
the red queen

PinkSkies01 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

chapter three

Walking around campus after classes were over was nice, nobody to bug me except Cody, he still is making it his life mission to get me to talk. It almost worked once, I swear, just once he wants me to talk. But it's gonna be hard to get me to talk to him, I don't talk to anyone since the accident. Looking at the watch on my wrist I check the time, it was around four a clock. I walked to the gym to start my after school lessons with my powers. Passing students and teachers as I headed to the gym, I saw the big gym doors I walk to them and go inside, letting the door shut behind me.

I see a light to the office to the far side of the room on, the door agar, soft voices whispering things I couldn't hear, I set my back pack down by the bleachers quietly and slowly walked to the door, I heard a male and a female voice, whispering. "what do you got on her Hans?" a female voice said, it peaked my attention, like poking a sleeping bear with a stick.

"well not much but, she came from a normal school, her parents were killed in a house fire..." the male, Hans said, it shocked me, they were talking about me.

"do you think she started the fire, one of the girls who talked to her said when she grabbed her arm she felt heat coming off of her, almost burning" the female said

"I don't know, maybe, but why do you want to know this Brooke? it ain't any of our business" Hans said.

"because, idiot, she's been talking to Cody" the girl Brooke said, it angered me for some reason. "you mean your ex?" Hans said, "we have been talking, were getting back together soon" Brooke said.

I felt my fire burn inside my chest, I tried to calm down but I couldn't so I turned away and walked to the bleachers waiting for the teacher to come, the door squeaked open to the office and a slim girl, long blonde hair, blue eyes, short dress and deals, makeup that almost makes her look fake, almost like a doll, but the thing is, she was one on the outside.

she looked at me while she walked by, then smirked a evil one at that "take the hint loser, he would never want a killer like you, now would he? so stay away from him or i'll tell everyone about you" Brooke said before leaving the gym. I couldn't hold it in any longer, I grabbed my bag and ran out of the gym after she left, only to bump into Cody, I fell on my butt yelping before getting up "Sadie? wait" he said but I continued to run to my room.

slamming and locking the door behind me, all hell broke lose, I screamed silently, the tears spilling down my cheeks, my legs giving out on me, I fall to my knees with a thud. I cried for hours straight, not that it was because I was told to stay away from Cody, but my parents.

I stopped crying, looked at my bathroom counter where my scissors laid, I got up, went over to the counter and grabbed the scissors and my hair and began to cut it, to my shoulders, I let my hair fall onto the floor. I looked at myself in the mirror, my new hair cut. I cleaned up the hair and threw it away, my mom loved my hair, I can't say there was a few times where I tried to kill myself, I mean it is written on my body.

I put my hair in a pony tail and went to lay on my bed, closing my eyes I just laid there, thinking, you know that kind of thinking about life, not the bad kind either.

then the knock came to my door, then the voice followed after "Sadie? please open the door, let me in please" Cody's voice called from the other side of the door.

sighing I tried to ignore him but it was hard since he wouldn't shut up.

I pull myself up and opened the door to see Cody sitting on the floor by my door, then fell back once I opened the door, he looked up at me groaning. "I like the new hair cut, it suits you" he said after a while, I just turned away leaving him at the open door.

"are you ok?'' Cody asked, I just shrugged, I mean what was I supposed to say? he's been trying to get me to talk, plus it would give him points.

"listen to me please, I know it hurts" Cody said

I looked at him confused on to what he was talking about.

"I know about your past" Cody said, fear overcame me.