
The Reincarnated villiainess has 7 husbands

Betty reincarnated Into the body of a princess who has 7 hot mouth watering husbands. Betty knew how sensitive her body parts were that was why she never let a guy come close to her but who could have thought that in the next moment, she was in a world of a reverse harem. Worst was her 7 fake husbands were possessive, manipulative and dominant,ready to share her and have her anytime they want.

Selena23 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

5 - Mikhail??

"what just happened!, What just happened!!?" I yelled stumping my foot on the floor.

I lost my cool.

I lost my cool again!!!

"Constantine is the enemy, the villain here and I should stay away from him!" I muttered while I pacing around the room, I was clearly freaking out.

"Tanya, I thought you said that immediately I take possession of the crystal, the curse would be rendered null" I said and Tanya appeared immediately at the mention of my voice.

"Yes but your still yet to completely absorb it into your body" Tanya muttered and I took a deep breathe, trying my very best to calm myself.

"This was quite unexpected..." I muttered before turning towards Tanya .

"Is there a way for this crystal to be absorbed into me completely" I asked while rubbing the back of my neck soothingly, it hasn't been up to a week and this had to happen.

"Yes, it's a gradual process, am very sure that before the next morning, the power of the crystal would reflect inside you" Tanya said and I nodded before sitting down on the soft queen sized bed.

"Royal prince.... Mikhail.... Mikhail is coming" Tanya said, she looked like she was about to pass out at this moment.

Seeing how Tanya was blabbing without knowing and how nervous she appeared to be, that really did well in making me scared for some unknown reason.

The door clicked open and I quickly held my breathe, scared of what might happen next.

My eyeballs moved towards the door and I felt like my breathe was stolen away from me immediately our eyes met.

What's up with princess Diana?, She really got eyes for handsome men. This guy was as handsome as Constantine if not, much more.....

I stared in bemusement at the big, wrathful Mikhail. He was an extraordinary sight, more than six feet of muscle and brawn dressed in a thin wet shirt and trousers that clung as if they'd been glued to his skin. An irritable shiver, almost certainly from the chill of evaporating alcohol, ran over him. Scowling, he reached up to remove his flat cap, revealing a shaggy mop of hair, several months past a good cut. The thick locks were a beautiful cool shade of amber shot with streaks of light gold.

He was handsome despite his unkempt state. Very handsome. His blue eyes were alert with the devil's own intelligence, the cheekbones high, the nose straight and strong. A tawny beard obscured the line of his jaw- perhaps concealing a weak chin?- I couldn't tell. Regardless, he was a stunner.

He's quite tall with broad shoulders and an athletic physique that even his suit and tie cannot hide. My eyes continue their upward travel to his strong square-shaped face framed with dark long hair that falls to his shoulders and deep, piercing blue eyes. The corners of his mouth curve upward when he notices me staring a moment too long.

"Prince Mikhail is the guy who princess Diana said that she loved among all but he was a man she could never tame"Tanya said and smiled.

"He was the weakest among your husbands and concubines but suddenly last year, he became the strongest overnight, though there was a rumour that he sold his soul to a nine headed demon" Tanya added and I could sense that Tanya was getting scared the more time passed by.

"And indeed it's true but I was just informed by my master that its up to you to survive, Mikhail would be a very great help with that but first you need to take the nine headed demon inside of him, she said if you could help him develop a soft spot for you then he could lay down his life for you" Tanya said in one breathe.

"But....but how can I do that?, Is nearly impossible!" I added.

"It isn't though since it came here to feed.."

"The nine headed demon inside of Mikhail seemed to like you though" Tanya said and before I could open my mouth to ask what she meant by that. she disappeared.

Why do she like to speak in parables, all she said makes no sense.

I turned towards him but when I was eld in his piercing powder-blue vision, I froze. A butterfly awakened in my chest. I quickly swallowed and looked away quite embarrassed.

"Ah...you... you....what" I stumbled on my words for a second, my heart thumping inside my chest.

"What are you doing here?", It was just a simple word, a simple question to be precised but here I was acting like an over riped tomato and stumbling on my words like a fool just because I was taken aback by his handsomeness.

He growled out but it wasn't like it was me but at himself, like he was in pain.

He took a step forward, his foot making in contact with the floor was heavy and gave a little feeling of a vibration. Immediately he took a step, he almost stumbled forward but I find myself rushing towards him, helping him stand on his feet.

With great difficulty, I helped Mikhail stand on his feet before going over to the bed and pushing him on top of it.

Immediately his upper half was on top of the bed, I proceeded to push his lower half as well till he was laying comfortably.

I could hear his rough intake of breathe as he laid there, his huge fist tightened on its own and I felt my heart squeeze. I don't know why but seeing this big guy in pain seemed to hurt so much.

"Mik.... Mikhail, are you okay?" I stuttered out and my hands launched towards his face to check his temperature but before I could understand what was going on, I felt his muscular arms getting wrapped around my waist then I was placed right on top of him with my both legs spread at either side of him.

I....I was straddling him, right on top of his...his then I felt a slight movement which did well in turning my cheeks, crimson red.

Ahhh...so embarrassing...

I looked away, his strong arms wrapped tightly around my waist, stopping me from moving any further away from him but I could still feel his blue eyes on me. His lips are so close to mine that I can feel his breath on my cheek.

Holding me steady in his lap. I slightly tilt my head in his direction, and when I do, that's when he takes the opportunity to kiss me. Soft, tantalizing strokes of the tongue leave me completely mesmerized.

My restraint broke before his did. With a silent moan, I slid my hand around his nape and kissed him with all the passion building inside of me, pressing myself against his rigid length, glorying in the shudder that racked his body as his mouth opened over mine in a rough, tender kiss.

With an instinct I didn't know I possessed, I sensed his desperate struggle to prevent the kiss from becoming too erotic, and the tenderness I felt was almost past bearing. Brushing my parted lips over his, I coaxed him to deepen the kiss, and when that failed, I started kissing him the way he'd done earlier.

I touched my tongue to his lips and felt the gasp of his indrawn breath; encouraged by that, I let my tongue make a brief, sensuous foray in his mouth, probing lightly…

His restraint broke with a low groan as he rolled me onto my back, kissing me with a raw, urgent hunger that made me feel at once powerful and helpless. His hands and mouth claimed my body, sliding over my breasts and waist and back, and when his mouth returned to mine again, he shoved his fingers into my hair, holding her a willing prisoner. When he finally lifted his mouth from mine, my whole body was on fire with desire.

"Open your eyes, little one," he whispered.

I obeyed and found myself staring at a muscular male chest covered with curly dark hairs. The mere sight of that chest made my pulse pound. Hesitantly, I raised my gaze from his chest and beheld the changes that passion had made in him. A muscle was moving spasmodically in his throat, his face was hard and dark, and his eyes were burning. I watched his sensual lips form four words and heard the rasp in his voice as he enunciated them: "why can't I stop?."

"Damn it!" He cursed.

I expected him to push me away, his words and the way he acted was like he couldn't control himself, no, it was like he was possessed or intoxicated by something.

The fact that his pulse was beating faster than normal was enough proof to tell me that.

"Come here," he whispered, gathering me into his arms and rolling onto his side so that I was facing him, my head pillowed against his shoulder.

Breathing deeply, Mikhail waited for his pulse to return to normal, slowly I ran my hand down his back in a soothing caress.

I laid in his arms, bewildered by the sudden change in his mood.

But then I remembered Tanya's words.

~The nine headed demon inside of Mikhail seemed to like you though~