Vivian rubbed her hand across her forehead, tired from absorbing two different memories in such a short time. Now, these memories began to fill the gaps in her memory bank. She began to understand what had happened here and to herself ten thousand years ago, but not all her questions had an answer.
"I've yet figured out the specific cause and effect, but the memory of the split began only from the moment she arrived on the planet ten thousand years ago." By calling the 'evil spirit' a split, she must have figured out the nature of the 'evil spirit.' "I saw she crossed a large field of chaos and light and fell onto the planet. At that time, the planet had plunged from the Plane of Dreams into the crack in the Wall of Reality, where darkness was covering the planet, and the planet was losing its heat rapidly. She used her strength to preserve the ecosystem. The picture is a bit fuzzy, but I guess it would tally with the myths of the locals."