
The Rebirth Of The Fallen Demon Lord.

In a world there was a small town named Toshi. The town was peaceful until the demon lord and his army of demons attacked; the humans tried their best to fight back against the demon lord and his army, but they were lacking manpower. When the demon lord made his appearance amidst the chaos. 7 heroes rose to attack the demon lord. Their battle went on for 8 consecutive days. The heroes then use a skill called link to use a joint attack on the weaken demon lord. The demon lord was trying his best to hold off the heroes until the rest of his army could arrive. The joint attack from the heroes then pierced a hole in the demon lord's chest. Blood started pouring out of the hole in the demon lord's chest. The demon lord tried to heal it but his mana was too depleted to continue the fight. After the demon lord died; 30 years later the town Toshi returned to being the small and peaceful town once again; Until something unexpected occurred.

RealShadow · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

A New Companion.

Kurai was exploring the forest, when he stumbled upon a sight that made his heart sink. He saw a small magic beast lying on the ground, whimpering in pain. The poor creature was covered in bruises and cuts, and its wings were broken.

Kurai approached it slowly, trying not to startle it. "Hey there, little one," he said softly. "Don't worry, I'm here to help you." He knelt down beside the magic beast and examined its injuries. "You've been hurt pretty badly," he murmured.

Kurai knew he had to act fast if he wanted to save the magic beast's life. He had learned a bit of healing magic and used it on the magic beast. Slowly, the magic beast's breathing became less labored, and its eyes began to shine with hope.

For the next few days, Kurai had the magic beast at his house. Giving it food and water. Gradually, the creature's strength began to return, and it started responding to Kurai's touch with affection. Kurai had never felt such joy before. The magic beast had become more than just a pet; it had become his loyal companion.

They explored the forest together, with the magic beast perched on Kurai's shoulder, and Kurai talking to it about his adventures and dreams. Together, they discovering hidden paths and secret waterfalls, and Kurai taught the magic beast how to use its powers for good. They met other travelers on their journey, who were amazed by the bond between Kurai and his companion, and who often asked Kurai for advice on how to gain the trust of their own magic beasts.

Kurai had never felt so connected to any other creature before. He knew that they would always be together, protecting each other and exploring the vastness of their world. Kurai's father Daichi asked Kurai if he had name him yet, and Kurai responded negatively.

Daichi told Kurai that he should name him. Kurai went into deep thought for a second and decided to name him Ryoko. The baby wyvern spun in excitement to her new name. Kurai told his father that he's going to sleep as he was eager for the next day to go into the forest again with Ryoko.

Daichi told Kurai that they were going to the Capital City tomorrow so Kurai can't go in the forest tomorrow. Kurai was disappointed but as he had never been to the capital, he also felt excited. He went to sleep with Ryoko and got another dream about the demon lord.

"Where am I" Kurai asked.

The demon lord answered that we are in your mind. Kurai turned around swiftly and spoke.

"Why am I here again?"

The demon lord said I called to warn you about the dangers in the capital. Kurai wondered what the demon lord was talking about. The demon lord said that heroes reside in the capital and if they sense any demonic energy from you will either be arrested or killed. Kurai stood in shock of the information he just heard.

The demon lord told him that his mother already taught him how to suppress his mana so make sure you're hiding your mana at all times. Kurai said to the demon lord that he will. When Kurai opened his eyes outside was shining a bright light.

As he got out of bed, he remembered what the demon lord told him. He then went straight to Ryoko, and she went on his shoulder. Kurai went to the dinner table to eat his breakfast. His mother asked him if he was excited to go to the capital today.

Kurai responded positively and said that he is, and Ryoko is too, with a slight smile. His mother gave him a warm smile and said ok. They finished their food and then got a carriage and on the way to the capital Kurai asked his parents why we were going to the capital. Daichi told Kurai that the king wanted an audience with you as he heard about you from his daughter you rescued in the forest.

Kurai was wondering which girl was that until he remembered when his mother was ill, he helped a girl that was in the forest being attacked and was also wondering what she was doing so far away from the kingdom. Kurai was playing with Ryoko until he saw the kingdom walls.

As they pass through the kingdom gates Kurai saw how busy and lively the capital was. Kurai steered in amazement. The carriage stopped at the inner kingdom gate, and they got off. Little before that Kurai hid his mana before entering the kingdom.

His mother, Iris realized that Kurai hid his mana but decided not to say anything about it, as she thought he was training his mastery of hiding his mana. As Kurai got off the carriage he went to a food stall as he got hungry on the trip to the capital. They then went to the castle where the king resides and showed the guards their pass to enter.

Kurai was amused of the size of the castle. A guard was waiting inside and escorted Kurai and his family to the king's throne room. The guards knock on the door and said.

"The Reiss family has come to see you."

The king told the guard to enter. and the doors open Kurai and his family entered the throne room. immediately Kurai sees the King's daughter which he had save in the forest. She gave him a soft smile as he walked up the king and bowed.

The King told Kurai to raise his head and thanked him for saving his daughter in the forest. Kurai responded positively and said thank you sir. I was in the area and heard a scream and I couldn't just leave her to die.

The King told Kurai that he was King Zahard, as you may know the kingdom was named after me. The Kingdom Zahard. The King called his daughter and told her to choose the reward that Kurai would get. His daughter Liza chose that he would own a piece of land outside of the capital.

Kurai thanked the princess Liza and said he's honored. The king then told his parents to raise their heads. Daichi and Iris raised their heads. The king joked around and said it's funny to see you two bow down before me, stand up. Kurai wondered if his parents and the king were friends. The king answered Kurai's question and said that they were in the same adventurer party.

Kurai was surprised and asked the king if they were strong. The king answered positively. After the chat with the king, it was late at night and the king gave them rooms that they could stay in for the night. Kurai was surprised that the king didn't ask any questions about Ryoko.

Kurai went to sleep as he knew there would be a long day ahead of him tomorrow. As he pats Ryoko's head and goes to sleep.