

"MR. Saunders is a shameless man who took advantage of Mr. Harcourt's kindness," Mrs. Green said with indignation. "He started working at the manor since he's a young lad. Mr. Harcourt saw that was hardworking enough, so he let the kid learn how to drive. Saunders then became the family's chauffer. One would think that he should be incredibly grateful for the opportunity. After all, not many kids who grew up in the slum could rise up in such a position."

Luo Yan cringed inside as he listened to what the head maid was saying. It seemed that this NPC was programmed to have a very great awareness towards social classes. The rich should be respected and the poor should know their place. That's the kind of mentality the other had. 

This also meant that she had an inherent prejudice against Saunders. He just hoped that her statements would be close to the truth and not be laced too much by that prejudice.