
What Happened to Me? (1)

"Miss? Miss, please wake up!" shouted a high, youth voice.

Lilith opened her eyes, she was still in Hugo but this time it was all ash. She failed her objective when she came here, she felt something in her head burning. She closed her eyes and she saw the black book in her head, floating silently, pages open wide. She moved toward the opened book and saw undescriptive symbols, she couldn't understand the writing but she felt herself reading it like it was a book.

"When man meets an unknown force, they try to claim it for themselves. Greed is an ugly thing especially those who continue the power of the lunar gods. For those who dare to defy death, they shall meet with the dead with their fate in someone's else control. And those who try to play god, they shall perish with no mercy for only those who contain the wolf can be a god," Lilith read a few lines of the book, she stopped and thought for a minute before continuing reading.

"Entry 404. Where am I? Who am I? What happened to me? My body is acting weird and I don't know if I can contain the beast inside of me anymore. At night, my eyes keep changing to a dark crimson red and I'm scaring even my best friend. My body feels is changing, I've seen it. Horn crawling out of my head, curling and a tail sticking out for my bottom. Black ashed scales form on my face and body and over time, it consumed my lower body and easing its way up," Lilith noticed that there were ashed pages on it but there were a few words that were visible. "Find. Me. At. The River of Dead."

"River of Dead?" Lilith questioned the river's name. She felt a cold hand shaking her shoulder, forcing her back to reality. She opened her eyes and looked around, she saw the little girl that she saved earlier, up close to her face. Lilith didn't notice the young girl's features, she was maybe the same if not a little older than Lilith, her youthful appearance made it look as if was only ten. The ginger hair and light brown eyes looked as if she was a fox. Lilith pulled herself off the ashed ground and shook her head.

"What happened?" Lilith asked she care more about what happened to Hugo than herself, she turned around and saw herself surround by elders, children and injured warriors.

"They left," spoke one of the elders. "They left our town in burning ash, all because of a damn book!"

Lilith could sense the anger from these people, she felt bad and she wanted to help them rebuild but she knew that she couldn't do that. She had to a reason to come here but that reason was burned down with the rest of the buildings.

"Lilith, the Lion Guards left and went to the River of the Dead, as the villagers call it" spoke Drew. "I think we should get going."

Lilith looked at her brother with disbelief, she always thought that her brother is strong, outgoing man. Not a coward who feared his own friends, she walked up to Drew and grabbed him by the neck of his cloak.

"I'm not leaving but you can go," Lilith said with a stern tone. "I'm not carrying a coward with me just because he witnessed a town burned down."

Drew looked at his sister with guilt but he couldn't say anything because he knew she was right. "What has happened to you, my dear sister?" Drew thought.

Lilith picked up the fallen twin swords and placed them back in their respective place: "Where is this River of Dead at?"

"Two clicks to the South," said Summer. Lilith felt a sudden sense of power coursing through her body, she didn't want to use it for destruction but she wanted to use it to protect these people. "If you want something, get it for yourself," spoke Alpha. Lilith moved around and started to stretch a little, she didn't feel any pain or broken bones in her body. Lilith flicked her wrists down to reveal to the two silver kunai, she felt her left eye burning.

"How are you feeling Alpha?" Lilith asked Alpha in her head. "Want to see some blood?"

Alpha didn't respond, instead, a deep growling voice replied, "Alpha can't talk to you, I'll take over for him."

Lilith felt unease about a new voice in her head, she shook it off and moved passed the crowd: "If you want revenge for your loved one, your pride or your town. Follow me."

"Good, she does resemble like him," spoke the deep voice. "Don't you think Alpha?"

"Yes but sadly, she will get betrayed and her emotions still affect her lycanthrope," replied Alpha.

Lilith didn't realize it but her eyes were slowly changing to a pureblood crimson. She was slowly becoming a demon that would be feared by her own people.

Thank you for 6k, I didn't think this would get this much views. Whether or not it's you guys reading it or not I am very grateful and hope I can release more chapters soon.

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