
The Resilient Heiress

Zara Adam, who willingly went abroad because of some issues, finally returns home after enduring a grueling 11 years to ensure her family's happiness. However, her adopted sister Olivia is far from thrilled about her comeback. Olivia has been trying everything in her power to erase Zara from her life, but all her attempts have either failed or backfired on her. Zara couldn't care less about Olivia's antics. To make matters more complicated, Zara quickly gets involved with Ethan Anderson, the heir to a wealthy and influential family who is rumored to be her fiancé. This infuriates Olivia, leading her to spread malicious rumors about them. As time goes by, society starts believing that the Adam family's upbringing is more virtuous and noble compared to those raised overseas, all thanks to the rumors. Olivia becomes green with envy, but everyone gets a rude awakening when Zara's true identity is revealed. Throughout her journey, Zara faces various challenges that she overcomes with the unwavering support of Ethan by her side. Along the way, she also makes new friends while cherishing her old ones. When false rumors start targeting Zara, her four brothers, who have an intense sister complex, step up and confront anyone who dares to criticize their beloved sibling. This leads to clashes with those who try to harm Zara, and when Ethan uses his influence to protect his fiancée, the Adam brothers become furious and tell him, "We don't need your help taking care of our sister." With a calm smile, Ethan responds, "It's my duty to protect the one I love." The brothers roll their eyes at his response.

NandyGrace · สมัยใหม่
98 Chs

Brother's love for their sister

 After talking about Kylie for a while, Andrew's four sons came forward to view their baby out of concern for their sister. Mrs. Daisen gestured to them as she said, "Come boys," as the brothers got closer to her. "Observe your adorable sister."

 She let the boys view their beautiful sister while she talked, and sat on the couch nearby. Alan Adam is the eldest boy, followed by Hendry Adam in second place, Jack Adam in third place, and Noah Adam in fourth place.

 Alan abruptly asked, "Did you wash your hand before coming here to touch our sister? ", as Noah was about to place his palm on her fluffy cheeks. "Remember to use hand sanitizer before handling our sister going forward. Utilize this right now."

 Saying this, Alan handed him the hand sanitizer that the servant had brought. After Alan behaves in this manner, the elders are ecstatic to see Noah and the other brothers utilizing hand sanitizer.

 After washing their hands, Noah wanted to touch his sister, but before he could react, his three older brothers beat him to it. Noah became enraged and asked, "What are the three of you doing? As the youngest, here I am. My sister should see me before anyone else. All of you move away."

 "Yesterday, you were the youngest, but today you are not. We are older than our sister now." Hendry said, staring at his darling younger sister, "Act like a big brother."

 Jack asked, "Why are you guys acting like children in front of our sister?" "Stop it. Take a look at my sister; she is sleeping so soundly." The other three roared and said, "She is my sister."

 The lads' determination to defend their sister thrilled the family. Andrew took a seat in front of his children. Telling his boys, "Boys, see this is your sister," "Isn't she adorable?" "Yes," "So from now on the four of you are supposed to look after your sister. Please don't bother to bother your sister. You understand?"

 "Indeed, Dad. Don't worry, Dad. She is our only sister. How can we treat her poorly? In addition to experiencing peer harassment." Alan looked at his dad, then he talked.

 The other three brothers gave a nod of acknowledgment. Seeing their brother's love for their sister made Andrew feel better, so he asked his mother-in-law, "Mom, where are John and Beck? They are still awaiting arrival." 

 Hearing Andrew mention her two sons, Jenny snarled and said, "Hmph! what about them? In this instance, they continue to be away when their sister gives birth. Which brothers act in this way? Just give them the cold shoulder. If they come asking for their niece, stop them from just getting a peek. They deserve a penalty for being late on such an important day."

 Andrew recognized his brother-in-laws were in big trouble after hearing his mother-in-law say this. He sighed, took his daughter in his arms, and went upstairs to his wife to make sure that his sweet daughter had a restful night. 

 And so one week has passed. On those days, boys usually skipped school or came home early to spend extra time with their sister. Seeing their behavior Kylie stated, "Why aren't you boys attending school properly?" "You can spend time with your sister at home once school lets out. If you guys keep doing this, will your sister think that you guys are not learning anything at all? What would happen if she started to despise you four? You all will be miserable at that point if your sister doesn't spend time with you, don't you think?"

 The boys decided to put all of their academic efforts into being the best in their field of interest in order to defend their sister after hearing their mother's side of the story.

 The boys decided to start studying hard in class the next day. When Andrew and Kylie saw how committed their boys were to their studies, they were ecstatic and thought their daughter was their lucky star.