
The Rise Of a Magic Swordsman

All human beings have one basic instinct, an instinct that has been so deeply rooted that we follow mindlessly-The pursuit of Power. Vergil Winchester a young noble boy, finds himself in a world full of mana and aura. Watch as how Vergil navigates his way through the quagmire of challenges that surrounds him. A journey full of adventure, hardships, friendship, guardianship. Will Vergil gain the necessary means to guard his and his family , Follow us on this quest to find out ..................................................................................................... Readers are requested to provide feedback through reviews and comments, so that you can also have your part in this journey Also if you like the story please give it POWER STONES and share if you can

Muhtashim_Aamir · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Dance

Vergil POV

I together with Eleanor went to meet the Marquess along with his family so that we can make our way to the party.

we reached another room where Marquess was present with his two wives, but only Edward present her older brother Charles and her wife were clearly not here 

"Good evening Marquess Mrs. Bellatorius, Lord Edward" I greeted them 

"Good evening Vergil" Marquess said as he looked at me and Eleanor

"My My Vergil I just left you for a few minutes yet you were able to get my daughters dance partner" Aunt Helen said as she looked at me holding Eleanor hand

"Its my honor to be lady Eleanor dance partner" I said as I was already immune to this, clearly I already have a thick skin

"Hey Vergil, quite the hero, I heard a lot of you from Elie." Edward said as he came to me

"Thank you very much " I said with a basic smile on my face

"Ah.. where are my manners. My name is Edward Bellatorius, Elie older brother" he said as he extended his hand

"A pleasure to meet you lord Edward my name is Vergil Winchester" I said as I shook hands with him

"I know Elie has been talking about you all morning" He said as he exerted force on my hand clearly intending to crush my hand

I was calm as I looked into him and pressed my hand with equal force, clearly he was a high level swordsman most likely a late 5 star , 

"I am honored to be remembered by Elie." I replied as he intensified his grip and me responding in the same way

Finally as if he had given up he loosened my grip clearly not pushing it any further

'Trying to test me again, what's with this family' I thought a I mentaly sighed

All of this was observed by the Marquess and his wives the only clueless one was Eleanor 

"Despite being only a Tier 1 mage you are quite strong" He said

"You flatter me, even mages need a healthy body" I replied with a smile

My remark earned a twitch from Edward, clearly he was annoyed as he understood my underlying meaning

'I am a mage yet this strong, what about you an aura user' 

"Okay lets go, and Vergil that apparel suits you" the Marquess said finishing our little confrontation

"Thankyou for your praise, I am grateful for your reward" I said as thanked him for the gift

Edward just clicked his tongue, It would seem he was angry at me getting a reward form the Marquess

"Lets go Its time, Elie are you ready" The Marquess asked his daughter

"Yes Father I am" Eleanor nodded 

We made our way to the the Ball as our arrival was announced

All of the noble bowed a little in greeting, truly what a different view

I could observe the entirety of room from above here, I saw Mother and father , Eliza and her parents and all other nobles, I saw some curious and some surprised faces as they were wondering what I was doing with the Marquess

There was no speech as the event was a continuation from yesterday, so Marquess just greeted and went to the ball

"Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, I hope you all have a pleasant afternoon. Lets enjoy and relish the evening, In order to start the evening I would like to call my youngest daughter Eleanor and her partner Vergil Winchester "

All the nobles gave us a round of applause as I and Eleanor made our way towards the center of the Hall, the orchestra started playing soon

As I held her hand, I felt her nervousness. I assured her by tightening my grip, It would seem I will have to take the lead this time

She looked at me I could see her apprehension, she did not want to disappoint her father so she wanted to give her best 

I took her hand and place my other hand on her waist and she placed it on my shoulder . We began to sway to the melody, she was a bit a stiff so I decided to take it slow 

We began our waltz. At first our movement were stiff and little out of rhythm, she also stepped on my foot.

"relax and follow my lead" I said in a voice that we could hear in order to reassure her

She looked at me her eyes full of apology but I merely gave her a reassuring smile, as id she understood me she relaxed herself and our steps became more and more synchronized to the rhythm, we skipped and I let her gracefully spin as her skirt fluttered in the wind. our movements becoming fluid and precise. 

Eleanor completely left herself to me, as a connection was formed between us we were able to understand each other next move, I placed my hands at her waist as I spun around with her around the hall. 

We continued to skip and spin as we moved around the ball, I could feel the gazes with numerous emotion's directed at me. Jealousy, envy, anger, surprise, confusion all was felt by me. But I ignored all of them as I just focused on the lady in front of me

Eleanor followed my lead with grace and poise, her movements becoming more and more fluid as time passed. She put her trust in me, allowing herself to be swept away by the music.

I responded to her trust with confidence as our bodies moving in perfect harmony as we waltzed across the floor, mesmerizing the audience.

As the final notes of the waltz echoed through the ballroom, we both came to a graceful halt, we both were smiling at each other. I separated from her as I knelt on my knee and I gave her a kiss on the back of her hand, she also complied as she lifted her skirt and gave me a bow full of elegance.

There was silence for a moment than a someone started to clap and other followed there lead and soon the voice of clapping echoed in the entire hall.

We made our way to the back, where others eager to waltz could do so.

"That was amazing, Vergil," Eleanor exclaimed, clearly excited about how well the dance went.

"Yes, it was a wonderful experience, but Elie, my feet are killing me," I replied, jokingly teasing her about a misstep.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to... Are they still hurting? Would you like to sit down?" Eleanor asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I'm merely joking, don't worry, my feet are fine," I reassured her, chuckling at her concern.

"Why, I felt sorry for you for a moment," she said, pouting playfully.

As we conversed, a few noble children approached us.

"Good evening, my lady, may I have the honor of dancing with you?" one of them asked Eleanor.

"No need, I'm tired," Eleanor responded mercilessly, contempt visible in her eyes.

"Ugh... That's fine. I will take my leave," the nobleman said, clearly embarrassed by the outright rejection. Before he left, he shot me a glare.

'Well, I'm being hated for no reason. She was the one who rejected you,' I thought to myself.

"Why do these people always come and ruin my mood?" Eleanor lamented, clearly upset about the invitation.

"It's not like they want to. They just want to take their chances. Who knows, they might form connections with the Bellatorius family," I patiently explained.

"I know, but it's so annoying. Their fake smiles irk me," she said, pouting.

"Let's go find something to drink," she suggested, feeling thirsty.

"Elie, you go get the drinks. I have another appointment," I said, intending to find Eliza.

"Ahh... Okay, come back soon," she replied.

I made my way to the other side of the hall, where Eliza was surrounded by a group of nobles, her smile was forced clearly she doesn't want to dance with these nobles. I went to her 

"My lady, may I have the honor of having a dance with you?" I asked, smiling, as I extended my hand to her

Eliza turned around and saw me, she was surprised but than understood my approach 

"It would be my pleasure," she replied, smiling as she held my hand 

All other lad looked at me full of jealousy, first Eleanor than Eliza they clearly wanted to be at my place

We made our way to the center as we started our waltz, I asked her

"You looked quite troubled there" 

"Yeah, they were asking me for a dance, but their gazes made me uncomfortable," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"But I should ask you, Vergil, were you not having the time of your life?" she asked, her grip tightening on me.

"Not really. I was a nervous mess the whole time," I admitted, flinching at her sudden grip.

"Is that so? I only saw a certain someone enjoying as he spun around with a beautiful lady," she said, her smile a little intimidating.

"Wasn't it because of a certain beautiful lady who taught me this?" I said, attempting to deflect.

"So now it's my fault, huh?" Eliza said, looking at me.

"I didn't say that, now did I?" I evaded, avoiding her gaze.

We bickered and danced, and thankfully, I was able to pacify Eliza.

"Let's go, Elie is waiting for us at the snack table," I suggested, spinning her.

"Yeah, let's go," she agreed.

We finished our dance and made our way toward the table where Eleanor was waiting.

"What took you so long... Oh, Eliza, good evening," Eleanor said, clearly getting impatient, but upon seeing Eliza, she gave her a hug.

"Good evening, Elie," Eliza smiled as she hugged her back.

I grabbed a juice and began to drink as both Elie and Eliza began to talk, clearly forgetting I was there.

'Finally, I could go home. It's been a long few days,' I thought.

"What are you thinking, Vergil?" Eliza asked, noticing me lost in thought.

"Nothing, just thinking about how these two days have passed," I replied, twirling my glass of juice.

"Yeah, these few days have been quite eventful," Eleanor remarked, and Eliza agreed.

"Yeah, we're all going to be separated for quite some time," Eliza said, Clearly all three of us know that, if nothing significant happens we will all meet at the Academy enrollment day few months away.

I also found there company enjoyable, and felt a little list about our separation

"Why are we thinking too far ahead? Let's just enjoy the time we have today," Eleanor suggested, still the carefree one.

Both Eliza and I looked at each other as we laughed helplessly, I decided to put all these thoughts aside, Separation are inevitable for seeking a better future, I remembered. As I enjoyed the evening with Eliza and Eleanor


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