
The regression of a shadow monarch for its revenge.(bl)

Cain, an orphan classless student lost his childhood friend kris in an mission so he make a deal with his lover cassian so that they could find kris as soon as possible. But year after year there were no news of him. But after few years Cain found a clue related to a mystery organisation where they were kidnapping talented students and using them in some experiments but after sharing this news with cassian , he told Cain not to meddle in their business but Cain didn't listen to him and went in the organisation location by himself but at the end was killed by his own lover who was a part of that organisation. After being killed he regressed as the shadow monarch and came back 10 years in past where he found himself infront of his lost childhood friend kris. Now that he know the future will he be able to change it or not? since with new powers, new obstrucles will come in the future .

_Engene_ · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

I want your Handsome face

[ After hearing mr.khan's speach, kris started staring at him. But he suddenly looked down when he realised mr. Khan was about to look at him]

" Aah! So what! even if you now try to make the exam fair , your true colour will not change. So , stop looking at me like that. We are nothing but just strangers " said kris while clenching his teeths.

[ When kris was looking down thinking about all those things , suddenly someone put their hand on his shoulder. After realising it, he turned].

" Ah! Cain " Said kris.

" What are you thinking so deeply, are you planning to stay here for the rest of your life .

" Aah! No it's not that " said kris in a pale face.

" Mm , you looking pale. Are you alright " said Cain in a worried face.

" Ah! Yes I'm fine said kris with a smile .

[ After seeing him smile,Cain stunned. ]

" Hey ! Are you alright?" Said kris .

" Hey! Come closer" said Cain .

" Huh? What do you mea.." Said kris.

[ Before kris finished his sentence, Cain started rubbing on kris's face with his hands]

" Hey ! Wh..what th..the he..ll a..re you do..ing" said kris.

[ After rubbing for a few seconds, Cain lean towards his face ]

Cain said " kris you have gone crazy. We have to go to the hospital right now?" .

" What do you mean by that I have gone crazy?"

[ After hearing kris talking, Cain started clenching his mouth with a handkerchief and started saying" earlier you were smiling while looking handsome as hell. You have made my heart crazy with that face of yours.There is a problem with you . How the hell you were looking so handsome with a smile . I also want a face like yours."]

" Huh?so you want my face hah!"Said kris .

" Yes" said Cain.

" Hahah . Then come closer said kris .

[ When Cain came closer to kris , kris started pulling his ears].

" Aah! Ah! It's hurting I'm sorry it's my fault please Stop it said Cain .

" What the hell are you even saying? It's just the first step. I have to pull your whole face later so that it can look like mine " said kris .

After few moments later,

[ Everyone came to the battle arena where the exam is going to held among the participants who were present there].

Mr. Khan : There were many candidates who participate in this exm and among them , only 60 candidates came to this point. You guys have done really well . So i hope you will do your best in this exam also . so now I'm going to show you the list of the participants who belong to the following groups.

[ After mr. Khan finished his talking, a list of every participants came. Every candidates were divided in 6 groups and in every group they were 10 candidates. The list is divided like this -

in group A : kris , Zain , maho, suro...

In group B : Cain , Tiana , Li,.....

In group c : Eli, miyafi, turo...

In group D: Haru, jiu, miyaki..

In group E : jun, Elisha, suho..

In group F : marlin, Ai,miki... ].