


They return back and she notices how people are out in the streets now, making way for her. As she is passing by, the people kneel with face on the ground.

She can't believe her eyes. They all call her Arianna the water Goddess and praise her.

She just continues forward caring only about the man she lost.

They are at the palace gates and Zoe sees her. She smiles wide and informs the guards to open the door.

Arianna enters and immediately dismounts from her horse. She feels she drags her body across the stairs till finally she arrives inside.

All she can feel is a heavy body wrapping its hands around her. She feels the person's heart beating fast against her chest. He now looks her deep into her eyes.

/"Keiran/" she moans his name. He touches her cheek gently. He has his hand wrapped around her waist and won't let go.

/"I thought you died/" she says with tears.