
Hao Ren did not know what the enthusiasts were up to but with the gear that was on them, he could roughly figure it out. Vivian on the other hand, was brutal in her assessment. "Those clowns there, a bunch of swindlers they are. Only Nangong and that monk seem somewhat legitimate."

Lily went about sniffing the floor. After a while she lifted her head and went, "Someone was here."

"Well... there have been a whole lot of visitors coming to the ruins. That's not really surprising." Hao Ren shrugged and he slowly made his way towards the chapel as cautiously as he could. "This sounds really scary, you sure everything is okay?"

"No problem. The spirits are still entombed underground." Vivian looked around as she activated her magical sight. Her eyes were a flash of crimson in the dark. "Listen, the howling has weakened."