
The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT 21+ // Watch Me Burn Them For You] "And if someday you see me, remember to forget my name, or karma will bow." **** For Awuor’s power, her people had done the unthinkable, in the history of werewolves. Her beta and brother, Dom, murdered their mother, the Sicario luna and blamed it on Awuor. In his grief, her father didn't bother to try and find out the truth, instead, for murdering her mother, he gave his daughter the worst punishment any alpha could ever get. He banished her from home, but Awuor’s wasn’t the usual banishment. Her father neither stripped her of the alpha title, nor did he make her a rogue. Instead, Alpha Sicario forced Awuor to be an exiled alpha, a woman so powerful, but with no one to rule over. Her mate, Jer, a power-hungry bastard, stepped up to rule the Sicario pack, since Awuor, the reigning alpha, was away, and Jer never once sought her out. Just like everyone else, he had betrayed her when he claimed a different woman, without rejecting Awuor. As the gates of Sicario closed on her, as her people watched her in disgust and disappointment, the daughter of Sicario had just one thought. A PROMISE of destruction & vengeance; she would ruin them all. *** [EXCERPT] "Either you're from the Dawson pack, the Bluemoon pack, or the Sicario pack, because you're definitely not from our Greyson pack. You must have done something really stupid for your alphas to banish you, even though you have no scent of the ferals. "So that could mean you're not a feral, but you're certainly not that important to your people. You seem to have an attitude and reek of power, that's why you don't appreciate anyone talking to you like a regular wolf. "But all of that doesn't matter right now, because you are the unwanted little wolf. The girl without a home, the rejected wolf who can't be claimed by anyone else. You're dressed in banana leaves because you have no clue how to make proper clothing on your own. "— or even check the feral cloth reservoir on the west of this forest. The fact that you have stayed so close to the other three packs is because you don't want to be away from home and are somehow hoping that they'd want you back. "Allow me to spell it out for you and make it easier for your probably useless brain to understand, little wolf, no one wants you. I'm only taking you to my alpha because your presence here is a nuisance to us, and for some reason, the alpha is interested in you. "And before you get any ideas about mates and whatnot, our alpha is already mated. So will you get up on your own, or do we have to take you stripped? Because I for one have no problem doing that. We could just treat you like the rogue that you're not," Adolf said to Awuor who still had her angry smirk on.

she_osprey · LGBT+
452 Chs

Let Me Snuff Her Out


"I finally found you! Goodness woman, I guess you were hungry," Malika said when she saw the sight before her. However, before Hawi could say anything, Elodie spoke, getting a very naked Hawi's attention.

"Malyshka? You're alive?" Elodie asked, making Malika turn to her with an angry cold face.

It was one that Hawi could have sworn she had never seen on Malika, and for the first time in so long Hawi was scared of what Malika would do. She may have been naked as fuck, but seeing Malika that angry was enough to get her attention.

"I knew you were following me. I just hoped you weren't stupid enough to get this far. Now that you have seen my mistress, you leave me no choice but to kill you.

"I'm telling you this out of courtesy, now wield your sword, warrior," Malika growled out, word by word, almost like she was reminding Elodie that there was only one outcome to this.