
The Revenant King of Rubrum

There were two souls. One was assiduous with an unyielding will. One was effortlessly cunning with wisdom beyond many. And now, they are one. The universe will pray. *** *** *** Marcius Aemilia was killed during a duel because his opponent cheated by using a vicious poison. Fortunately, he was resurrected by an outer god with an agenda. Agreeing to be the god's agent within his homeland, Marcius was now back with a vengeance and dedication to save his family and clan from their unjustified demise. But wait. He was not alone. Along with Marcius, came the soul of Joseph Redwoods, who had read all the future events of Marcius's world from the pages of a novel. So, what do you get when you combine the souls of a vengeful heir and a cunning geek? Chaos, mayhem, disaster and good old ass-kicking. *** *** ***

MidnightMK · แฟนตาซี
382 Chs

Back to Business

Marcius drummed his fingers rhythmically on the hard surface of the round table as he idly waited. He was currently inside the meeting room in the mayor's mansion, waiting for the meeting he had called for just this morning to get started.

It felt good to be back home, back in his element. The long journey toward the capital city was necessary for many obvious reasons, but Marcius also wanted to stay back in the Flavic sector and watched over its developments during its early years. But now, he was back and Marcius was more than eager to restart his responsibilities. Sol knows for how long he had to trouble his mother and subordinates with these duties while he was away.