
The Restricted Kind

Just a fanfic of my favorite characters from MHA and etc. all are aged up to 20+

Azimaria · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs


"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, as you all may already know, tonight's main focus is to introduce Prince Kai's lovely wife Princess Baila to our people. I know that everyone will welcome her and show her all the love and support you've always shown to us our entire lives. Anyone who'd like to get to know her better, please feel free to come introduce yourself to her personally."

The King announced.

It didn't take long for people to start surrounding me, throwing questions upon questions at me, I didn't mind since they were all kind for the most part. Kai's parents and sister stayed by my side the entire time, Kai on the other hand had disappeared yet again, something I was getting used to by now.

What confused me was that no one seemed to mention Kai's behavior from earlier on, did I really just imagine the growling in my head?

"It seems I need to make an appointment to meet my own sister in law."

A voice whispered, catching my attention.

My eyes snapped up to meet gorgeous yellow eyed ,and a face strikingly similar to that of Kai's.

"I'm Feng ,Kai's brother."

He introduced himself with a bright smile.

I smiled back at him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Prince Feng."

"Uh-uh ,it's just Feng to you Princess."

He gently scolded me.

I smiled.

"And it's just Baila to you ."

Another nice member of the family, was everyone in the family nice except for Kai? That's highly unfortunate for me, but I was used to bad luck by now. I was deep in my thoughts when I felt the presence of someone behind me.

I slowly turned and was greeted by a middle aged man, his eyes were studying me intently , searching my face as if he were seeing someone else and for a minute I could have sworn his eyes narrowed.

Who was this man? Something about him made me feel uneasy inside.

"Are you going to introduce me to the lovely princess?"

He asked the queen.

"Oh yes, Baila dear this is a very old friend of ours Tao Zhou, he has never hesitated to help us in the past and we couldn't be more lucky to have someone like him in our lives."

"You're too modest Fei. When I heard from Toga that Kai had gotten married, I was shocked but thrilled at the news."

I felt the queen stiffen besides me at the mention of this Toga.

Toga? Who was she?

"Toga is my daughter."

He added as if reading my mind.

"In fact let me introduce you two so you can be good friends from now on."

"Himiko Toga!"

He called.

The person I saw next made me feel sick to my stomach.

It was her…

The one I had seen earlier with her arms wrapped around Kai!