
After Sales Service

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

No thanks to the MDT's timely reminder, a noble race like the Aerymian elves avoided the unfortunate fate of being called Peatopians. Hao Ren went looking for Hilda in a hurry and after explaining the notion of naming the planet to her, the elven queen reacted in shock. "Naming rights? You mean to have us decide the name of this planet?"

"Umm... If you are okay with being called Peatopians... sure..." Hao Ren laughed. "But no, I digress. I just don't find it acceptable. This huge migration will be part of my record, and I don't want to have my insofar clean record to have 'Peatopia' on it..."

Hilda could not understand Hao Ren's resistance towards the word but she nodded solemnly. "I understand... but, this honor is not something you give to someone, no? This is your planet. I think that the right to name it is something extraordinary, and that honour belongs to you."