
The Return of the Cannon Fodder Trillion Heiress

Hera Avery is working several part-time jobs to pay for her university tuition. She is managing her work and love life simultaneously. Her boyfriend, who is a rising celebrity, made her pay for their expensive apartment located in a well-known building. The building is also home to well-known heirs and heiresses. On her boyfriend's birthday and their third anniversary, she returned home to their apartment only to find him with another woman. But what did she get in return? A slap on the face, a breakup and she was evicted from the apartment she was paying with her own money. After being evicted and becoming homeless, she believed things couldn't get any worse. However, her cheating ex-boyfriend's wealthy new girlfriend went further by reaching out to every establishment and persuading them to blacklist her. This caused her to lose her means of living and they even spread rumors that she was obsessed with her former celebrity boyfriend and was attacked by his fans. Having no way out, she gritted her teeth. "Grandpa, I'm willing to inherit the consortium." Old Master Avery laughed heartily after hearing her conviction and sent a bank transfer to Hera. [ You received a $100,000,000,000 money transfer to your account ending in ####] [Note: My dear granddaughter, use this pocket money to treat yourself to anything you desire. Don't be frugal, and if you spend it all, don't hesitate to ask me for more.] Hera was astounded. When her identity was announced, her ex-boyfriend kneeled and cried to her, for her to take him back. The sarcastic Male lead 1: Do you think it's your turn? Look behind. When her ex-boyfriend looked back, he saw influential men lining up with bouquets of roses to woo Hera. The cold Male lead 2: It's your fault for being blind. Cry and beg but you'll have no chance as long as we are here. The brutal and impatient Male lead 3: Do you want me to break your legs?! The entertainment King Male lead 4: You're just a little star but you want to bypass me? The hot-headed Male lead 5: I'll make sure, you'll be shelve. The coquettish Male lead 6: Wifey, they are trying to steal you from me! Seeing the problematic Male leads, Hera felt an incoming headache not knowing what to do. "Let's just go with the flow then!"

GoddessKM · สมัยใหม่
427 Chs

Chapter 14 A Phone Call from Alexi

"It's me..." Her usually sweet voice turned chilling cold.

Alexi was taken aback, he felt a chill running down his spine. "Hera, we need to talk. Can you please hear me out?"

"What is it?" her tone remained indifferent.

Alexi felt a lump forming in his throat, unsettled by Hera's complete change in demeanor. This was unlike any interaction they'd had before, not even during their initial meeting or when he was relentlessly chasing after her in their high school year.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of frustration at being met with such indifference from Hera, leaving him unsettled and uncertain of how to proceed.

"Hera, can you not be so cold to me?" He demanded as if there was no rift between them and he was still thinking that Hera would bend according to his will.

Hera snorted in disbelief. 'Did he really just think that they can go back to how things used to be? This is unbelievable, I'm beyond speechless.'

As Hera maintained her silence, Alexi felt an increasing itch settle in his heart. Each passing moment of her silence only seemed to exacerbate the growing discomfort gnawing at him from within.

Hera sensed her patience waning as she grappled with the complex emotions surrounding her past relationship with Alexi. While she intellectually comprehended the circumstances that led to their parting ways, the remnants of their three-year-long bond still lingered in her heart, tugging at her emotions. She had invested her all in their relationship, leaving no stone unturned in her efforts to ensure she wouldn't harbor any regrets. And even now, she stood by that conviction, steadfast in her resolve.

Despite her acceptance of the situation, Hera couldn't deny the sting of hurt and bitterness that lingered within her. While she harbored countless questions she yearned to pose to Alexi, she refrained from doing so, knowing deep down that she already held the answers to them.

She longed to hear those words from his mouth, seeking closure, yet she was also aware of the possibility that his words might sway her if she didn't stand firm in her resolve.

'Didn't he already give me closure by breaking up with me? What closure do I seek?! This is just me being stubborn and stupid.'

Hera shook her head, a silent gesture to dispel the turmoil within her, refocusing on the present moment and the task at hand—dealing with Alexi.

As Alexi began his rehearsed speech, Hera listened with a stoic expression. "Hera, I knew I messed up but could you give me some time? We could go back to how we used to be. Once my career takes off, I can leave her and be with you again, we've been in a long relationship since our second year in high school. Can you really be heartless enough to forget about what we've been through together as a couple?"

Though his words stirred memories of their shared history. The notion of returning to the past tugged at her heartstrings, reminding her of the years they spent together since their high school days. Yet, beneath the surface, a storm of hurt and betrayal raged, a testament to the pain she endured. She knew that entertaining the idea of reconciliation would only prolong the agony.

Hera found herself rendered speechless by Alexi's shameless and self-centered behavior. The depth of her disappointment was palpable as she sighed, realizing that her expectations of him had been far too generous.

This was the same person in the novel who, after exploiting her for her wealth, callously took the life of her and her grandfather without a second thought.

That's right, she really made a sound decision to fight against them. Luckily, she already knew that the inevitable would still happen one way or another. And the remaining feelings she had for Alexi just vanished in thin air after what he said.

"Alexi, there's nothing for us to talk about. Just leave me alone."

Alexi felt a surge of outrage as he noticed her apparent lack of emotional response after he had poured his heart out, baring his soul to her and expressing the depth of his feelings for their relationship. "Is that all you have to say?" he demanded, his voice tinged with hurt and frustration. "Do you even care about me?"

'Wow! Just wow!' Now the blame falls on her? Is it suddenly her responsibility?

"Alexi, it appears you've conveniently forgotten, but didn't you recently cheat with Minerva? Wasn't the public humiliation I endured on every social media platform sufficient for you? Wasn't it enough that you betrayed me and our years-long relationship by opting for her to soar higher?"

"What, do you expect me to play the role of your hidden mistress while she parades around as if I'm the one at fault? Ha! There are lots of fishes in the sea and my world will not revolve or stop just for you!" Her voice dripped with fury and condemnation.

"Hera! Don't let your selfishness get over you!" His voice thundered, feeling as though she could peer into his very thoughts, his sense of masculinity under threat. "Don't let your insecurity get over your head, I'm doing this for us, for our future!"

"Don't romanticize it; your actions are driven by self-interest. Don't anticipate receiving everything you desire, especially if it means trampling over others."

"Don't be too much!"

"Too much? Was it excessive of me to prioritize my own well-being and walk away from a relationship where I'm unwanted?"

"I want you and I'll only want you."

"That's not the impression I get when you're on top of her." Hera sneered.

Alexi chuckled. "Ah, so you're jealous! I understand. Perhaps you're worried because we haven't been intimate yet. Consider it practice, so I can satisfy you in the future." He said proudly.


Hera was speechless, she did not know how the gears in his head worked. 

"Baby, please come back to me okay? I'll do something about the trending topic once everything settles down. I love you and you know it, right? We'll still get married and live with our happy family in the future, right? Don't give up on us."

Hera choked up, unable to respond immediately. She couldn't fathom why he believed everything was still fine between them.

"No, Alexi. It's over between us." She didn't linger for his response, ending the call abruptly. As the conversation unfolded, she discovered that the pain wasn't as severe as she had anticipated.

Maybe because deep inside she already knew what the outcome would be so she already gave up or it's probably because she knew she gave her all and has no regrets over the outcome and she has no guilt.

She felt like a huge burden was lifted from her shoulders.

Although it leaves a bitter taste in her mouth it was not a bitter pill that she could not swallow.

Before she could second-guess herself, she took decisive action, blocking his phone number, unfriending him on all her social media accounts, and then blocking him too. With a contented smile, she drifted off to sleep, feeling proud of her strength and self-respect.

The following morning, Hera rose at 6:30 AM and embarked on a leisurely hour-long run around the vast expanse of the mansion grounds. As she jogged, she marveled at the sheer size of the estate, which resembled a sprawling park in its own right.

Following her run, Hera made her way to the dining room to grab some breakfast. However, en route, she caught sight of her grandfather engaged in stretches and exercises, a heartening sight that filled her with warmth and admiration. 'No wonder why Grandpa still looks young and sturdy at his age.'

"Good morning Grandpa!" She jogged to him with a sweet smile on her face.

Old Master Avery looked back at her and let out a hearty chuckle. "Good morning, my little princess."

"Shall we eat breakfast together?" She offered.

"Why don't we eat in the rose garden?" He suggested.

Hera's face lit up with excitement as she responded. "That's a great idea, Grandpa! I'd totally love to!" 

Without being told to, Alfonse headed straight inside to instruct the servants to prepare their Master's breakfast and send it to the Gazebo in the garden.

Hera looped her arm through her grandfather's, savoring their leisurely stroll through the maze-like rose hedges on their way to the enchanting flower garden located at the center.

"How was your sleep, did you have a hard time adjusting to the environment?" Old Master Avery inquired with concern etched in his voice.

"Last night's sleep was the best I've had in ages. The bed is incredibly soft and comfortable. Everything feels so nice." Hera exclaimed with a contented smile.

As they made their way to the Gazebo, the grandfather and granddaughter duo engaged in yet another delightful conversation.

They savored a delicious meal of salad and egg benedict paired with freshly squeezed orange juice, adding to the enjoyment of their time together.

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