
The Reincarnated Goddess wishes for a good life

Hikaru Animaki, an otaku. On hikaru's way home from school he encounters a murderer?? He dies but was reincarnated! But.... when he reincarnated he became a goddess?! Now he's on an adventure to find his children? Yep you heard right.Kids. Turns out she's the mother to 4 making them demi-gods will he succeed? or will his children with their newly-awakened powers cause chaos in his world?

MeiQiao · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chief Idrileana

--Hikaru POV--

Hiding behind a tree I tremble a bit in fear

Having just recently remembering my situation I straighten myself up a bit and recall what mother said to me

'mother clearly said that I would be seen as the mortals goddess or something like that'


estimating at least 15 minutes before the elves reach her destination Hikaru notices her very much exposing outfit, searching for a way to change a bright light appears before her


[hello master]

'Who are you?'

I hear a voice in my head that doesn't sound male nor female but more robotic and speaks monotonously

[I am the System gifted by {Goddess Yua} to help master]

'Help me?'


'And mother gifted you to me?'


'ok... then'

I comply with situation at had then turn my attention to my previous problem



'Is there any way to change my outfit It is a bit revealing'

[There is a way to change your attire master]


[ please concentrate on a image of what you wish to wear then for your god essence into your mana pool.]

'huh what the h--- is "god essence" and "mana pool", System'

[The Mana Pool is where mortals draw magical power from to do things like slay monsters and do everyday things like laundry or taking a bath.]

'hmm..and what about God Essence'

[God Essence is the mana pool for gods and goddesses, they draw their power for 'God Essence like a mortal draws power from a Mana Pool to carry out their tasks as a higher being]

'hmm interesting'

'System,I'm ready to start now.'

[Yes master]

sitting down cross legged I concentrate on finding my mana pool and god essence. Five minutes have passed and I begin to feel a warm sensation throughout my body and soon a bright light envelopes my entire body to the point where you can't even see my bright blue eyes that shine like sapphires in the dark for a second I was surprised at the sudden occurrence but soon I here the system say

[{[Mana Pool]} >Unlocked<]

and to my surprise I feel a powerful liquid type feeling surge through my veins and then I hear the system says something else along the lines of"God Essence<~>Mana Pool successfully connected."

assuming that means I can change out of those revealing clothes I start to imagine a outfit that the old me would wear before slapping myself on the head for not remembering something that was right in front of my face , still sitting on the grass I change my position into that of a downward knee position.

and start..

'Maybe something more elegant would be the best choice as I have to present myself as a god'

I start to create my outfit

I start to imagine a split thigh maxi skirt that looks as if I'm not wearing a skirt more like trousers along with a top that looks more like a pushup bra,It has straps that run off the shoulders and make it seem as if my arms are that of a spirits because of the long sleeves, along with a pair of heels that resemble boots that reach mid calf, on top of my stockings that are white and don't have any rip or tear on them, all of this is complemented by flowers around my body just as before.

The same bright light envelopes my body, soon after I look down at my body to find the same outfit I envisioned. To be honest I got the outfit from a game I used to play when I was still a male


Getting up from where I was sitting I quickly dust myself off only now realizing that there is only about 3 minutes until the soldiers arrive, hearing the indistinct chatter and footsteps.I get up from where I was and go to sit on a rock and wait for the elves to get here.


Soldier POV

"Yeah I don't know what happened but I saw the saintess running to chiefs room"

"gotta be something big happening"

"yeah for sure"

I think about what could be out there like a wild beast or something, but then I got a tingling feeling like I was standing in front of the world tree, A supreme being.


Hikaru POV

I start to see the soldiers and change my position to that of a more elegant one then put my hands on my lap.

once they finally reach me they start to say

"Who are you, Intruder!"

"My my how rude,I just want to meet the chief darling"


Soldier POV

"My my how rude,I just want to meet the chief darling"

wow her voice is that of an angels

me and the soldiers stand there in awe before I speak up and say

"sorry miss but you can't now leave before we have to attack"

the woman starts to walk towards us seductively and says

"how sad I just wanted to say hi..."

she pouts and crosses her arms

after that she says something but I can't quite make it out before I black out


"hehe that was easy"

'now to make it to the chief!'

I start walking and start to realize this will take awhile


[yes master.]

'Is there any way to teleport or something?'

[there is a way to teleport.]


[please repeat the process of focusing your God essence into your Mana pool.]

doing exactly what the system told me I soon find myself in a room suddenly I hear someone coming out of what appears to be a washroom and quickly compose myself

the person walks in and says


this girl is quite loud, I think of how to calm her down and say

"fuu~ why don't we calm down"

"who. are . you."

" I am Goddess Hikaru dear."

the girl stands in shock for a moment then finally says
