
The Revenge of a Scorned Heart

Lisa is an only child but her life seemed not to be so perfect. She falls deeply in love with her best friend and they become inseparable. The story takes a twist as her dad's old nemesis returns to hunt him for making him loose the most important thing in his life. The mafia boss decides to take revenge on Lisa's father but she's made to go through so many challenges. Her dad's death drives her crazy and she thirst for revenge with the help of her heartthrob. Will she finally get her revenge?....

Harrison_Ruth · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs

The phobia

Lisa finally finds her inner peace with the only person she truly loves. Ever since that night, their relationship grew even more cause Frederick never gives her breathing space.

She even started to think he was getting obsessed with her.

He tries as much as possible to spend time with her and even take her on dates especially during weekends.

Lisa had summoned courage to tell her parents about their relationship but she was scared at first knowing fully well her Dad would flutter at it. She knows her mum wouldn't bother questioning her decision since they already had a heart to heart conversation about it.

Mrs Gina's reaction was Hilarious as she acted like she was already anticipating for the news.

"Mum, he finally Confessed to me about it" Lisa said while doing the dishes.

"Oh! finally Mrs Gina responds.

"Mum! She exclaimed.

"You can't hide anything from me remember?" She responds with a wink as she turns to swich on the gas.

Lisa quickly adjusts and clears her throat knowing she had kept a deep secret from her mum.

"Uhmm...yeeess of couuurse I would never hide anything from you" She said abruptly in fear.

"Are you okay? Why are you acting weird all of a sudden" Mrs Gina asked suspiciously.

"Nooothing....mum I'm just stressed after cleaning up the entire house this morning" Lisa replies shabily.

"Hmmm....okay please be fast with the dishes" She obliged.

Lisa quickly sighed in relief as her mum left the kitchen cause she knows that she wouldn't want to spill the beans.

Mr Greg returns to Los Angeles after some few days in Malibu where he attended a conference meeting with his associates. He always had one or two meetings in Malibu especially now that the judicial court judge was no longer in Angeles.

Mr Greg Wellington is a man of honor respected by almost everyone in his field of practice but he also had enemies whom he had some disputes with probably because of his profession as a lawyer.

"Welcome home daddy, we missed you" Lisa said happily as she carries his luggage.

"I missed my little princess too you know" he replies.

He enters the living room and immediately hugs his wife who was already waiting to Welcome him. He normally gets a lot of gifts for the family whenever he travels especially for conferences.

This time around he bought some designer hand bags for Mrs Gina and some lovely dresses for Lisa.

"Awww...I love these" Lisa said smiling

"I'm glad you do my princess" he replies

"I hope you had fun during your prom night" he asked.

"Ohhh...yes daddy I did" Lisa responds in a rather shaky voice

"Your response wasn't very nice...hope all went well?" He ponders as she begins to act weirdly.

"Oh! Nothing dad trust me it was fine" she replies narrowly.

"Okay then...I'm famished what's for dinner? He asked.

"Well mum's making chicken salad with roasted potatoes" Lisa replies curtly .

"Okay that's promising. I'd go freshen up now" he said with his suit jacket on his left arm.

"Alright Dad" she responds.

Lisa became uncomfortable when her dad asked about prom cause she didn't want to reflect on the events that happened that day.

It was three weeks after prom and she begins to nurture some thoughts about pregnancy which made her develop "Tokophobia".

Lisa becomes scared cause she really couldn't find any other explanation for what was happening to her.

"Could it be that I'm.....no no no no no...that's not possible but can I actually get pre.....no no no...never! She mutters as her mind begins to ponder with fear.

"But I can't even remember the last time I saw my period....ah! I hope it's not what I think" she exclaims

She never took any drugs after the encounter with Frederick except pain killers which helped her relieve the pains.

Lisa knew nothing about pregnancy or the symptoms but her phobia grew worse when she noticed the change in her appetite.

"I don't understand what's wrong with me this days, my sudden love for sour cream and my increase in body weight" she laments

She decided to search through the Internet for pregnancy symptoms with her laptop which was on the reading table close to her bed.

Most of the signs she experienced were what was written when she searched online.

"Oh my goodness!! I'm dead" Lisa exclaimed in fear

"Is there a little child growing inside of me or am I going to miss college and become an outcast when my parents finds out or is frederick ready to be a father????" She begins to ask herself so many questions that no one could answer.

She calls Betty immediately to come over since she was the only person whom she could open up to.

Betty was out on a date with a new guy she met few days back since her breakup with Henry no guy has appealed to her taste cause she's not the easy- to- woo kind of girl.

She rushed to Lisa's house immediately

"You sounded like someone who was going to attempt suicide on the phone" Betty jolted

"I'm scared girl" Lisa lamented

"What's the matter, did he cheat on you?" Betty asked nervously.

"I wish that was the case"

"You're scaring me to death girl" Betty said in fear.

"Do I look pregnant?" Lisa sneered

"Wait what!! What sort of question is that"

"I think I'm pregnant!"

Immediately Betty bursts into laughter staring at Lisa's facial expression.

"What's funny. This is serious! Lisa said angrily as she hits her with a pillow.

Betty still laughing miserably couldn't help but wonder at what Lisa told her.

"Girl!! Stop joking around please!"

"You're such a dummy girl" Betty jolted

"How in the world would you think of such nonsense" Betty said hilariously.

"You've started with your bickering right?" Lisa responds in anger.

"You only did it once so how could you be pregnant....yes it happens but not in this case cause you weren't ovulating nor on your period so why all this unnecessary fear?" Betty reprimanded.

Lisa was still not convinced not until Betty suggested for a test to prove her wrong.

"Okay so we'd do a pregnancy test but not in the hospital...not to worry I'll get my pharmacist to run a test for you later"

"I've never been this scared all my life" Lisa complains.

"Girl, you need to relax your mind okay...I'm sure you're just suffering from "Tokophobia"

"Tokophobia?? What does that mean?" She asked

"Must I teach you everything, dummy" Betty teased.

"Well it's the fear of pregnancy especially when you have no previous experience of pregnancy, it's mostly common in young females" Betty said intelligently.

"Oh! Wow so such phobia exists?"

"Of course, that's why you should always research...it helps you know things like this" she replies as she makes a call to her personal pharmacist to see if she could run a pregnancy test for Lisa.

"I think I feel less worried now but not until I confirm it" she beckons.

"Argh! You're such a pain" Betty said as she shakes her head in dismay.

"So can we go now?" Lisa asked


"Yes I want the result today cause I'm scared" Lisa begs.

"Okay okay, I already called her and she said we can come"

"Alright then. Let's go Please! " Lisa jolted.

They both left to see the pharmacist and the test was done.

"See I told you but you were adamant to listen" Betty flicked.

"You would do same if you were in my shoes" Lisa replies

"But I'm not in your shoes girl!"

"You're such a friend. Thank you for your assistance, what would I have done without you"

"NO-THING! Betty bragged.

"Get lost b*tch! Lisa said hilariously as she hits her head.

"Hope you're much relieved now?"

"I feel so free like air right now" Lisa replies with confidence.

Lisa's phobia was finally conquered after the test but was still scared about her new relationship seemingly because it's her first trial at love. Everything happened so fast within few weeks....she was now ready to let go of her fears and face reality.