
The Repeating Beginning

The fragment is what I call it, but mere mortals call it god. I was there when it was first created, when it first created. I saw it all happen and I watched as it created more and more. I may know what it actually is but it doesn’t seem to remember, I wonder when it will, if it ever will.

The_Masked_Sunn · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

The Start

The starting god was from just a particle, an atom in the void of nothingness but a miracle happened, it thought. The particle was actually a fragment of a former, of a being unknown to the fragment or to anything in the future of the fragments creation, which would eventually be called the age of creation. The fragment didn't have a visible form, or at least not one anyone would be able to imagine but the fragment did just that, imagine the impossible. The fragment realized that it could do a lot of things that shouldn't have been possible, like creating more voids of nothingness which proved to be very boring so it then created small spheres that varied in shape, size, and many other characteristics, it even imagined something that would start. The fragment didn't really know what it was or what it did but it knew that it was something. The fragment got bored from creating endless amounts of voids of nothingness with spherical orbs in them, so it created something new, something alive. The fragment had a thought, just a small fleeting one but a thought nonetheless "What if there were more of me?", and just like that another came, it was unexpected and unusual, it thought too but this one only seemed to be able to create the voids of nothingness. The fragment got an idea "If I create more of them and they create what I have already done then I could create new things!" and so the fragment created two more, one could create the spherical orbs while the other… what did the other do? I sure didn't know but it looked like the fragment knew. The fragment realized that although it could tell them apart it didn't mean it could keep calling them just that, them, so it thought once more and an idea came, the voids of nothingnes shall be called universes and the one that could create them would be called the god of it, the same for the one that could create the spherical orbs called planets, but what of the one that the fragment didn't know what it did or what it even was? That's just the thing, the fragment did know it, it was something so important that it could even become dangerous. The fragment called it Time. Time was something the fragment couldn't see, or feel so it just assumed from its intuition. The fragment knew that of the three it created, The god of Time would become the most powerful and inevitably its favorite to mess with.

Just a quick little project, should I continue it?

The_Masked_Sunncreators' thoughts