
The Revenge of Rana يؤيؤن ㅛㄴㅎㄴㅓㄷㅗㅑㅇㅓ

Mature Content 21+. Please be wise! Kirana must swallow bitterness when Adrian, her fiancé, betrays her love. Adrian married another woman while she was pregnant. Not only did Adrian betray him, but Adrian's family cheated and seized Kirana's family-owned company. Kirana's father even died because he could not accept that reality. Not quite there, the mother even suffered from depression. Kirana was desperate. Her world collapsed until someone came to lead him to get back up and prepare to demand revenge. However, can Kirana settle her revenge? When love comes back, it grows even wilder.

Yuanda9 · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

6. Don't Touch Me

"A snake is still a snake!" Sarita muttered. After a while, she left with the ambulance that took Hermawan to the hospital.

Ratih came rushing with Kirana to the hospital. After being transferred from the Emergency Unit, Hermawan now occupies one of the ICU rooms.

"Honey, what happened?" Ratih asked quietly beside her husband.

Kirana looked at her father with a sad look, and her eyes looked puffy. It was hard for her. The trials so repeatedly befell her family. When the tears could not be held back, she decided to leave the room.

Kirana sobbed in a park in the middle of the hospital. She didn't realize that the man who had helped her yesterday was watching her crying.

"Are you still crying for Adrian?" A voice startled Kirana.

Kirana turned to the owner of the voice. Someone she didn't want to meet at a time like this. Sintia came with a mocking smile.

"Why would I cry for him?" Kirana replied curtly.

"Really? Then what are you doing here?" asked Sintia again.

"Why do you want to know my life?" Because he was lazy to argue, Kirana was about to leave Sintia.

However, suddenly Sintia dropped herself and groaned. Kirana, who saw it, only frowned in astonishment.

"Aww, it hurts," cried Sintia, holding her stomach.

Kirana, who didn't understand what Sintia meant, just stared at her. Suddenly Adrian came and called out to Sintia, then helped her up.

"Sintia, what are you doing?" asked Adrian.

"She pushed me, Adrian," Sintia pointed at Kirana.

Kirana was dumbfounded. She shook her head and said, "What are you saying? I didn't touch you at all, let alone push you."

"He's not happy with my pregnancy. Kirana wants to harm our baby, Adrian."

"Sintia, stop saying nonsense! Why would I must push you?" Kirana defends herself.

"You should stop, Kirana! Don't ever bother us!" snapped Adrian.

Kirana was flabbergasted. He couldn't believe Sintia so easily provoked Adrian. "Wow, really can't believe it. You fit each other very well."

"Are you envious of me? Your child won't have a father. Maybe you came here for an abortion because you're embarrassed to be pregnant without a husband." Sintia accused Kirana cynically.

"What? Envy? I'm lucky because my son won't have a cowardly father like him. I'd be more embarrassed if my son had lying parents like you," Kirana replied, staring at Adrian sharply.

Adrian, who was silent, heard Kirana's words. There was a feeling of pain gnawing at him. He realized he had become a coward.

"Adrian, I thought we'd known each other all this time, but you don't know me well, so you can believe what he accuses me of," Kirana said.

Kirana left the two of them. He felt sick to have to meet them at a time like this. At that time, Zayn was still standing watching their feud.

"Is it true that she pushed you?" asked Adrian after making sure Kirana was out of sight.

"Don't you trust me, Adrian? You doubt me?" Sintia asked back with an angry expression and then left Adrian.

"Sintia, wait! Don't be angry just yet!" Adrian while chasing Sintia.

"You doubt me. It hurts me."

"Okay, fine, I believe you. I'm sorry!" said Adrian because he heard his wife was about to cry.

Adrian grabbed his wife's hand to stop her steps. He then hugged and kissed Sintia's forehead. The woman was satisfied, and she smiled slyly triumphantly.

Kirana decides to return to her father's treatment room. However, from afar, she saw her mother talking to a man.

"Thank you for coming to visit my husband," said Ratih.

"I feel sorry for Mr. Hermawan's condition. He is a good person, and we will lose a wise leader like him."

"Where are you going? Do you want to resign?" asked Ratih, who did not know what had happened.

"No, ma'am. Today...." The man looked doubtful because it seemed that Ratih didn't know what had happened this morning at the company.

"What is it?"

"You don't know why your husband had a heart attack yet."

"I don't know what happened. Say, What's wrong?" asked Ratih.

"Today, we employees are also surprised to hear that Mr. Hermawan's company has transferred its ownership to Mr. Ferdian's name. Mr. Hermawan no longer owns any shares in the company, and the largest shareholder currently is Mr. Ferdian."

Ratih was so shocked to hear she repeatedly shook her head in disbelief. "Impossible," she said.

"We were sad when Mr. Hermawan was not allowed into the company and was evicted. Perhaps Mr. Hermawan was so shocked that he had a heart attack."

Ratih went limp and sat on the floor, unable to believe what had happened. Kirana, who saw it, approached her mother.


"I'm sorry, but that's how it happened. I hope Mr. Hermawan gets well soon." The man left Ratih and Kirana, who looked shocked.

After calming her mother, Kirana decided to meet Ferdian. She didn't cry anymore but prepared the swear words she wanted to say to the Ferdian family. Her cries were drained dry with all the barrage of the Ferdian family's cruelty.

Kirana just walked into Ferdian's room, even though several people had tried to stop her. "Now, what else did you guys do to my family?" Kirana shouted.

Ferdian glared at Kirana. "What are you doing here screaming?"

"What? You're still asking what I did? You've robbed my father's company, and you tricked him even though my father has always considered you as his brother. You have the heart to betray him!" Kirana is very emotional.

"Get out of here! You and your father have no more rights here!"

Adrian had just arrived and heard a commotion coming straight to them. He immediately grabbed Kirana's hand and asked her to come out.

"Kirana, you just get out of here!"

Kirana brushed it off. "Let go, don't touch me! You bunch of ungrateful traitors."

"Adrian, take her out!" Ferdian ruled over his son.

Adrian then grabbed Kirana's arm and tried to drag her outside. Kirana struggles and screams.

"You'll regret it. I swear your lives won't settle down!"

The employees witnessed Kirana's screams. They seem curious about the drama of the two families who used to be friends.

"What did you see? Back to work!" snapped Adrian.

Adrian took Kirana into his car, but Kirana rebelled and opened Adrian's car door again. She got out, not wanting to be in the same car with him anymore.

"Kirana, we have something to talk about." Adrian prevents Kirana from leaving.

"There's nothing more for us to talk about. I've had enough of you."

"Let's talk about the child!" said Adrian.

"My child is none of your business. So why talk about it?" Kirana said as she walked away.

Suddenly Kirana gets a phone call. She received the call while walking away from Adrian.

"What?" Kirana's face turned pale, and her body immediately went limp. She immediately fell because she could not support her trembling body.

Adrian, who was still watching Kirana, immediately approached her. The woman looks shaken and makes Adrian worried.

"What's wrong, Kirana? What happened?" asked Adrian in a worried tone.

Kirana didn't answer and pushed Adrian's hand off her shoulder. The tears are running down her cheeks.

"Kirana, tell me! What's wrong?"

"Get out of the way!" Kirana still brushes off Adrian. She tried to get up, but her legs were so weak that she could not stand.

Not caring about Kirana's words, Adrian put his arm around Kirana to help her up.

"Let go! Don't touch me!" Kirana tried to push with a trembling voice.

"But Kirana, tell me...."

Before Adrian could finish his sentence, someone came to them and interrupted Adrian's words.

"Let her go!"