
CHAPTER 14 Coffee table

  A 12 year old Anya was looking for her brother. Sana stood smiling in an alley next to her shanty. "You are my best friend"

  "And you are mine!" Anya hugged Sana. The hug brought warmth into her body. Separating herself from Sana, she continued, "Have you seen dada? I haven't seen him since I returned from school."

  "He will be back soon." Sana fiddled with her hair. "I needed to tell you something."

  "What?" she saw Sana shift uneasily, checking the surroundings for any eavesdroppers.

  "I have a crush on dada." She blurted out as if trying to finish speaking before her courage left her and then looked at Anya with scared eyes.

  "Wow! On my dada? Ooooh! Who would have thought my sweet shy friend has a crush on my brother." She felt the air around her change.

  Sana looked very angry, "don't make fun of me bitch!" Her face started getting distorted. "I need to teach you a lesson." Anya stood with her mouth agape not able to understand what was happening.