
The Returnee's Guide to Survive the Magic Academy

Adrian had found himself in another world while he was studying for his final exams. He was summoned to the world of Arcadia to protect the world from the outer gods that were going to destroy the world. However, Adrian hated the world there. Why? Well the world was primitive so there wasn't really any toilet or Wi-Fi but most importantly there were no goddamn video games! It was a disaster! However, once he beat the outer gods he was given the option to go back to his world. But there was a condition. He had to abandon his powers. "Yea fuck that!" With a new spell he created he went back to his own world and was able to keep his powers. But there was a problem. Through a string of murders, Adrain found out that his original world had supernatural creatures like vampires and werewolves. But then he was dragged into going to the magic academy of Evergarden. Yet there was something the teacher forgot to inform him of. The Academy's state between the nobles and commoners. Also his family heritage. If they found out how talented he was he was probably be forced to join on dangerous missions that could cost him his life. Now he had to survive an academy filled with horny teenagers with magical powers whilst hiding his true abilities

WorldEater_11 · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


I stared at them in a daze before I realized another thing "It's thicker here too-wait could there be mages here?" I froze at that thought

My first plan was to use the magic I had stored up in my Magic circles to help me in life. Of course, that meant I would've run out sooner or later but that was negated by killing a few creatures like ants or squirrels. 

But this changes everything! I can use higher-tier spells to cheat my way through life much easier! That was where my thoughts paused.

What if there were other mages? I mean witch hunts were a thing, weren't they?

But if so does that mean J. K. Rowling was right? Fuck was Harry Potter real? 

I calmed myself down "Well if there I doubt they would pay attention to me right?: I then realized what I had done "Shit I raised a flag didn't I?"

Looking at my black shirt I thought of something "Hey Alter you there?" 

After a moment of silence, followed by more silence I sighed

"Guess not"

With a sigh, I thought about what to do "Well I could go to those exams and cheat my way through life like I originally planned" 

I mean I could easily do it, however, considering the amount of power I have I could easily get rich by doing illegal things but honestly, I think I might get paranoid. Sighing to myself I decided to cheat my way through life. 

Listen I just want to live a chill and relaxed life. Fighting ugly ass monsters every day wasn't exactly good for my mental health. I mean I literally just set up a security spell. I mean seriously what's gonna happen? 

A fucking nest of goblins is gonna appear?

I then face palmed "I should seriously stop raising flags"

But I then noticed my level "What the hell? Why am I a first circle mage!?" 

In the world of Arcadia magic in that world was like in the novels I read, the people there would create a magic circle near their hearts. They could make up to 5 magic circles, however, until I came and made 10 circles. But despite that 5 circle mages weren't a joke. If they wanted to they would wipe out an entire kingdom with a wave of their hand. 

Too bad they were stupidly rare.

Anyway, once I became a 5th circle mage I tried to figure a way out of that world. But through my experiments, I had come to one conclusion. 

I needed more power. 

With that, I was able to create the 6th circle and expand on them to 10. 

The difference in the circles is as such:

First-circle mages are novices who learn basic spells and magical principles. They can manipulate small objects, create minor illusions, and sense magical auras. 

Second-circle mages are mages that specialize in manipulating the elements—earth, air, fire, and water. They can summon small elemental creatures, control the weather on a small scale, and create elemental barriers.

Thrid-circle mages are able to combine spells more easily and use more advanced-level spells. They can easily control the weather to their liking and are able to use mana as a limb. 

Fourth-circle mages are mages that delve into more dark forms of magic like necromancy. While not all mages do that some do. For the ones that don't, they can make contracts with spirits to enhance their performance or have a fine weapon.

Now fifth circle mages, this is where mages touch the realm of space-time. They can use celestial bodies as a power source like the sun and moon to have a steady mana pool. 

Now the sixth circle allowed me to delve into space and time more allowing me a way back to my home world. But the "Protection of the saint" hindered my process due to it trying to take my powers away. 

So I had to take it off. 

Thankfully though I wasn't your average first circle mage. In order to face the outer gods to get home I had to kill the Demon Star. When I first met him at the 8th circle I knew I couldn't win even if I reached the strength of a 20-circle mage. I also didn't want to spend that much time. 

So I modified the magic circle. If I made one of my magic circles I would be equal to a 3-circle mage or so. 

"Man, this sucks," I had already figured out what happened. It was the transportation spell I used. The spell wasn't exactly tested in fact it was pure luck that I survived. 

Despite my confidence which I showed I didn't actually think it would actually work. But it seems that instead of killing me it took away my progress. 

"I'll just rank up," 

Sitting in a meditative pose I started to get a feel for the mana around me. As I did a slight frown appeared on my face "Strange there isn't a lot of elemental energy,"

Mages use mana to cast spells. There are a variety of spells but most are related to the elements. There also exists a power called "elemental energy". It is power drawn from the elements that exist in the world. 

Yet right now there was barely any. 

'There should be at least some earth elemental energy…'

But I decided to figure that out later. 

Drawing the mana from the air I tried to make a mana circle, well my personal mana circle. What made my circle different was that…well it had more circles. 

For example, one entire circle would have around 5 circles within that circle. 

While the idea is simple it isn't when you put it into practice. But hey I'm an Isekai hero who defies logic so it's pretty simple for me.

After a few hours, I was able to form the magic circle. 

"Phew all done," Clenching my fists I frowned "Guess that was the easy part, if I want to rank up again it'll be harder,"

While I was from another world which also gave me some benefits it didn't mean I could instantly become a god. 

"ah forget it, lets just prepare for tomorrow's exam,"


At the same time in a bar nearby, a man was drinking a pretty expensive drink. Whilst he was drinking he couldn't help but lament that he couldn't get drunk "damn, Hey Charles got anything stronger?" but then quickly added, "And cheap?" 

The bartender shook his head "Afraid not," 

Lowering his head a resolute expression appeared on his face "fuck it give me the best thing you got, it'll help me down my sorrows," 

Giving the man a pitying look Charles poured the best thing they had. 

"Mind telling me what the problem is?" Charles asked 

He knew the man as he drank here quite frequently however, today he seemed to be off the rails. 

"It's the fucking students!" The man said "It's only been a month yet they are all fucking bastards! arrogant, prideful, snobbish they are everything that is synonyms of the word for fucking pride"

Listening to the rambling Charles could figure out what had happened to him. 

'The poor bloke must be a teacher at some famous rich school where snobbish brats go,' 

However, he then had to get something from the back. When he came back there were a few hundred bills on the table with the note "Keep the change"


On a rooftop, the man drinking at the bar appeared out of nowhere. Looking around the neighbourhood the man focused on a particular house. Narrowing his eyes a blue glow appeared around the man. Then a flood of information entered the man's mind, from what the people were doing, to the smallest bugs flying and even the air molecules.

'A detection spell?' 

Noticing the irregularity in the house the man decided to wait "Is this the guy murdering people?" 

Thinking about it he decided to investigate "It'll give me an excuse" With that thought he disappeared. 


At the same time in a building.

"N-no p-please spar m-me," A woman bloodied and mangled tried to crawl away. A black figure appeared behind her.


Suddenly the woman's head got pierced by a sharp object. A black hue surrounded the woman before it was taken in by the being 

Licking its lips it started to walk away "Delicious,"

Exiting the building he looked into the air where the moon shown in a bright light "This is so much fun,"

Suddenly the creature snapped its head in a certain direction. Drool started to drip from its mouth as he started to walk "Looks like something delicious is here,"


Groaning I got up from the bed "Man I missed this place," 

Patting my bed the memories of me sleeping on the floor entered my mind "Ugh that world was seriously the worst,"

Making a cup of coffee I realized that I didn't really have much left "I guess I need to go grocery shopping."

I then remembered my dilemma "I guess I need to get a job," 

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