
The Rebels [FNF Fan-Story]

A random FNF fan story, telling the story of how these 5 boys (Whitty, Tabi, Ruv, Agoti, and Garcello) became such an awesome group, and telling the best adventures they had, including rap-battling, to their own past stories and family moments with Rasazy, Selever & their parents. !WARNING!: These characters are not mine! All the story is written by myself, and (almost) nothing here is canon. Also, the 2nd volume is more appropriated for +16 (even though I'm just 15, but "almost" 16) Credits: FNF created by: ninjamuffin99 Whitty/Updike Mod: sock.clip, NateAnim8, KadeDev & bbpanzu Tabi/Ex-Boyfriend Mod: Homskiy A.G.O.T.I. Mod: SugarRatio Mid-Fight Masses: Dokki.doodlez, Mike Geno, & kuroao_anomal Garcello & Annie Mod: atsuover Big Brother Mod: The Savvy Peridot Ayana/Ex-Girlfriend Mod: RatNonFat Carol & Sunday Mod: bbpanzu Abigail Mod: PixelatedEngie Madness Combat: Krinkels (Tricky Mod by Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev, Cval/Hank Mod by NotJoNUTan) Hex Mod: YingYang48 Eddsworld: Edd Gould [R.I.P] (Mod by CoralineHecc & SnowTheFox) Kapi Mod: PaperKitty Maginage Matches: Frances Bobis Bob and Bosip: AmorAltra Vivian (Ice on Fire Mod): ViviGamer01087 Nonsense: NonsenseNH Skie: Skie (she's not a mod) Lullaby: Banbuds Cyber Sensation: Tae Yai FNFever: Cesar Fever (Probably adding more mods, while writing the story) Book Cover: Me, but of course, I'm not gonna take ALL FULL credit, 'cause I took some poses for Whitty, Garcello, Ruv, AGOTI, Tabi & Selever from the game files for the cover, so credits for the creators/artists. My credit is the background and details (except Selever's circle)

_vandrawn_ · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

The Date

Carol: So, Abby. What are we gonna do today?

Abby: Why am I even here?

Carol: Huh, are you going to have a date with Lucian?

Abby: Wha- Who told you about that?

Carol: Tac?


Tac: Girls!

Carol: Huh?

GF: Did 'ya hear something?

Tac: Over here!

Carol: (turns around) Is that Tac?

GF: I think it is.

Tac: Hey! Huff... Sorry, I ran as fast as I could to get to you.

Carol: Do you need anything?

Tac: Not me, but Abby does. You see, Lucian asked her if she wanted to go on a date with him, and well, she said yes, but now she has no idea what to do. She never had a date before...

Carol: Well, guess we'll have a change of plans today. We have a girl in need!

[Back to Present]

Abby: Oh, how... nice of him... Anyway, what are you gonna do with me?

Carol: That's what I ask you. What are we gonna do with you?

Abby: About what?

Carol: Oh, huh, you know... Makeup, haircut-

Abby: Hold on just a second there, Carol. I won't be doing makeup for sure, but for a haircut, I don't have that many ideas though.

Carol: How about a Braided Bun hairstyle?

Abby: What's that?

Carol: Well, kinda looks like this. (shows a picture of a woman with a Braided Bun hairstyle)

Abby: Ok, look. I'm going on a date with Lucian, not going to marry Lucian...

Carol: Well, sure, but who knows?

Abby: (looks at Carol, and then looks at the hairstyle album) How about this "Wob" one?

Carol: That would look great on you!!

GF: (quicks the door) Ok, I was able to pick up some dresses from my mom, and also from Nene's house.

Abby: That Asian girl with suicidal thoughts?

GF: Unfortunately, yes. But, she has Pico on her side now, she doesn't seem that much of 'killing herself' now.

Abby: That's good.

Carol: Ok, let's start with your hair then.

A few minutes later...

Carol: Done!!

Abby: God...

Carol: What? You don't like it?

Abby: No, it's not that. It's just... I was thinking... I'm pretty sure that Lucian is onto something with this 'date thing'.

GF: Of course he is. I bet he's going to ask you to date him.

Abby: What? C'mon, Lucian wouldn't be that stupid... He's just started to move on from Liam...

Carol: (brushing Abby's hair) Oh, don't say that. You're good enough for Lucian. As a bisexual, I can say that you would be a perfect girlfriend for me.

Abby: (blushes) Wait... I... Would?

Carol: Yeah! Besides, my boyfriend is just like you, always ready for the fight. And if it wasn't me, he would be exploding every 10 minutes. Get it? 'Cause he's an actual bomb?

GF: Hahaha!!

Abby: Hehe... But, we're like frenemies, 'ya know? We always call each other names, and all types of stuff, but it's funny actually. I like Lucian, A LOT. I'm just afraid I'm not... Good enough.

GF: I had the same feelings over Boyfriend.

Carol: Ok, Abby, wanna see what you want to dress?

Abby: I don't know... Do I want to? (smiles)

Carol: I'll take that as a yes.

After a montage of dresses, and all types of clothes, Abby choose:

Carol: Your prom uniform?

Abby: Yeah, I kinda like the colors in it.

GF: You don't like anything else?

Abby: Hey, my date, my choices. Now, give me that! (grabs the uniform from Carol's hands & walks to the change room)

[Carol & GF look at each other confused]


[Carol & GF come out from the bushes, while Abby walks to a restaurant]

Carol: *sigh* I wish her luck.

GF: Same.

Pico: (comes out the bush) Hey!

GF: Ahhhh!!

Carol: Pico? Why in the world are you here?

Pico: Well, to help Lucian of course.

Carol: Wait, who else is in this?

[Whitty & Tac come out from the back bushes]

Whitty: Hey, Carol.

Carol: Whitty?!

GF: Ok, everyone. We're here to help that couple of friends become an actual couple tonight, so let's concentrate.

Pico: Actually-

Carol: What?

Pico: We were here just because we made a bet with Lucian. I mean, he did with us.

GF: About what?

Pico: That he would be able to ask Abby to date him. Even if he's trying to move from Liam, he said that he felt feelings for Abby before as well.

GF: I knew it!

Tac: Well, I'm here because they're my friends. And let me be honest, I started to see Abby and Lucian more than friends, between themselves.

Pico: I understand you, buddy.

GF: So what's the plan?

Whitty: How about infiltrating the restaurant?

Carol: Pretending to me waiters?

Whitty: I just read my mind!!

GF: But we need to be discreet.

Pico: Leave it to me. (grabs the phone & calls a person) Hey, Nene. Wanna go for dinner?


Lucian: (taping his finger on his arm)...

Abby: Hey, Lucian.

Lucian: Abby!! (hugs Abby)

Abby: (blushes & hugs back)

Lucian: You look nice!!

Abby: Thanks, you too!!

Lucian: Hehe!! So... Shall we go in?

Abby: Sure!!

[Lucian & Abby enter the restaurant]

Meanwhile, at the bushes...

Nene: Hey, I'm here. I brought the waiter's suits. And we better hurry about this, I rented them 'til 11 pm.

Pico: That's enough time, now let's go.


Pico: (slams the back door of the kitchen, while holding his gun)

[Cookers gasp]

Pico: Excuse me, misters. Who's your chef where?

Chef: I'm right here.

Pico: Well then... We're gonna be your new waiters tonight!!!

Chef: Hmm...


Abby: (looking at the menu)

Lucian: (looking at the menu, then looks at Abby) So, you've made your decision yet?

Abby: What? About what?

Lucian: About the menu?

Abby: Oh, huh, not... Yet...

Abby's POV: Something's wrong here... Why isn't he talking almost nothing? This doesn't seem of him... I'm getting worried about him...

Lucian: (looks at the kitchen window)

Whitty: (looks outside) *gasp* (squats)

Pico: What? (wears a white glove)

Whitty: Lucian. I think he noticed me.

Pico: Hmm... (looks sideways)

Chef: I hope you have experience with this...

Pico: Oh don't worry... As long as you pay by the end of the night. (points) You know that we're working for you now, right?

Chef: I'm aware.

(Nene & Darnell enter the restaurant)

Darnell: So... What was the thing again?

Nene: Pretend we're gonna have dinner together. But actually, we're just gonna make sure that Lucian and Abby's ambiance isn't boring.

Darnell: Right.

Nene: And if it starts to be, Tabi & Ruv will come in.

At the church...

Selever: So what's that for?

Tabi: We're gonna assault a restaurant, aka "exploding" it.

Ruv: All of this just to Lucian and Abby confess to each other? Is it that hard to say "I love you"?

Selever:... Not even gonna say anything...

Back to the restaurant...

Darnell: Got it. Huh, a table for 2, please.

Abby: (whispering) Nene?

Lucian: Huh? Did you say anything?

Abby: Huh? Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.

Lucian: Hmm...

Pico: 'Sup- I mean, greetings. Welcome to, huh... (looks at a paper with the name of the restaurant) "King of Kings", (whispering) 'jeez who the heck names their restaurant this way? Can I take your order?

(A portal opens outside)

Selever: (exits the portal) Ok, so... How do we make an assault?

Tabi: Like this. (kicks the restaurant's entrance door with buttons on his hands) THIS IS AN ASSAULT!!


Ruv: (walks in)

Tabi: (clears throat)

Ruv: Oh, huh... We're Russians...?

(People start to scream)

Tabi: Wait... How did you knew that they would start to scream by saying "We're Russians"?

Ruv: Some people nowadays are afraid of Russians, for some reason...

Tabi: What? Why?

Ruv: Don't know, don't care.

Whitty: (opens the kitchen window) Tabi?

Tabi: I'm sorry. Are we early?

Whitty: Way early!! Wait... Where's Abby and


Ruv: (looks at the ceiling & points) The vent.

Selever: Leave those b*tches to me! (flies into the vent)

Tabi: You know, since we're here... (walks to Whitty) 'Bud, could you make me a favor?

Whitty: Sure...

Tabi: 'Ya got vodka here?

Whitty: Seriously, dude? Right now?

Tabi: Yes.

Whitty: *sigh* Hey, Luigi?

In the vents...

Lucian: Dude, this is very tight to me. (quick a vent exit & leaves the vent) Need a paw in there?

Abby: Nope, I'm fine. (leaves the vent, but has some difficulties at landing) Huh, ok, maybe I need some help...

Lucian: (grabs Abby) There we go. (lands Abby)

Abby: Thanks.

Lucian: No problem.

Abby: Hey, don't you think that "assault" was kinda suspicious?

Lucian: Yeah... And I'm pretty sure I saw Whitty there.

Abby: Hmm... Wait... The waiter.

Lucian: *gasp*

Abby/Lucian: Pico!! Huh? (blush)

Lucian: But I don't understand... Why we're they there?

Abby: It's all a plan.

Lucian: What?

Abby: I saw a few other people too. I saw Nene and Darnell entering the restaurant way after us. And then, the assault. Those were Tabi and Ruv, Whitty's friends from Russia.

Lucian: Jeez, I'm not surprised by loving someone like you.

Abby: Huh? (blushes)

Lucian: (blushes) Huh, I mean... Yeah, that's what I meant.

Abby: (smiles) You really... Like me? Like, like I am? And... How could you move on from Liam so fast? I thought... I thought you really had strong feelings about him.

Lucian: Yeah. I mean, I know... But I think... I probably had feelings about you too? You may be a little bit too much about your anger sometimes, but except that, I love everything about you.

Abby: Oh. I... I like everything about you. Even if we discuss sometimes...

Lucian: (smiles & grabs Abby's hand) My shortie. (squats)

Abby: (approaches to Lucian & smiles)

Selever: (in vent) F*CK!! MY HEAD!!

Lucian: *gasp* (grabs his baseball bat) I think someone followed us in the vent.

Abby: (shows her claws)

Selever: 'Sup b*tches!!

Lucian: Ahhh!!! (hits Selever with the baseball bat)

Selever: Ahh, you wh*re!!

Lucian: Selever?

Selever: No... Who else would it be? My grandmother? (leaves the vent)

Lucian: What are you doing here?

Selever: Well, very long short story, my dad and their friends decided to stalk you, for some f*cking reason. Anyway, why the f*ck are you here?

Lucian: Well, we were having a date, but then a bunch of your dad's friends started to come up, so we decided to enter the vents and ended up here, wherever this is...

Selever: Oh, I see. You just need some time alone. And then, get a room.

Lucian: *sigh* No.

Selever: Well, I tried... (whispers to Lucian) Just f*ck her already (pats Lucian's head)

Lucian: (slaps Selever's hand) You're such a pervert...

Selever: Haha, I know. I'm a half-demon for a reason, and so you are. (points at Lucian's tail)

Lucian: Oh, c'mon dude, that doesn't mean anything.

Selever: Just saying. Now, (opens a portal) who wants to go house after an awkward night, huh?


Chef: I hope you have enough money to pay for the dishes that the people broke for you assaulting the restaurant...

Ruv:... Don't talk to me. Talk to him.

Tabi: Oh c'mon, Ruv! You were a part of this.

Ruv:... Yeah, that's true.

Nene: What if I pay? I mean, dishes aren't that expensive, right?

Chef: It's 118$...

Nene:... Excuse me?

Chef: Yeeeah... You're in a 5-star restaurant, my dear. That means food of quality, employees of quality, and of course, dishes of quality.

Nene: I mean, makes sense, but 118 DOLLARS FOR DISHES?! Forget this, I'm going back to my suicidal thoughts now...

Pico: What if I pay?

Chef: I mean, sure.

Pico: Do you accept checks?

Chef: Anything that is money...


Selever: See 'ya, b*tches. (closes portal)

Lucian: *sigh* Sorry, Abby.

Abby: What? For what?

Lucian: For all this.

Abby: I know what you're gonna say. Even if our friends did everything for us to have a nice date, and all, they just ended up messing everything up. But, I like it, 'cause I was able to be (holds Lucian's hand) with you.

Lucian: (blushes) Oh, hehe, me too. So, do you wanna go watch a movie at my house? I saw a movie on Netflix, that I bet I'll love to watch it.

Abby: I'd love to. But hey, aren't your parents gonna ask about me?

Lucian: Meh...

At the bushes...

Pico: (raises his hand) Mission accomplished.

Tabi: (high-fives Pico) So we didn't need the bombs? (drags his bomb box)

Darnell: I can keep them if you want.

Tabi: Oh no. I know you have a garage full of bombs.

Tac: Hey, guys!! What did I miss?

Pico: Lots of stuff.

Tac: Really? Tell me everything!!

Pico: Ok, ok! So, they went to the restaurant, and-