
The Rise Of a Magic Swordsman

All human beings have one basic instinct, an instinct that has been so deeply rooted that we follow mindlessly-The pursuit of Power. Vergil Winchester a young noble boy, finds himself in a world full of mana and aura. Watch as how Vergil navigates his way through the quagmire of challenges that surrounds him. A journey full of adventure, hardships, friendship, guardianship. Will Vergil gain the necessary means to guard his and his family , Follow us on this quest to find out ..................................................................................................... Readers are requested to provide feedback through reviews and comments, so that you can also have your part in this journey Also if you like the story please give it POWER STONES and share if you can

Muhtashim_Aamir · แฟนตาซี
46 Chs

The Ball part 2

Vergil POV

I left my father's study and went to the living room where Mother and Mrs. Beaumont were having tea and discussing something. May had already informed my mother of my predicament.

On my way to the living room, I met Eliza.

"Vergil, you're back," Eliza said, surprised to see me.

"Yes, Eliza. How are you?" I greeted her.

"I should be asking you that. But I am good," Eliza replied, rolling her eyes.

"I've recovered for the most part," I reassured her.

"That's good," Eliza said, sighing in relief.

"Are you going to the living room?" I inquired.

"Yes, I was looking for Mother," Eliza replied.

"Let's go. I was also going the same way," I suggested.

"Yeah," she agreed.

We conversed on our way to the room. She asked about my coat, and I told her how I acquired it. I noticed her mood dip slightly when I mentioned it was a reward from the Marquess. I was about to ask why, but we had reached the living room.

Knock knock.

"Come in, dear," Mother said.

Both Eliza and I entered the room.

"Good morning, Mother and Mrs. Beaumont," I greeted.

"Good morning, Mother, Aunt Martha," Eliza added.

"Good morning," Mrs. Beaumont greeted.

"Vergil, dear, I heard some great news," Mother teased, laughing a little.

"Please, Mother, don't laugh at my misery," I pleaded, feeling embarrassed as May brought us some tea.

"Hehe... who told you not to take those classes?" Mother chuckled.

"Okay, Mom, I still remember the basics. I haven't practiced for quite some time," I explained, feeling a bit defensive.

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Beaumont asked curiously.

"My baby boy over here was invited by Lady Eleanor to be her dance partner," Mother said, a satisfied smile spreading across her face.

I covered my face, feeling embarrassed by the weird looks being given to me by Eliza and her mother.

"Okay, Mother, please, could you help me?" I asked, feeling tense.

It was a big deal. If I made a mistake, I would become a laughingstock among the nobility, and not just me—Elie would also be affected. I suddenly regretted making that hasty decision.

"Eliza, why don't you help Vergil?" her mother suggested suddenly.

I was dumbfounded, and my mother looked enlightened as she also felt this was feasible.

"I think it's also a good idea. Unlike you, Eliza has learned all her etiquette. She should be able to guide you," my mother said, clapping her hands.

"What??" I was really shocked. I subconsciously looked at Eliza, who looked flustered and avoided eye contact.

"What, you don't think my Eliza is good enough for you?" her mother said, narrowing her eyes.

"No, no... Eliza is a perfect lady. It's myself that I'm worried about," I said hurriedly.

"Okay, okay, I'm joking," her mother laughed, seeing me panicked.

"Eliza, what do you think about it? Don't force yourself. It's okay to refuse. I think this brat needs to be taught a lesson," Mother said, glaring at me with 'don't speak' written on her face.

"I...I am okay with it," Eliza said, clearly a bit embarrassed.

"Then it's settled. I think you can learn from Eliza. You have a few hours. It's probably enough for you, Vergil," Mother said, checking the time.

"You can go to the left wing of the house. There's a large enough space for you. As for music, I'll tell May to prepare it for you," Mother declared, not giving me any chance to refuse.

I looked at Mother, then Eliza, and sighed as I accepted my fate. I stood up and came to Eliza.

"My lady, would you give this humble person the honor of having a dance with you?" I asked with a courteous bow, extending my hand towards her.

She seemed at a loss for words, and I could hear the stifled laughter of both mine and Eliza's mothers. I ignored them.

"Ah, yes, I would love to," she said, barely audible, as she placed her hands in mine.

I took her hands, and we left the room, both of us clearly feeling awkward and flustered at the turn of events. Still holding hands, we made our way, until I noticed we were still holding hands.

"Sorry," I said as I released her hand.

"No, it's fine," she replied.

We both stood in silence.

"Sorry you had to go through that ordeal," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"It's okay. I'm glad I could be of help," she said, seeming happy to assist me.

As we started to move, I suddenly paused.

"What happened?" Eliza asked.

"I... I don't remember the way," I admitted, feeling ashamed. This house belonged to my family, but I had no knowledge of it.

"Puff... Hahahaha..." Eliza started laughing as she looked at my face.

"Okay, stop it," I said, feeling annoyed at her laughter.

"Haha... Please forgive me... I can't help it," she said, still chuckling a little.

Looking at her laughing, I also unconsciously smiled.

"Okay, I know the way. Follow me," Eliza said, smiling in a better mood as she passed me to lead the way.

We reached the area—a long hall with crystal chandeliers and tall windows through which sunlight poured, offering a beautiful view of the garden beyond the glass. It was perfect for practice.

"Well, we can begin the practice here," Eliza said, looking around.

At the same time, May also arrived.

"Young master, I brought the music box," May said, holding a box with a few inscriptions on it and a handle attached to the side. She placed the box on a wooden table in the corner and opened the lid. Then, she rotated the handle a few times, and the inscriptions began to light up as a gentle tune started to play.

"I will take my leave. Good luck, young master," May said, smiling at us and bowing.

Now we were alone in the long hall as we looked at each other with a gentle melody hummed in the background

"ll..lets begin" She said as she began teaching me as it was also her first time

"Put your hand on my hand and the other hand around my waist like this" Eliza guided me adjusting my posture 

I awkwardly place my hands on her waist and her hands, feeling her slim waist made my mind wander. Despite being the same age me, she was well endowed with a beautiful figure 

"Now take your step like this" she demonstrated me

The first few steps I almost fell as my mind was somewhere else 

"Concentrate and watch your step don't step on a ladies foot during a dance" She said clearly noticing my inattentiveness

"Oh.. Okay" I shook off the extra thoughts, as I began focusing on the rhythm

The movement felt strange to me at first, but slowly I got the hang of it. I guided her through the room as we swayed together, and then I let her spin gracefully as I held her hand

"Good you are getting the hang of it" Eliza praised 

I found some confidence but than I accidentally stepped on her foot

"Ouch" She exclaimed as we stopped the dance

"Sorry... I lost focus" I apologized bending down as I looked at her jade like feet clearly red due to me

Cast spell: Cure heal  I intoned, as the redness subsided

"Okay it happens, I also stepped many time on my instructors foot" She said as she waved her hand 

"I will be careful next time" I said seriously

"Okay next we will move to more complicated steps" she said standing up and leading me 

I followed her routine this time serious as I learned, The noble ballroom debutante dance is a highly structured and formal dance, typically performed at grand social events and balls. It often follows traditional choreography, such as the waltz, which emphasizes elegance, poise, and grace.

I maintained eye contact with my eyes looking at her as I felt lost in her Chestnut eyes, slowly we lost ourselves in the the tempo of the music , we spun and twirled with increasing speed, executing a series of intricate footwork patterns with precision and skill, each step fluid and graceful than the last one 

As the final notes of the music fade away, I unconsciously pulled Eliza close, our bodies pressed together in an embrace. She breathed heavily, clearly tired as her hot breath felt on my face. we separated I felt awkward as I again had lost myself in my emotions

"Thank you it was a wonderful dance" I said as I bowed to her

"Yes it was " Eliza said as she curtsies in return 

"Well Vergil, it would seem your quick learner " She said as she was amazed at my learning ability

"No it was all because you taught me " I said still reminiscing our dance 

"Shall we have one more dance" I asked clearly I want to experience that feeling again

"Of course, I am your teacher right now" she said as she smiled

 I took her hand, clearly leading this time, as we began dancing again. As time passed, the melody slowly faded into the background, and the sunlight illuminating our dance 



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