

AS Luo Yan returned home, he was still thinking of Uncle Yi Mu and Teacher Jiang. The gaze the former gave the latter was definitely unusual. It's not like looking at someone's friend. No, it's more like looking at someone's... lover.

He wondered if he was just being too sensitive. Maybe his love-addled brain was making him see things that wasn't really there. He probably was at that phase where everything and everyone just looked pink and lovely. So, he could have mistaken the atmosphere around the two because of that.

He shook his head. What's the point of pondering over this? He could just ask Shen Ji Yun about it later. 

Thinking of that, Luo Yan glanced back to Luo Jin who was walking behind him. "Ah Jin, go to our team's headquarters later after you log in."


"Brother Ji Yun has an announcement."

Luo Jin frowned but the other still nodded at the end.
