

  Rahul looked at Anya's worried expression as she punched in the number again to call. "He isn't attending right?"

  "Do you know who I am calling?"

  "Yup! The guy glaring at you in Night N Gale? Andy, right?" he asked.

  She looked at Rahul and shook her head. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. Why was she getting worked up by Andy's behaviour? It wasn't like he was her boyfriend. But he was special to her. The only person who she had been able to connect with, at an emotional level!

  "Do you want me to drop you over at his place?" said Rahul, frowning.

  "I don't know his address," she disconnected the call and put her cell phone in her clutch purse.

  "Are you a cop or what? Oh, God!! Don't tell me that you are too drunk to remember!" Rahul teased.

  "Oh yeah! No… Not drunk, just tired. Suddenly off the adrenaline from the evening rush," she shook her head again and took her phone out once more. This time she called Eknath, her trusted constable.