
The Return Of The Godly Abomination

Alusec, the abominable god-king, betrayed by his lover, student and several other gods; finally escapes imprisonment after being kept away for several thousand years. Upon his return, he discovered the planets he lorded over had long been destroyed by the gods who betrayed him. He sets out on a path of revenge while slowly recovering his original abilities. With time he would find out that things aren't as simple as he initially assumed. Follow Alusec on a bloody road of revenge and new self-discovery as he decimates his enemies and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake.

TimVic · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Escaping The Diminishing Void


In a mountainous area, a man clad in black robes with dreadlocks and facial hair covering his entire face could be spotted in a kneeling position.

Both his arms were stretched sideways and large shackles with huge red glowing chains connecting to them were bonded to his wrists.

Looking from above, those huge chains were so lengthy and huge, they penetrated several mountains, and the ground before reappearing from underneath thousands of kilometres again and penetrating many more mountains far behind.

If this man wanted to escape, he would have to snap the chains or lift the mountains.

The skies were dark and starless. The only sources of light were some red, blue, and green lines visibly glowing in the sky.

The man suddenly opened his eyes. He glared into the distance with murderous intent brimming from his eyes.

"Five hundred thousand years.... hehe!" The man spoke slowly with a self-ridiculing chuckle.

"Calicrum you outdid yourself, imprisoning me in the diminishing void, binding me with the source-draining shackles, using the Borila cocoon to drain my powers and making Yemoja turn against me..."

When he finally got to the last sentence a visible expression of pain and regret could be seen on his face.

"What a fool I was to think she loved me... Hahaha!" He laughed like a depraved lunatic.

It seemed to be a defence mechanism to hide his pain.

The silhouette of a man could be seen in the distance where he was glaring at.

"I didn't make anyone turn against you. It was obvious that the celestials have always been wary of you. You must have been foolish if you never noticed this. Do I need to explain the same thing all over again?... and Yemoja... Tsk! Tsk! It was pretty easy." A response was heard from the direction of the silhouette.

The man with dreadlocks displayed a self-ridiculing smirk. How could he not have known that the celestials were wary of him right from his ascension to becoming the god-king?

He knew they didn't have the strength to go against him, which was why he never bothered...

But how would he know that his very own disciple, Calicrum, would betray him?

"I am willing to give you another chance to release me. I promise to leave your corpse intact and grant you a swift death! Unlike what I have planned for the others." The imprisoned god-king proposed with a smile.

"Hahahaha. Alusec, you fool, do you still believe that you can escape from here? Look around, It has been five hundred thousand years and you're still imprisoned in the diminishing void!" Calicrum laughed at Alusec's delusional ultimatum.

"The others would have preferred to slay you if that were possible. I only came to pay homage to you, Master, especially since it's the anniversary union of Yemoja and me," Calicrum had a look of delight as he spoke.

"It is also your five hundred thousandths anniversary of being in seclusion. I have ruled the Celestial Realm for more than four hundred thousand years now! This warrants a celebration don't you think?" Calicrum asked sarcastically.

"Enjoy it while it lasts!" Alusec replied with a firm look.

"Oh, lest I forget, my fourth son is now an omega-level being at the age of only two hundred! He almost broke your record. Though I am sure my fifth son will be successful in breaking your record," Calicrum said with pride written all over his face.

"I will bear offsprings that shall surpass you in every aspect even if I don't," He added.

"Enough with the chit-chat and just get out of here, your entire existence disgusts me," Alusec replied while spitting on the ground in disgust.

"Oh, come on master, are you really that keen on driving me away? You may not get to talk to anyone else for the next... let's say... two hundred to three hundred thousand years, give or take. I wouldn't want my master to get bored to death," Calicrum's words were laced with ridicule as he strolled through the paths between two massive mountains.

"Talking to you is no different from talking to a corpse," Alusec replied with hidden meanings.

"Hahahaha, keep deluding yourself. In the whole of the universe, only five gods can stand on the same ground as me in terms of power... And that is only for the time being," Calicrum stated with a look of pride.

"But since you want me gone, I shall grant your wish and leave. I am sure you will be missing me very soon. I shall send your regards to Yemoja while we are performing passionate bedroom activities." With a snap of his fingers, Calicrum vanished while his last words were still lingering in the air.

"Laugh while you can, Enjoy your last days of peace. What comes next will be total annihilation for every one of you who betrayed me," Alusec spoke solemnly while closing his eyes.

He tried to calm himself and focused on something else rather than the blistering rage that had been building up within him for five hundred thousand years.

Seconds later, his breathing became very steady almost like he was asleep.

The chains connecting through mountains and ground rattled from time to time.

After what seemed like several hours, Alusec opened his eyes once again.

"It's time," he spoke while staring at the ground.


He screamed with his eyes glowing an azure colour. The ground started trembling causing a minor land quake and the shackles began glowing a fiery red colour.

The chains connected to the shackles on his wrists began rattling with intensity. From above it could be seen that the chains penetrating both mountains and ground started pulling out at a very quick pace.

Shing! Shing! Shing!

Heavy metallic sounds could be heard as the chains kept pulling out of the mountains and the ground until they reversed completely into the shackles.


The shackles opened and fell to the ground as their glow slowly dimmed.

"Finally free... Those fools never knew that using these chains to draw out the rest of my energy meant giving me the chance to input my consciousness into the source-draining shackles.

It was a cumbersome task, but I was finally able to input enough of my consciousness to control the chains after five hundred thousand years." Alusec muttered while standing as his eyes went dim.

The cracks that the shackles created when they fell to the ground proved how heavy they were.

"These will be useful." Alusec squatted and picked up the shackles like they weighed nothing.

Both shackles disappeared a moment later.

"Looks like I can still use my space source," Alusec said while staring at his hands.

A blue glow coated the tip of his fingers.


The shackles appeared after he snapped his fingers. He snapped his fingers again and they disappeared.

"Now that I am no longer bound, my powers seem to be recovering. I should be able to use about a millionth of my original strength right now," Alusec analysed while staring at the sky.

"The guardian of the void must be aware of my freedom by now, but why isn't he doing anything about it?" Alusec wondered.

"Maybe he thinks that I can't escape... Challenge accepted," Alusec spoke while bending his knees as if he wanted to run, and then...


A sonic boom resounded across the premises like a cannon had gone off as he flew into the sky with tremendous speed.


Just as he got to a particular height in the sky, he collided with an invisible barrier and the impact sent him tumbling back down.


"Oww!" Alusec exclaimed while rubbing the butt he landed on.

He understood that due to his current weakness, he was unable to sense the barrier in the sky which was why he collided with it.

He stood back up, dusted his robe, and smirked while looking at the sky.


He blasted off into the sky with a much faster speed this time. His robes flapping in the wind were similar to thunderclaps due to the intense speed.

He tightened his right hand into a fist, pulled it back, and threw it forward with force.

"Space Domination..." He mumbled as white wavy energy appeared around his fist.


Upon his fist collision with the invisible barrier, a huge crack appeared in the sky.


Alusec floated close to the crack and punched out again.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

He threw out six consecutive punches as the cracks in the sky kept increasing.

Just as he was about to throw another punch, a loud masculine voice called out to him...

"Lord Alusec, please wait!"

Alusec smiled before responding

"I was starting to wonder if you would speak up. I thought you were just going to watch and let me damage the void. Even though I cannot destroy it with my current power, I can still do a lot of damage."

"Lord Alusec, please... Any more damage and my powers will decrease drastically! If you wish to leave, I will open a gateway for you to cross," The voice reverberated across the void once again.

"Now you are talking. Where will this gateway lead to?" Alusec inquired.

"Somewhere close to Aritil," The voice answered.

"It is too far from Kondoor. Let the gateway be closer to Kondoor or let it lead to Kondoor." Alusec demanded.

"But my Lord, Kondoor is too far from here. It is billions of light years away. If I were to open a gateway to somewhere that far, your body, as it is, will not be able to endure the space turbulence.

You will be ripped to shreds before you arrive at the other side!" The voice warned with caution.

"Do you hear me complaining?" Alusec replied.

The voice had no response.

"Open the gateway now!" Alusec commanded.

"Yes, my Lord," the voice replied with a tone of helplessness.


A violet-coloured portal began opening right in front of Alusec. He waited until it was the size of a gate before jumping in.

The voice; 'He actually went in!?'