
The Red moon mystery

They were mates for eternity, which they chose . The White wolf Alpha and The Red wolf, both the owner of the Red moon. The leader of the Red moon pack which have been around for centuries, witnessed the rise and fall of empires, Dynasties, Tang, Ming, Qing, ottoman empires the sick man of Europe and many more. In the beginning no one actually knew what the red moon was except the owners which they first thought was one, but after encounters they saw they were two beings who were intertwined with each other and so many secrets and that they both owned the Red moon. As the Vampires have the originals, they were the ancient ones of the werewolves. They were rumored to be more powerful and extraordinary than your daily vampires and their original. He created the extraordinary Red moon pack which stand at the peak of the world, the name in honor of his wife , his Red wolf which he would do anything for. She is as dangerous as he is and she would also do anything for her, he laughs when he remembers their live together. Through the thick and thin as he remembers the battles they have fought through out their lives, the armies they had gone through and many more. He just laughs how many times she had put her life in danger for him and how he had also done all through their lives. How did they fight all their battles, how did they heal from all the hurts that came their way, How did they rise to the very top as their wish and goals calls for. Their supernatural and intellectual power what really happened ?

Novahopel · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


I'm Mike, the white wolf,I'm the most powerful Alpha wolf, the leader of the Blood moon clan, and the Blood moon group. An entity that has its place standing at the top of the world today whose main aim is to protect the love of my life, protect the weak who can't protect themselves and the world from destruction from itself (the people of the world) and externals.

Started small but with big dreams grew up to be the sunshine or the red moon protecting the world, the weak and the love of my life. Speaking of that we are both the mythical Red moon, we are two sides of a coin complimenting each other. We are both two sides of the red moon, we are both the Red moon, we both share the red moon, we're each other's red moon. We are that connected. Humans don't understand what the red moon is and it's powers. The Red moon is a mystery to people of the world.

Speaking of this, we were not always powerful. We were ordinary mortals who were born to two different families, my love Hannah to a noble family, I to a low class family.

I didn't regret the family I was given birth to , even without the richness and money I was given the best and was showered with so much love than I can ever ask for. I was hardworking and diligent, I worked to get more money to assist my family by fetching water in the house of the nobles, while I trained hard to become a warrior to at least get paid and be able to protect the weak in times when nobility class, money and strength were the only thing that mattered, they only thing that could put you in the noble class if you were of low birth was strength. If there was anything I hated was to be treated poor, brutal and bullied by the nobles, their kids who as brutal as their parents. In a world, in times when strength greatly mattered. There were empires, kingdoms back then, the nobles had slaves. My father was a garment Trader and garment maker (Tailor) for the nobles, he did business with the nobles and the people of the Empire. He was known for his Hardworking and Honest nature, that's where some of it rubbed off on me. Everyone knew him, he didn't want any of his children to suffer or work as servant for any noble so he strive hard to put food on the table so we would be comfortable,he was a man among men. while my mother used to be a maid in the cashmere house till my father fell in love with her, saved up and bought her freedom, she was a beauty among beauty, she she was a slave of war from the previous dynasty.My mother told me she used to be the princess of the Tang dynasty until, her kingdom was attacked by the present one and she lost her father, mother and her whole family to the war and she was taken as slave. It had been a long time since then and hopes were lost and she didn't know if she could get her kingdom back again all she wanted was a soft life, she just wanted to enjoy her life without worries, without having to work for someone whether she was rich or poor, she just wanted to be okay. And she was happy with my Father who gave her all that and security, she described him as a man among men who she was proud to have.

Hannah was a cashmere, the Cashmere's were a second class noble family who were respected in the empire. Even though she was a rich heiress, she was kind and with virtue. She was a beauty from a young age, she was smart, diligent, stubborn headed doesn't listen to anyone when it comes to things she want to do. She was betrothed to be married to one arrogant fool, Jax the heir of the Camden family a first class family who thought the world was at his feet. And She was even admired by the prince of the empire. From the little age of eleven, we had been friends, we had been together. I usually look at her like an existence who was above me, even though I was proud and never let anyone bring me down even though I was of low birth. I never looked at her for too long because I knew the rules, low birth can't look at or be with nobles. I kept working and working, fetching water for nobles households of course I was paid little for my work, how they see fit, and if there is anything I hate was to be bullied and be cheated. There was this day I went out to the river to fetch water for the nobles like I always did at least I was saving up and training little by little I knew one day everything would change for the better. I saw the bastard Jax beating up Jason also a son from a poor family, my family still did okay than his. He said he soiled his clothes with his filthy hands but I knew he didn't do anything, arrogant Jax just wanted to show his power, arrogant young master who just loved to show off his power wherever he goes. He does not even know how the money was made , he just knew he was rich and wanted to show off as much as he wants bullying and beating people up wherever he goes with the kids of low class nobles and poor kids who suck up to him. I was trying my best not to interfere because I knew it won't end well for me he had the power. I saw him kick little Jason in the gut and hit him on the head with a stick my veins popped out, I was barely holding my self in place, barely holding my anger in then he looked at me and mentioned my mother called her a whore prostitute who sleep around with men with her beauty. I lost my temper he insulted my goddess I broke the pot of water with me and ran to him I dragged Jason out of his hands, laid him on the floor then turn back to him punched him in the gut, then the face and then beat him to pulp. Since I have been doing hard training for a long time, I had more physical strength than him Even though children of the nobles have always be taught martial arts from little age, the had the best teachers but I still bested him without any, i beat him up to pulp he lost a few teeth. He only had one of his lackeys with him who received a punch to his face before he escaped to the Camden family house to to tell them what was happening and ask for help. I didn't move from there because I had to take care of little Jason who was on the floor in pains, holding his gut and his head which was bleeding. Mother already thought me little medical skill so i treated him right there because he was little and if he was no treated immediately the pain was too much for him it could even kill him, so I treated him and gave him some medicine for the pains and for him to sleep. Mother gave me some medicines to take when my bod ache or when I feel pains after work and training and it was always so effective that I don't feel pain after sometime and the second one easily puts me to sleep so I could regain my lost energy. I always carry around used to ease my pain from my hard training and work, I fetch not only water that one family use but multiple and also kids my age don't train the way I do. He brought the guards and the furious face of Hannah father, the head of the cashmere family. Who didn't care what happened, he didn't even look at little Jason who looked grave on the floor instead kick and kicked me letting me know I was a slave. He only cared about the noble Camden, only cared about the class different. All the beating was not painful it was the words that was hurtful, he asked the guards to take me away and lock me up in their family cell. At this point, Hannah has never talked to me once and I didn't know she had been secretly looking at me, my hardwork and everything and she was secretly impressed by what a little boy like me has been doing since a little age but she never talked to me for once. When she heard what happened, she was surprised,proud and scared. Surprised that I could do something like that without thinking of the consequences because she knew how thoughtful and smart, she knew I would not do things without thinking and without reason. I didn't even know she had been looking at me since we were young. she was proud because someone has finally put that arrogant bastard in his place, she didn't like him one bit, she didn't like him because she knew of his deeds and his attitude, she knew he didn't put people in his eyes especially people who were low class or people who were not up to his status, he was rude and she didn't want to have anything to do with him. He was also the type to fear the strong and bully the weak. She didn't like the fact that she was betrothed to him one bit. I didn't even know she compared me to him secretly in her heart, she liked me secretly for the things I had gone through even though no one knows the rules than her. My mother had cried her eyes out all day, the patriarch of the Cashmere didn't release me, he was even more adamant he wanted to kill me, even my Father was kicked out he had no option than to take my mother away from the Cashmere's. The both cried home

So she sneaked to her family cell in the middle of the night to release me she couldn't let a little kid of eleven to spend the night in a cold cell. She knew she couldn't stay after what she did she knew her father would kill her at least beat her to pulp and she didn't even want to stay because you knew she would be forced to marry that bastard in accordance with the rule.

So we ran away together, in the middle of the night, two kids ran in the forest. They ran and ran till one of them fell down and the other was worried and he carried her on his back till his leg caught a twig and he fell down with the girl on his back. They rolled and rolled and rolled till they encountered a landslide and fell into a cave. A cave that would change their lives forever.

In the beginning greedy people do come to try to steal the Red moon even though they don't know what it is, they don't seem to understand it but they just believe that it is a treasure

that gives extraordinary power, they don't actually know the origin or how it works but they just know it is very powerful and it gives extraordinary power, immortality, power to toe to toe with thousands of men, power to go through armies, powers that they have only heard in stories. They don't know what we went through before we were chosen, the power chose us. The red moon was a mythical object that had it's consciousness too.

In the Ancient time, it was said that when the Heaven and Earth was created, the solar system, the moon, the red moon was also created to give power to creatures worthy, through hardwork, trueness and kind hearts because the power is not one that could be given to evil people and creatures because they would wreck havoc and destroy the world. Everytime people come around to come steal our red moon, they seem to believe if they just kill us they can just steal it but always laughing at them we are the red moon that was born to protects this world from fiends and betrayals like them.

Over so many centuries have gone since they have been bathing in the blood of their enemies humans and super naturals alike who come for them while they wanted to make the world a better place where there would be no fighting and unnecessary wars, make rules that stops it, be at the top of the world, create a home for their children where they would be spoiled with care, and protected, where they would be treated right and given everything they want. That's the world they've always pictured together no matter how long the centuries they would still settle down and have their babies once they achieve the world they want. Only few are able to resist and can't also because he's that dangerous and that's the problem only few, even they would be injured and any slip ups could lead to their deaths, nobody wanted to try him or put their lives in that danger even if they are that powerful and also because of his blood moon which makes him so powerful with that woman by his side his Red wolf. She was beautiful as well as dangerous but they don't ever do bad they were the kinder ones. The only thing they do is kill or punish those who attack them or those they protected with their overwhelming strength they were extraordinary the heroes of legend. He is that powerful, his woman, the Red moon also as powerful as him who completed him was his blood wolf they bated in blood of their enemies and victories, his white mane was usually red and dripping with blood of the enemies. They fought together side by side as they kill those that were against them, they killed those who wanted to kill them, and they care for the people alot the weak, pure of heart , they were the kinder ones but they can smell betrayal that's the trait of the blood moon. They both share a blood moon. He smiled and it makes things easier in so many ways their love was hearty, heart felt connection they can tell what each other feels without no talking, they felt like home to each other because for a long time they didn't have anybody to call family, they were each other family, they were two sides of a coin. If not because of what happened back then , that bastard Cow Khalid he's dead now no worries he's in the ground immediately he hit her, he almost killed her, she died but she woke up back because of the red moon, because we are part immortal one of the perks of the red moon one of the perks of the red moon. I got a message earlier about some disturbance at the East gate, so I had to leave her side to check it out with my guards so as to quell it fast we didn't need any kind if disturbance right now, she was pregnant and in labour, she was weak I was weak so I had to quickly go check what that is and finish it up at once I can't leave her side since we're more powerful at each other side that's one if the things others don't know about The Red moon, some wanted to kill me and take her in the first place believing she is my red moon my power, they didn't quite get it first I was more powerful to protect her and myself so does she and she is no object she was my love she was really weak in the knees and dangerous when it comes to me. As they try to make their move against me even tho it would surely be a blood bath , they did a mistate and took their eyes off her for me She ended them immediately as they turned to face me. I felt special that so body would do that for me even tho I could have killed them all too. She told me her sixth sense just picked she didn't know what she was doing she just knew he was heart and she has kill all who tried kill or in the way of her heart. so when that bastard came in after she gave birth she was just there resting and he came in, she taught it was the usual smiley face and loyalty but as he came in she smelled it, he reeked of betrayal. She was scared immediately, how can a friend turn to foe like this. She was not surprised for that was the way of the world. she was resting from childbirth after she was cleaned up. she was not at full strength, she was waiting for her hubby, her white wolf. she was weak right now even though she won't go down that easy. she's the most powerful red moon Empress, the other part of the white wolf Emperor, the most powerful pair at the top of the world ,she grabbed her sword to protect herself the midwife have already taken my baby girl into the next room so she didn't have to worry about him. As he attacked she blocked but was pushed back a bit because she was in her weakened state, she is not that strong she just gave birth and she's only hanging on because of her beastly strength and because she was a superior beast, she had also fought many battles she got her through hard work and dedication so she won't go down that easily and she has to hold on till her love gets here. As he clashed and clashed slowly weakening her more aiming to make her fall on her knees and slashing her, she dodged but as she fell due to her already weak body he slashed her but thank God it wasn't near any of her vital point and it was because she dodged, it was at that point I came in and I slashed him immediately he slashed her but she was already hit, I quickly picked her up with tears I carried her to the bed and immediately ordered for the Royal Physician who came in almost immediately and I saw him first stop the blood, there was blood and operation, I couldn't watch because I was scared my inside shooked from the thought of her dying, there was no way I wouldn't a woman who just gave birth loosing so much blood that was akin to a dead sentence, if she's not taken care of well. The operation took till three in the morning, I was scared of the result, I was scared of hearing she died that I was shaking inside but I knew it was my cake, I have to taste it to see if it was sweet or bad, it was my life nobody can live it for me. On seeing me, the physician bowed and told me her condition," that she was okay, the sword didn't touch any of her vital points it was almost like she knew where the vital points were and let the sword slash her where it was less dangerous, she traded part for part to avoid certain death" She saved herself, whenever I think of the scene I'm just proud of her, proud of my love she could have died, she held on for me, she held on for us, she remembered our promise to always stay together, not to leave one another because that would be too agonizing than anything.

If not because I was weak, when my other half is weak I'm also weak It was one of the perks of the red moon I'm always extraordinarily powerful when my other half is near same as her, her red gets so shinny and beautiful and she is as dangerous and powerful as me we are a pair that have felled armies, we were called dangerous pair, so many nicknames so many legacies, mmm he took breaths in, so pure of heart and so dangerous, she is the only love for him. All is fair in War as in Love. What she's done for me what I've done for her, our love is everlasting . So I locked up the whole empire it's mine so I do anything I want, the people love, fear, obey and respect me as a matter of fact. I was like the father to them, their one powerful Alpha, Emperor Mikelson , Emperor White wolf. I knew most of them on a personal level we talk and share knowledge, I share mine from the past and from my experience and they tell me their view point though I'm also all feared when I get angry my white mane use to get red and that's only when I smell betrayal. we were the kinder ones, people love us, we don't do bad. I gave the order for my military after the lock down of the empire to assemble on a weeding out mission of the informats and spies, in the empire.

'He wanted to do a clean sweep and to protect his people. and two to secretly build his self and his army, him more anyways. because he has the responsibility to protect his people he has to be able to do it if his red moon was not there because she's weakened and also he has the responsibility to protect her right now she was not on the battle field with him, he must be able to get powerful that he could protect his pair without her help or their red mood enhanced strength and he must be strong enough to solely win battles without her help , he must become that powerful so that he would be able to protect them more, her and their daughter and future family'. He doesn't want to lose her again ever the pain was unbearable.