


Keiran is at their room getting ready. He wears his battle uniform with the symbol on the wolf as his insignia.

She stands there, feeling really bad that he will go away.

/"How long will you be gone?/" she wonders.

/"Levan is really close. But I don’t know how long it will be till I take back what’s mine/".

Her face is worried and he notices.

/"You will be safe/" he assures her but she isn’t the one that she is scared about.

/"I know, but what about you?/".

/"Aria, I won’t die I promise/".

His words seem true to her, reassuring that he will come back.

/"Take Roen, Yaro and Eve to keep you safe/" she just wants him to live.

/"Isn’t this too much? I should have someone guarding you too/".

/"I have Zoe and I don’t need anyone here. No one has penetrated these walls/".

/"There are more ways to enter Zen than the walls so be careful/".