel the stadium's vibration, the smell of the grass, and even the sweat dripping down his face. He knew the path would be tough, but at that moment, all obstacles seemed possible to overcome. The beat of the song merged with the beating of his heart, and he mentally repeated: "I will make it, I will become a player."

The next day came quickly, and Vitor woke up with a mix of anxiety and excitement. The classes at school went on as usual, but there was something different in the air. He began to notice that Giovana, was exchanging glances with him more frequently. Whenever Vitor caught her looking, she would quickly look away, her face blushing slightly. He found the situation cute, and whenever he caught her, he responded with a teasing smile, just to see her reaction.

As soon as the school bell rang, signaling the end of classes, Adriana was already waiting for Vitor at the entrance. They returned home, where he quickly had lunch, took a shower, and got ready for what would be his first day at the soccer academy. Adrenaline coursed through his veins, and he felt like he was about to step onto the field for the most important game of his life. After lunch, Vitor took a quick nap, with "Hall of Fame" playing softly in the background. When he woke up, he felt refreshed and more motivated than ever.

He put on his black academy uniform, which still smelled new, and grabbed his pair of soccer cleats, placing them in his gym bag. As he left the house, he locked the door and headed to the car, where his mother was already waiting for him.

"Son, I talked to your dad on the phone these days," Adriana mentioned as they headed toward the academy. "We talked about your dream of playing soccer."

"You talked? What did he say?" Vitor asked, with visible curiosity in his voice.

"Did you know your dad was born in Santos?" Adriana asked, as if revealing a secret. "He was never much into soccer, but he thinks it would be a good idea if you tried playing for Santos Futebol Clube."

Vitor remained silent for a moment, processing the information. The idea of playing for Santos, a club with great idols, was exciting but also intimidating. "And you, Mom? What do you think about it?"

"I think it would be a great opportunity for you, son," she replied with a loving smile. "If you want to try, we could move to Santos one day. It was actually part of your dad's plan."

"And Dad's job?" Vitor questioned, remembering his dad's long trips because of his job at São Paulo Airport. "Santos is far from the airport. Wouldn't that make the trips harder?"

Adriana laughed, admiring her son's concern. "You're very smart to think about that, but don't worry. Your dad is thinking about stopping the trips to spend more time with us."

Vitor felt his heart warm upon hearing this. The idea of moving to Santos and training at the club where so many idols began made his eyes shine. "Then let's go!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. "If I manage to join the Santos academy one day, we can move there."

The rest of the trip was filled with conversations about Santos Futebol Clube. Vitor admired the club's history and the great players who emerged there, like Pelé and Neymar, who had recently left to play for Barcelona alongside Messi. For him, the idea of following in the footsteps of one of Brazil's greatest soccer talents was an inspiration.

As they passed by São Paulo's stadium, Vitor observed the massive structure with interest, but in his mind, he was already decided: Santos would be his plan A, and São Paulo, his plan B.

Finally, they arrived at the soccer academy. Vitor's heart beat even faster as he saw the green field and the young athletes already training. Each of them was a potential rival, but also an opportunity to learn and grow. Vitor took a deep breath, smelling the grass mixed with the scent of new opportunities.

"Good luck, son," Adriana said, holding his hand for a moment before letting go. "I believe in you."

"Thank you, Mom," Vitor replied, smiling. He got out of the car and walked toward the academy entrance, with his gym bag on his back and his heart full of expectations.

The environment was busy, with the sounds of cleats running, balls being kicked, and coaches giving instructions. Vitor paused for a moment and took a deep breath, feeling like part of something bigger. It was there that he would take his first step toward the dream that had always accompanied him.

He approached the registration area and presented his documents. One of the coaches, a middle-aged man with a serious expression, took a quick look at the papers and then at Vitor. "First day?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," Vitor replied, trying to hide the excitement that threatened to overflow.

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