
A Meeting

"Wait you want me to what!" I say as I look at All Might with a surprised look

"I want you to train Young Midoriya with his newly aquired quirk."says All Might restating what he had just said.

"All Might I really don't think he can handle It, No offense." Says Midoriya looking at me with a smile "Oh the offense is taken... I'll accept the offer." I say glaring at Midoriya "Do I need to pay you?" Asks All Might scratching his head "No No No... I'll do ut for free as long as he doesn't kill any one." I say looking at the ground wondering what Midoriya's quirk even is.

"Hold on... What even is Midoriya's quirk." I say as I look at Midoriya for him to explain.

"I am his quirk, technically speaking."

Says Venom appearing on Midoriya's right shoulder. "And who exactly would you be?" I ask looking a little shocked to see this. "My name is Venom and I'm a symbiote, and I crash landed here from my planet which now no longer allows me to live there any more, so now I'm here." Said Venom explaing what he was and where he came from. "A.L.E.X. please put all of that in the files." I say "Yes sir" Says A.L.E.X. showing me where it's stored. "Ok, now that that's over follow me Midoriya." I say waving my hand my direction as I walk to the training room.

"Wait what do you want us to do?" Asks Midoriya looking around the gaint white room. "you're going to unleash the power of Venom on me." I then double tap my neck letting the nano-bots in my blood stream to from my suit around me. "But I don't want kill you on accident." says Midoriya looking down at the ground. "Tust me, you won't." my visor clamps together. "Now! Bring It."