
The Return Of The Godly Abomination

Alusec, the abominable god-king, betrayed by his lover, student and several other gods; finally escapes imprisonment after being kept away for several thousand years. Upon his return, he discovered the planets he lorded over had long been destroyed by the gods who betrayed him. He sets out on a path of revenge while slowly recovering his original abilities. With time he would find out that things aren't as simple as he initially assumed. Follow Alusec on a bloody road of revenge and new self-discovery as he decimates his enemies and leaves a trail of destruction in his wake.

TimVic · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Catching Up To The Present

Just as Alusec had revealed to Calicrum, it was already a month since he escaped from the diminishing void.

Time moved faster in the mortal realms compared to the celestial realms after all. Alusec had used this to his advantage.

A month ago upon his arrival in the city, he dealt with the issue of the collectors. After doing so, he gave a strong warning to the Sovereign of Varadile city.

The sovereign as well as other leaders of the city didn't care for the weak but would cower in the face of a more powerful entity. Alusec had instilled fear in them which left them with no other choice but to listen to him.

The Sovereign who happened to be a great bootlicker, offered Alusec a castle to occupy after witnessing his strength. It was normal for the rich to try and make connections with the powerful.

To the sovereign's disappointment, Alusec declined and gave a stern warning for security to be improved at the edge of the city as well.

He promised to send the sovereign as well as the other leaders to the afterlife if he ever came back to find the people getting oppressed again.

'Might as well tie up the loose ends of those idiots since they are not doing their job,' At the time, this was Alusec's thought, referencing the gods.

He had suddenly become a hero to the people upon his arrival here.

Alusec imparted some training techniques to Lam and Chad, to improve their strength before he left the city.

At present, he was in the capital City of Bardinea.

Bardinea was known as the capital of Kondoor. It was the most civilized and largest city on the entire Planet Kondoor.

Commercial activities boomed a lot around here. On the shopping street, stalls could be seen with different items being sold, ranging from weapons to clothing accessories to the exchange of beasts' parts and organs.

The city even had an auction house and the rich often frequented such places to show off their wealth.

On the whole of planet Kondoor, Bardinea city was the only city that possessed interdimensional space portals for travelling to other planets. This was one of the reasons it was always bustling with activities.

Alusec chose to come to Kondoor for two reasons...

Firstly, Kondoor was in the centre of the vast universe and Alusec already constructed spatial gateways in a secret location on this planet, thousands of years before his imprisonment.

The spatial gateway he constructed here ages ago, linked to every part of the universe.

Kondoor was like his personal space station. There was nowhere that he couldn't travel to from here.

The second reason was due to Kondoor being one of the few planets that allowed different species from every corner of the galaxies to coexist.

This was a cover-up for Alusec so he didn't have to hide. If he had picked a planet that only had octopus-like species existing there, he would stand out because he looked different.

When the gods began to search for him, he could be easily pointed out.

Alusec had been staying at a luxurious inn which was in the centre of the city for the past month.

The inn had floors that were grouped into - Basic(First floor), Commercial(Second floor), Royal(Third floor), King(fourth floor), and Emperor(fifth floor).

Alusec was currently on the Fourth floor, which was larger than seven normal rooms with easily accessible hot baths.

He was able to afford it, by killing beasts which were deemed rare in one of the dangerous forests named Vorilan. Selling these beasts brought about good profit.

Alusec wanted to catch up to the present age so his daily routine since he arrived in this city was to visit the library and gather all the history books to bring himself up to speed.

It had been five hundred thousand years so he was expecting tons of changes.

During his research, he discovered that lots of gods disappeared during his imprisonment and new gods have risen over the years.

The universe termed it 'rise of the new gods'.

Unsurprisingly, his name had also been erased from the history books. He had no idea if it was just in this city library or in every library across the planets but one thing Alusec was sure of was that Calicrum had a hand in this.

Any being in any corner of the galaxies who was conceived with more than one source was termed an abomination and immediately taken away by gods, never to be seen again.

Alusec had already begun formulating a plan in his head. He decided that he would have to visit the celestial realm earlier than expected.

Alusec came across multiple books which referenced a war between gods that happened five hundred thousand years ago, causing the destruction of many planets but the details were always missing.

A book also recorded the appearance of a new species, that appeared overnight and devoured a whole planet before vanishing.

Even gods couldn't find a trace of them in the universe when they disappeared, only for them to reappear again and devour another planet.

According to the reports, they didn't make another appearance after disappearing two thousand years ago.

Alusec checked another book that had recorded a list of all the planets in the universe but couldn't find the names of the planets that he lorded over.

He was digesting all the information he could lay his hands on while waiting for his strength to recover.

On a particular day, Alusec was taking a bath in the night when the show in the celestial realm began.

Alusec watched what was going on in the throne room through Vorilion eyes. He patiently waited like a lion ready to strike as things fell into place as he plotted.

Vorilion was unaware that upon Alusec's freedom, he could have easily escaped the void immediately afterwards.

He only put on a show to invoke Vorilion's involvement and speech. Through Vorilion's voice, Alusec traced the sound waves, infiltrated his mind, and planted a mind-disrupting energy signal.

This was set to make his energy go haywire and detonate his whole cultivation so long as his mind was explored by a foreign consciousness besides Alusec.

Calicrum thought Alusec's 1% recovery was enough to go toe to toe with gods but the truth was that Alusec was only as stronger than an omega-level being right at the moment.

He was only able to achieve such results because mind intrusion had to do with mental and not physical strength.

After being imprisoned for five hundred thousand years, Alusec's mental power had grown a lot. He could infiltrate a god's mind easily so long as their guard was not up.

All this would have been impossible if he was still shackled since he wouldn't be able to use his mental power like this.

After Alusec gave Calicrum the huge gift he had for him, he got out of the hot bath and wore his robe.

"Time to return to my planets," Alusec could only hope they were safe.