

"The Light to Dark" is a popular web novel starring a wonderful hero that saves everyone with the power of friendship and cheat-like abilities~~ Screw these kinds of stories!!! I an ordinary office worker want some clarity and peaceful life! There is no way that all these stories and their misunderstandings and dramas and action and fighting are good for my life. Not only that! After further reading the novel, I am not the only one! The novel review has gone down, their webtoon adaptation has also fallen off and was axed! In the end, these stories are not it! However... I should consider when I realized that I was reborn as the third-rate villain of "The Light to Dark" novel. Ron Vicious Le Stella

Endeko · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


There I was, chilling on my gaming chair while my computer was playing music in my headphones and my monitor was displaying a walkthrough of my favorite game. As the walkthrough plays, one can immediately know that it is boring. It's an hour of gameplay with no sound or someone talking in the background. It was boring.

In order to pass through my boredom, I was not focused on the video playing on my monitor but a novel on my phone. 


 The novel wasn't really anything special. It was your run-of-a-mill novel to feed people childhood delusions fighting off the demon lord with everyone whilst also going on a journey and meeting more people.

To put it short... It's your hero fighting a demon lord with plot armor and the power of friendship. The one everyone hates! And by everyone, including me!

The reviews were just bombing this novel right now. 

[What the hell, he was about to die but all of a sudden a friend he randomly knew back when he was a child suddenly appeared! Where did he come from XD]

[Ok, this novel is just straight garbage, the amount of characters is crazy and the plot armor is too thick, like it was made from all the friends he had on his journey]

[Nah, dropped]

[The webtoon was worse [Insert Skull Emoji]]

True though, the webtoon was straight dumpster fire not going to lie. The pacing was awful, but the art was all right... The format was also awful, plus the story... Because the novel was really awful, the webtoon department started to go off track and didn't follow the novel at all, it was really confusing. Worse of all, because it did not follow the novel which is awful, the double-digit fans of the novel hated the webtoon. The ending of the webtoon? AXED!

As to why I was reading it though... Let's just say that I had no more novels to read and I needed those childhood delusions to be fed because of the situation I am currently in.

The novel MC, Hans Alter Poumdor, the son of a duke but raised in a barony was your normal kid who was loved by his foster parents. Because they spoiled him, he was barely allowed to get out of the barony. In the end, he escaped the barony explored the world, and met a lot of people apparently. 

However, when he was caught he was grounded and then met his real family, the dukedom. He was then spoilt as their only heir, went to the academy, and was bullied, bullies bit the dust, graduated peacefully, With Harem of course, and went on a journey to defeat the demon king after the kingdom found out that he was the hero.

Doesn't just everyone love it, having such an adventurous way of life? Every time you make some mistakes, you have people that will help you overcome them.

Unlike Hans, I had no one.

While going through college I just heard the news that my parents died in a car crash. That made it so that I had to work a part-time job to get some money. And, funnily enough, because I was working a part-time job I had less time to spend with my lover back then, balancing my part-time job while studying was already time-consuming so I couldn't spend with her back then. Furthermore, at university, I had no friends whatsoever because my lover took up all my time.

Back then, the time with my lover was just replaced with my part-time job so there was nothing I could do.

Thankfully, I graduated just fine for me to land for a job at a well-known company in my area. I worked there hard for me to be financially stable enough to look for friends and maybe a lover. BUT! I came to find that making friends as an adult was hard! I soon realized that most adults that I know had lifelong friends because they were friends during their academic days!!!

However, I did not give up! I changed my views on life and looked at a different place instead! which was..... THE INTERNET

"So now I have internet friends!" I'm just hoping they aren't minors though...

However, internet friends can't change what I just did for my company! Because of a mistake I made I might not be able to stay in the company and might even be fired in the future!!!

I tried asking them before but...

He who governs the night: "Good luck"

Greatest fighter: "Good luck"

Caring Goddess: "Hmmm, Good luck?"

What do you all mean GOOD LUCK?!?!?

And, isn't you're online nickname the "Caring Goddess"??? Aren't you supposed to care about the situation I am in?! [insert crying emoji] I send to the chat while sobbing

Caring Goddess: "Okay okay I'm sorry, I don't really know anything to fix the situation you are in. But! didn't you tell us about the novel that you are reading right now? The three of us are really good friends with the author and they were really happy about you reading it so they plan to give you a surprise!"

Then with a ping, my phone buzzed for a little.

Hmmm? What's this?

There on my phone, I came to arrive at a surprise.

It was a MASS RELEASE. Furthermore the novel "The Light to Dark" has ended and there it was the final chapter in front of my eyes.

"You guys are really friends with the author?" I typed on the chat

He who governs the night: "Yup 100 percent"

Caring Goddess: " Truly! now that you have more chapters to read you have more time to be distracted from reality and forget about the situation in your company!"

Caring Goddess: "See? Aren't I caring?"

In some way, maybe.

Oh well, since I have all of these chapters to read now, I should really just partake in reading this all night!






What the hell?

What the hell? What the hell? What the hell?

What was that ending??? No way, that was really the ending!

Let's see what everyone is saying

I exited the chapter and began reading the reviews

[What just happened? I did not expect that.]

[A fitting way to end this novel tho, ng]

[It just didn't fit the theme no? Why would that happen.]

[Why did everyone just die?????]

Yeah, same thought. With how crazy and powerful the plot armor of the MC, the story's ending caught me off guard too. 

The ending went as follows: The hero and everyone defeated the demon king and the demon army came out all battered up and can't even stand. As they were about to celebrate their victory a massive warship appeared out of nowhere just above their planet's atmosphere. Then it was later revealed it was another invasion and the demon king was nothing but a scout to them. As the hero tried to fight, he was one shot and their planet was invaded in the end.

"The ending just doesn't fit..."

"Hey guys, can you tell the author about the ending?" I asked the group chat

Greatest Fighter: "Oh you're still awake? I'll do it for you. In fact! how about you ask them yourselves"


Light Up the World! has joined the server.

"What the heck."

Light Up the World!: "Hello :D Apparently, you had some questions about the ending?"

Is this really the author? 

I looked up the author's pen name and it was indeed the same...

"Ah yes, I have a lot of questions really. Why is the ending like that and why are you like this?"

Light Up the World!: "Pardon?"

"The plot of your story is really awful and your ending did not fit your story whatsoever! Why are you like this?!?!"

Light Up the World!: "Excuse me~! Who are you to tell me the ending of my world goes!"

"Duh, I'm the reader after all! It should be a given that I have a tell on this?!"

Light Up the World!: "YOU'RE JUST A NOBODY!"

"Oh yeah? I bet if I was the MC of that world the ending would be really different, the MC of your novel is really awful by the way let me tell you that!"

Light Up the World!: "OH YEAH??? wanna bet on that?"

"Hell yeah!!! even if I am just a little npc in your world I could make it more interesting!"

Light Up the World!: "Your words not mine, don't come crying to me when you sucked!"

Did I go overboard? feel like I did. Anyway, I bet on this so what should I do? Am I going to be making a novel?

As I pondered with my thoughts I soon started to get nauseous.

"Wait what's going on!"

As the nausea got worse the world around me started to distort in my mind. Or maybe even... In real life? I asked myself then proceeded to pass out.




