

In front of memorial stone (after two days of failed mission

Kakashi was staring the memorial stone intently for few hours. He had just came back from mission and he heard that his student Uchiha Sasuke have abandoned the village to join ranks of Orochimaru to gain power.

"I have been an utter Dissapointment. What would you say sensei...." muttered Kakashi.

As soon he turned back to leave the training field , there was a flash of lightning .Namikaze Naruto and Uzumaki Menma stood side by side facing Kakashi.

"Hello Kakashi-kun." greeted Naruto.

"Yo sensei !!" greeted Menma.

Kakashi was in internal struggle, he wanted to talk so much to Naruto but was afraid to do so because he had been distant with Menma. Still he replied "Hey Naruto, Menma-kun."

Menma understood why he was tense so he waved his hand and said " Relax Kakashi sensei .... or should I say Inu-niichan."

Kakashi's eye widened "H-How?"

Menma sighed "Well I didn't noticed until I was telling nii-chan about everyone who was nice to me after bitching him about how bad sensei you were. When I told him about my Inu-niichan that I always noticed his silver hair, he told me it was you."

Kakashi sighed "I am sorry Menma-kun but I had to keep you at distance or.."

Naruto bopped Kakashi's head cutting him off "Enough of that Kakashi. I always advised you no need to stick to past, always move on."

"B-But you don't understand, you all died because of me , if I would be close to him something bad would happen to him also and I can't let that be like that again." Kakashi tried to explain.

Naruto sighed "Enough of that Kakashi, it was not your fault anyone died and let's leave those things behind and move forward."

"B-But.." Kakashi was cut-off as Menma hugged him tightly and grinned "Don't worry Kaka-nii I won't leave you."

Kakashi tried to protest as memories of death of his teammates , his sensei and Kushina came back to his mind but finally gave up and embraced Menma back.

They went to Namikaze mansion to continue their talks.

"Everything aside Kakashi, why didn't you help Menma-chan in training at least indirectly ?" Asked Naruto.

"Well I dropped scrolls to his letter-box everyone week so I thought he would be training and was just a slow learner." said Kakashi.

Menma face palmed "ughhh.. that stupid landlord. He wouldn't let me touch the letterbox."

Naruto groaned at that muttering about stupid biased civilians.

"Well Kakashi remember, I was trying to help you with sharingan's chakra drain. I was going through kaa-chan's notes and found a seal. It's the actual cage bird seal, using it you can cut the chakra supply off your dojutsu and it will work as simple eye nothing more, when you want to activate it back, you just turn the seal off." revealed Naruto.

Kakashi was shocked. Even though Sharingan give him lots of advantage, it also stopped Kakashi from reaching his full potential due to immense chakra drain. He turned to Naruto and said "When will you do it ?"

Naruto shrugged and his palm on Kakashi's uncovered Sharingan. He then channeled his chakra and murmured "FUINJUTSU:DOJUTSU HOGO FUIN (sealing art: eye technique protection seal)".

Kanji started flowing from his palm and occupied Kakashi's full body, starting from his left eye to his forehead and then torso. It started glowing and then Kanji converged in three tiny swirl near Kakashi's left eye.

As soon as the seal worked, Kakashi's eye got deactivated and he released a large amount of Chakra in waves, forming a crater in training ground.

"Woahhh....what was that ?" Menma asked.

Kakashi looked confused "Even I don't understand. It feels overwhelming but my control is shot to hell."

Naruto hummed "As I thought, Kakashi even with covering your sharingan, it was always activated hence it was always draining your chakra. The body was also working on recovering it, It seems like you have been doing chakra increment excersice unconsciously for 14 years. As half of chakra you gained was also used in sharingan you felt like you were increasing you chakra at steady pace but now since half of chakra have no use, it means sudden increase in your chakra. You almost have it equal to Hokage jiji now."

Kakashi gaped like a fish while Menma pouted "No fair, You put on a seal and get so much chakra."

Kakashi deadpanned "Your families should be the least one to talk about it. Having so much for just being born."

Naruto snickered at that and said "Its not that easy Menma-chan. Kakashi always have only slightly more than average reserves, thus his jutsus are programmed to work with more control. Now that he have so much chakra , guess who is doing lots of chakra-control exercises."

Menma coughed but is suspiciously sounded like 'karma is a bitch.'

Kakashi grumbled before all of them shared a hefty laughter.

"You should thank the Gods Kakashi, I already took it into account and set up a chakra coil dilation seal to accommodate the chakra or you would have popped like a water balloon."

Kakashi sweatdropped at that.


Next day at council chambers.

"I will be making some important descisons today." Stated Hiruzen.

Everyone was quiet in anticipation.

"First order of the council is appointment of new advisors." Stated Hiruzen.

Danzo gritted his teeth but didn't say anything.

Hiruzen continued "Jiraiya and Tsunade will be taking over as new advisor. The third advisor will be Hiashi Hyuga. His term will be end within an year and a different clan head will take over the position for next year. This will continue and the cycle will repeat per 12 year."

Everyone was surprised at new powerplay of politics but kept quiet.

"Second order will be head of shinobi council and civilian council. The first head of Shinobi council will be Aburame Shibi. His term will be of one year and then rotate similarily like 3rd advisor. The first head of civilian council will be Saya Haruno. Her term will also be of one year. The 3rd advisor, head of shinobi and civilian council will make a body which will be headed by 3rd advisor. The duty of this body will only be to appoint next 3rd advisor, head of shinobi council and head of civilian council."

Danzo fumed as he can see his powers were lessened both directly and indirectly.

"The Academy will be headed by Danzo-shimura and will be extracted out of both civilian and shinobi council. Reforms will be made by advice of Danzo but will be only accepted if 2 of three advisors agree with it. Still the last words will be of Hokage. He can veto any descison made by council." Hiruzen finished.

Danzo understood that Hiruzen have done this because he wanted to keep close eye on him. Danzo had no real power left as he was only head in name.

Naruto stood up "Everybody for the motion."

The shinobi council raised their hands.

Civilian council saw Danzo he didn't raised his hands. They were about to do the same but they looked at Naruto who raised his hand too. Following him everyone raised their hands.

So with the agreement of both council new laws and rules were passed. Not that it mattered, Hokage could always write to Daimyo and enforce the law.



In a dark place there were 10 spectral figures.

"So what is the situation of jinchuriki ?"

asked a man with heavy voice. He had spiky hair and eyes with concentric circles in it.

"The one tails is in Sand. Rumours are that he is being trained to be next Kazekage." replied a hoarse voice. He was in some type of puppet.

"The two tails is still in Kumo. The seven tails is in Taki." replied a gruff voice. His headband had symbol of Taki with slash across it.

"The three tails had still not formed." Said a creepy voice. He looked like a plant.

"The four tails resides in village located outer part of earth country. The eight tails is in Kumo and is considered like a brother to Raikage Ay." Replied a shark like figure.

"Five tails is roams around. He have built a hatred towards human beings. Six tails is on run but can be traced." Once again the plant like creature replied.

"We will have problems in obtaining the Nine tails. Naruto Namikaze has returned and will be taking his brother to a three year trip. He is very strong and single handedly destroyed Suna-oto invasion. He also defeated two animated Hokage." said a feminine voice. The figure had red eye and 3-tomoe in it.

"Don't worry about that Izumi. We will capture nine tails at last. When his time will come he will fall in front of God. We will be taking missions from different clients to support the organisation. We will start in three years When 3 tails will resurface." Said the self proclaimed God.



Jiraiya, Tsunade, Hiruzen, Kakashi , Shizune, Sakura and Hinata were present.

Jiraiya put Menma in headlock and said "Meet a lot of ladies in trip and when you return I will feature you in one of my books." He didn't noticed all females glaring at him.

"You are not corrupting Menma-chan you pervert." said Tsunade as she punched Jiraiya halfway across the wall. She then bent down and hugged Menma and said "Have a good trip and return stronger."

She then turned to Naruto and kissed him on forhead and said " Take care of both yourselves and Menma-chan."

Kakashi ruffled his hair and gave him a chokuto "Well it wasn't only Naruto who wanted to be a good big brother. When you were announced , I had this blade made in Tetsu no kuni. It is made of durable Chakra metal specially for channeling wind or lightning chakra. It doesn't have any special ability but will probably long last even more than you."

Menma looked at Kakashi with teary eyes and he hugged him tightly. Kakashi after returning the hug eye smiled and shunshined out of there.

Menma moved on to Sakura "Hey there Sakura. Get stronger will you. After all whole team 7 need you to taking care of


Sakura smiled and hugged him "Hai Hai.. You also train hard and return stronger. We have to bring Sasuke back too."

Menma smiled and returned the hug.

He then went to Hinata who 'eeped' as she was hugged by Menma.

Menma wishpered in her ear "Hey Hinata chan. I know since chunnin exams that you liked me. I am not sure of my feelings now but I promise I will return to you and take you out where we will sort this. I know you are very precious to me. So get stronger Hinata-chan and I will return stronger to protect you."

Hinata blushed hard but thanks to Gods she didn't faint. "Hai Menma-kun, I will be waiting for you and I will become much stronger so that I can stand to your side."

When Menma turned to his brother he Saw he was tackled by Shizune who was making sure he was ready for trip. He snickered at seeing his brother's predicament.

Naruto chuckeled as Shizune tackled him and then wishpered to her "Now now Shizune-chan when will you confess to Kakashi. Know that he likes you so don't take too much time."

Shizune blushed at listening that and turned away from him with a huff.

He then called out to Hiruzen "Take care of Konoha for me old Man. When I return I will take responsibility and you can go enjoy retirement with your family."

Hiruzen nodded.

Naruto and Menma left the gates with Menma looking back for a last time as it was going to be a long time before he returns.


Scene changes as Sasuke is seen practising his kenjutsu with Orochimaru.


Next it shows elder siblings and Baki helping Gaara to understand politics, economy and military.


Izumi was sitting at the riverbank thinking about Naruto and her otouto Sasuke.

"Damn him . He comes back to living and steals my first kiss , not that I have any problem with it. After all I had vowed to never let anyone with me after his death. Ughhh how did it came to it. Izumi Uchiha, S-ranked Ninja and the strongest Kunoichi and I am behaving like some fangirl...."


Finally Naruto and Menma are shown as they went further and further away from Konoha to the point they disappeared.


| End of OG |