
Chapter 37: Only the beginning

Ruby POV:

Ruby wakes up as she lies in bed she gets up to see Taiyang sleeping on a chair. Once Taiyang wakes up he tells Ruby about Qrow taking her back safe, Yang being fine, the dragon being frozen, and the school begin swarmed by grimm.

Then Qrow comes by and tells Ruby about Pyrrha being gone, and the silver eyes.

Soon Ruby walks at Yangs room and opens the door.

Ruby: Yang?

Yang: Ruby

Ruby: I'm so glad you're okay!

Yang: You too, but it's all gone. The school, Penny, Pyrrha, and...

Ruby: Yang, where are Weiss and Blake?

Yang: Weiss father came for her.

Ruby: What? What do you mean?

Yang: No one outside of Vale knows what happened here, before the tower fell. The last thing people saw was Atlas attacking innocent people and grimm destroying the city, everyone's scared no one knows who to trust. So Weiss's father came to take her back to Atlas, where he thinks it's safe.

Ruby: What about Blake?

Yang: Blake said she needed to go back to her family to keep them safe, she's gone too.

Ruby: So what do we do?

Yang: You can do whatever you want, I'm going to lie here and think.

Grievous POV:

After Ruby was taken back, Grievous was very curious about Ruby's power as Grievous imagined Ruby blinding jedi with her power and Grievous killing the blind jedi.

But Grievous had to wait but soon grew impatient and decided to wonder off to the woods and chop and strike trees down out of frustration.

Qrow: You done with you're little tantrum buddy?

Grievous turns and is very mad from the insult, and he runs at Qrow to strike him but Qrow had his weapon out prepared and Qrow blocked the two swords.

Qrow: Woah, now there is no reason t-

Qrow had to take a leap back as Grievous tried to sweap Qrows legs

Grievous keeps on pursuing Qrow and overwhelming him with his speed. Qrow is forced to be defensive and is having a hard time blocking Grievous attacks.

Qrow then changed his sword into a scythe which caught Grievous off guard as he had to back way as the scythe swiped towards Grievous chest plate.

Both Qrow and Grievous are now staring down one another, then Grievous pulls out two more arms with two new swords. Qrow then charges at Grievous ready to strike and.....

I hope you enjoy reading so far be sure to share this story and I hope you all have a great day and may the force be with you!