
Сhapter 11

- It seems that this year is going to be special not only for me. I whispered softly, wrapping myself more tightly in an old scarf and letting out a cloud of white steam from my mouth. Cold… This year the winter turned out to be quite cold for the local area. Even snow fell not so little, and this was the second time in the memory of this taurus, when the local winter at least somewhat reminded me of the winter of my past world.

Snow and frost... up to minus seven are rare visitors in these parts. However, these minus seven felt like a full minus twenty. High humidity and not the most pleasant winds aggravated the feeling of cold many times. Although, perhaps, I have a similar feeling due to the almost complete absence of warm clothes. I somehow didn't want to buy it with clothes because of a couple of weeks of light coolness, or rather I just couldn't afford it. Now I would not be able to buy anything at least some warm clothes at all. The whole took off due to such a cold and rather snowy winter.

So I had to freeze on the way to the academy and back. I almost completely abandoned the usual walks and my runs, replacing those with very exhausting gymnastics at home… Not the most effective alternative, to be honest, but I didn't really want to rush around the village in such weather. Although the rest of the kids were like a buzz ... But they did not need to suffer from the wind blowing through, in view of the presence of quite decent clothes.

Shinobi families, and in my environment the offspring of such families frankly prevailed, could afford to buy warm clothes for children, even if these clothes would only be needed for a few weeks or a month. Nevertheless, Shinobi earn very well, and in the whole are the elite of the local society. Well, in Konoha, that's right, I didn't dare to talk about the rest of the world, and I'm not interested in the rest of the world at the moment. I have frost, snow and bone-chilling wind here…

If it wasn't for the chakra, I would have died in such conditions very, very quickly. But no, the last few months have not passed without a trace for me. My sensitivity to my own chakra has improved significantly, and I myself have gotten the hang of using the simplest manipulations with the chakra at any given time. Which saved me now, because, driving my own chakra through my body, I, as it were, warmed up from the inside. Even the cold wind seemed to begin to bend around my figure for a while…

But only for a while, it was still quite difficult for me to constantly maintain the flow of charka in my body. Concentration was not enough, and the channels of the chakra after ten minutes of such manipulations began to get tired… My chakrosystem has not yet had time to properly strengthen and form to the end, which is why it was highly not recommended for me to overexert myself. And I will overexert myself in any case, since there were ridiculously many chakras in my body… And even just accelerating its movement in my body, I was straining the chakrosystem so much.

Ordinary children, as a rule, if they encounter my problems, then these problems are not felt so acutely. It's me who is still unique, driving really decent amounts of chakra through a body that is not ready for such a body. And I could manage a controlled amount of chakra only by so much-because. Fortunately, my usual training and such a run of the chakra through the body did not bring any harm to me. Rather, on the contrary, there was quite a lot of benefit from such training... The slightly accelerated movement of the chakra had a very beneficial effect on the chakrocannals, forcing them to develop and strengthen over time…

But it really wasn't worth overdoing it, because of which a slight burning sensation and discomfort was usually enough for me to completely calm down and calm the movement of my chakra. That's just the wind didn't care about my difficulties, which is why I had to suffer and freeze for a good half of the way home.… Well, or run through the snow-covered streets, which eventually turned into the need to dry almost all of your clothes later. But I don't have that much of it…

Fortunately, at the moment I still had enough strength to maintain the accelerated movement of the chakra in the body ... it's just a pity that I definitely don't have enough strength to walk home. Especially in view of the fact that I witnessed a rather entertaining scene, in which I was about to intervene. As soon as my old friends cross a certain line, they immediately risk getting a good beating, which I will initiate.

Although, in any case, I will punish a bunch of hooligans that decided to molest a single girl… If it wasn't for the personality of this girl, I would have already done it. Well, as it was, I still had hope that the bodyguards of the Princess of the Hugo clan would still show up, without forcing me to interfere in all this. I don't want to get involved in the affairs of clan children, even if I remember exactly who the girl who is being bullied now will have to grow into…

Hinata Hugo is now a very shy and harmless child, which in the history I know showed a very unambiguous interest in my current body. I do not know the reason for such feelings… Perhaps this was mentioned in the anime, but I never watched the anme itself. And it doesn't matter now, yet in front of me was not some kind of painted character, but an ordinary girl who found herself in a very difficult situation.

And, to be honest, I was going to help her, even though this action may have its consequences.… After all, usually a personal guard comes to the academy for Hinata, and this is the first time in my memory when the guard did not appear. So, this whole scene with a bunch of hooligans may turn out to be someone's not the kindest plan… But even so, I wasn't going to hold back if my old acquaintances, whose leader I once bathed in the school toilet, would allow themselves too much.

So far, they have been limited to very expressive laughs behind the girl's back and no less unambiguous words addressed to her… But until Hinata herself paid attention to those, I just couldn't interfere. It will look somewhat inappropriate, and the girl herself may be afraid of me ... Because from the outside I will look like an ordinary bully, that for no reason at all decided to beat up a bunch of other hooligans. Moreover, my reputation only contributes to such conclusions... which is why I kept some distance from everything that was happening. I didn't want anyone to think that I was in league with petty bullies.

To my good luck, I didn't have to wait long for the outcome of this whole mess. At some point, the boys just got tired of pestering the girl trying not to react to them... Forcibly stopping her and turning her in their direction. This was followed by a series of rather loud questions about the unusual chapters of the girl… Which in reality really looked quite unusual. The white iris of the eye without a pupil made the appearance of such eyes rather unnatural and strange.

However, I didn't really share the claims of the hooligan company, and therefore, very soon the usual snowball flew into the main instigator of this whole conflict… But I put a lot of strength into the throw, and the kid did not expect such an unexpected attack, which is why he eventually lost his balance, falling into the fresh snow. That's just it wasn't my last snowball, which is why his friends, who turned in my direction, very soon received their portion of snow in the face…

- What are you doing, you bastard. - Jumping up from the ground, the boy howled, apparently not yet recognizing his old "friend" in me... But it doesn't matter, anyway, I wasn't going to listen to anyone, flying into the rising child with a run. And yes, I didn't care at all about the age of my opponent, the chakra makes future Shinobi very strong creatures, and therefore, there will definitely be nothing from a couple of good punches to the kid. But maybe the brains will fall into place someday…

- Have you not been taught that girls should not be offended? - I asked almost calmly, in order to rush at the rising boys in the next second... Fortunately, I more or less got the hang of fighting. And I felt my body just fine right now, winning only at the expense of my own speed and agility.

- Naruto, you mustachioed bastard. - The boy shouted that quite recently and pulled the girl down ... at the same time bringing her to tears, recognizing me. Well, or he is already shouting out of habit, yet we have been in conflict with this company for a long time and fights happen to us, albeit not often, but quite regularly. That's just before I still restrained myself more… This time I didn't like the reason for our fight too much, which is why I beat, so to speak, from the heart… Even if sometimes receiving not the most pleasant kicks and punches in return.