
The Rebels [FNF Fan-Story]

A random FNF fan story, telling the story of how these 5 boys (Whitty, Tabi, Ruv, Agoti, and Garcello) became such an awesome group, and telling the best adventures they had, including rap-battling, to their own past stories and family moments with Rasazy, Selever & their parents. !WARNING!: These characters are not mine! All the story is written by myself, and (almost) nothing here is canon. Also, the 2nd volume is more appropriated for +16 (even though I'm just 15, but "almost" 16) Credits: FNF created by: ninjamuffin99 Whitty/Updike Mod: sock.clip, NateAnim8, KadeDev & bbpanzu Tabi/Ex-Boyfriend Mod: Homskiy A.G.O.T.I. Mod: SugarRatio Mid-Fight Masses: Dokki.doodlez, Mike Geno, & kuroao_anomal Garcello & Annie Mod: atsuover Big Brother Mod: The Savvy Peridot Ayana/Ex-Girlfriend Mod: RatNonFat Carol & Sunday Mod: bbpanzu Abigail Mod: PixelatedEngie Madness Combat: Krinkels (Tricky Mod by Banbuds, Rozebud, KadeDev, Cval/Hank Mod by NotJoNUTan) Hex Mod: YingYang48 Eddsworld: Edd Gould [R.I.P] (Mod by CoralineHecc & SnowTheFox) Kapi Mod: PaperKitty Maginage Matches: Frances Bobis Bob and Bosip: AmorAltra Vivian (Ice on Fire Mod): ViviGamer01087 Nonsense: NonsenseNH Skie: Skie (she's not a mod) Lullaby: Banbuds Cyber Sensation: Tae Yai FNFever: Cesar Fever (Probably adding more mods, while writing the story) Book Cover: Me, but of course, I'm not gonna take ALL FULL credit, 'cause I took some poses for Whitty, Garcello, Ruv, AGOTI, Tabi & Selever from the game files for the cover, so credits for the creators/artists. My credit is the background and details (except Selever's circle)

_vandrawn_ · วิดีโอเกม
23 Chs

The Concert (Part 2)

Selever: (gets down) Guys, Whitty and Tabi are heading here. And also someone called Tom.

Ruv: Wait... Something's not right...

Selever: I know, right? I have a feeling that-

Tom: Hey. You're these guys' friends??

Agoti: Tabi!!!

Tabi: Huff... Jeez, why did we go so far??

Agoti: Tabi!! (puts his hands on Tabi's shoulders) Are you OK?

Tabi: Huh, yeah, I'm fine.

Agoti: *sigh* Thank goodness.

Whitty: Hey, any sign of Updike, 'til now?

Pico: Nope.

Whitty: That's strange.

Tom: How long is that Updike trying to catch you?

Whitty: For a few years. Since I'm an experiment from a lab, he thinks I'm some kind of monster or something.

(phone rings)

Tom: Hmm? (picks the phone from his pocket) Oh, it's Edd. 'Sup, Edd.

Edd: Oh, hey Tom.

Tom: Look, sorry if I disappeared out of nowhere. You know how I am.

Edd: Haha, yeah, we know. But... We kinda need your help.

Tom: What happened?

(Whitty & Ruv turn around)

Edd: Well, you see- *gasp*

(Someone steals Edd's phone)

Tord: Hello, Tom.

Tom: TORD?! What did you do to Edd and Matt?

Tord: Oh, I didn't do anything... Yet.

Tom: What do you want?

Tord: Look, I know you're with Whitty's friends. So let me keep this simple. You and Whitty give up yourselves to me, or (points) Edd and Matt will pay for your choice.

Paul: (points a gun to Matt's face)

Matt: No, please not my beautiful face!!!

Tord: The choice is yours, Tom. You, or them.

Tom: Sh*t...

Tord: So... What will it be then?

Tom: Huh...

Tord: Clock's ticking.

Tom: Ugh, ok fine. I'll go with you.

Tord: And Whitty.


Tord: If you don't bring Whitty, then I have to-

Tom: Ok, just shut up, you dingus. (hangs up)

Tord: Tom? Ugh... Hehehe.

Edd: There's no way you'll win this, Tord. I'm sure Tom made the right decision.

Tord: Oh... (turns) Did he?

Whitty: He what?

Tom: I didn't have another choice, or else he would kill my friends, even they're stupid sometimes.

Whitty: What about Updike?

Tom: I'm pretty sure that Tord has something to do with him. He would do anything for some cash, 'ya know?

Ruv: I'm going with you.

Tabi: Me too.

Agoti: I'll stay here with the rest. The Henchmen could appear at any time.

Ruv: So be it then. Let's go save your friends.


Tord: (humming Eddsworld's theme)

Matt: You know, Edd? I wouldn't actually mind if Tord take us wherever he lives, you know? Of course, if he doesn't destroy my perfect face.

Edd: *sigh*

Matt: Are you ok, Edd?

Edd: Matt, we're tidied up, with two guys pointing guns to us. Do you really think that I'm ok?

Tord: Oh, don't worry, Edd. I'm pretty sure that Tom will come to the rescue.


Tord: Well, speaking of the devil... Literally.

Tom: You're the one who's the devil, Tord. Free my friends!!

Tord: Oh, Tom, why the rush for? Our conversation just even started. (slaps his fingers)

Paul: (tries to grab Tom)

Ruv: (knocks Paul out)

Tord: *gasp*

Ruv: Not so fast, Tord.

Tord: Ruv!!

Ruv: What did I say about messing with my friends, or even appear on my face ever again, HUH?!

Tord: (steps back)

Whitty: Ruv (grabs him by his shoulder)!! Let him.

Ruv: What?

Tord: Whitty! (looks at Tom) I see that you did your part of the deal, Tom. Now, please. (slaps his fingers)

Patrick: (cuffs Tom and Whitty)

(An helicopter lands)

Tord: Now, I'm pretty sure you'll be welcomed to my country very gently, IF you be good prisoners while we don't arrive at our destiny.

Whitty: Wait, you're taking us to Norway?

Tord: Oh, I see that Tom talked somethings about me. But seriously, I have an accent. You never noticed?

Whitty: I never paid much attention to you, dude.

Tom: Huh, hey, excuse me! About Edd and Matt?

Tord: Oh, don't worry about them, Tom. They're coming with us too.

Tom: WHAT?! But you told me that you would free them if I surrounded myself and Whitty.

Tord: You don't really know me, don't you?

Tom: (spits in Tord's face) Screw you!

Tord: (smiles and cleans his face) Still annoying as always, aren't you, Tom? But well, I don't have time to take care of dumbheads like you-

(A shot at distance kills the pilot of the helicopter)

Tord: What the-

Pico: (blows the smoke out of the gun) Not today!

Tord: Err...

Ruv: Finally.

Paul: (tries to lift his arm)

Tabi: (stabs Paul)

Tord: You sure have a lot of friends... But that doesn't mean, (grabs a gun from his jacket's pocket) that isn't the end of me-

Edd: (takes Tord's gun, and tries punch him)

Tord: (strays) Haha, missed. (tries to punch Edd)

Edd: *gasp*

Tom: NO!!!! (punches Tord on the face)

Tord: (falls) Oof...

Tom: (grabs Tord's gun and points at him) *sigh* Look, Tord, I don't... Really wanna do this. But you really leave me no choice.

???: (points the gun)

[Everyone turns around, except Tord]

Updike: Put your gun down, Tom.

Tom: Wha-

Sunday: UPDIKE!!!

Updike: Ugh, (turns) you again?

Sunday: I'm not letting you put your hands on my friend's boyfriend, OR NEITHER OF THESE GUYS!!

Updike: *sigh* That's sweet, but I'm here to do my job, and I'm not going to get out of here until I get my targets.

Tord: Mr. Updike!!

Updike: Larsson...

Tom: I told you that Tord had something to do with him.

Whitty: No one was saying the opposite...

Updike: Whitty, so good to see you again.

Whitty: Oh, shut up!! You're just here 'cause I'm just another one of your targets...

Updike: Yes.

Tabi: Hey-

Cloud Guard: (pushes Tabi to the ground, and cuffs him)

Tabi: Ahh!! Son of a b*tch!!

Agoti: *gasp* Tabi!! Huh? (turns)

[Another] Cloud Guard: (Injects in Agoti serum to fall asleep)

Agoti: Hey, why do I feel everything spinning? (falls)

Tabi: Agoti!!

Updike: But you're not my only one... All of your friends are. Even him (points at Tom)...

Tom: Wait, what?

Ruv: Err, ok that's enough!!

Cloud Guard: (tries to grab Ruv)

Ruv: (strays & brakes one the guards' arm)

Cloud Guard: Ahhhh!!

Ruv: Hmm... *gasp* (turns)

Tord: (Shocks Ruv with an electric stick)

Ruv: Ahhhh!! (faints)

Sunday: *gasp*

Updike: Now, come, or will she'll be next.

[Another #2] Cloud Guard: (walks in, grabbing Carol)

Carol: Let me go, you freak!

Whitty: CAROL!! Errr, (begins to close his fist, of so much anger) LET HER GO!!!

Updike: Only if you come with me.

Carol: Don't listen to him, Whitty!!

Whitty's POV: This can't be it... (puts his hands on his head and kneels) All my friends are in danger, and there's nothing I can do!! Ugh, I could... Only have... A bit more time...

BB: Motherf*cker!!! (hits with the guitar on the head of the guard who grabbed Carol)

Pico: Michel!!!

Whitty: BB??

BB: I'm sorry, did I arrive late?

BF: Beep!

BB: Ok... We arrived late.

Selever: 'Sup b*tches!!! *gasp* My dad!! Who the f*ck did this to him?

Whitty: (points at Updike)

Selever: Ugh, you-

Patrick: (grabs Selever by the back)

Selever: Ugh, you wh*re!! (hisses)

Patrick: I'm sorry (shocks Selever with a shock gun & lands him on the ground)

Updike: Whitty... You have no other choice here now...

Whitty: *sigh* Ok... I'll go with you.

Updike: I thought so. Bring the rest of these guys with us too. Oh, and so that girl (points at Sunday)

Sunday: Wait, wha-?

Cloud Guard: Come on! (pushes Sunday to the helicopter)

Sunday: This can't be...

Tord: *sigh* (gets in the helicopter)

Tom: (gets pushed by another guard, while that, he's looking furious at Tord)

Tord: (Tord can't find the words, but looks back at Tom with a sorry face, and looks aside again)

A few minutes later...

Agoti: (slowly opening his eyes) Huh? (instantly opens his eyes) HUH? What the-? Where are-?

Tabi: (covers Agoti's mouth) Shh!!

Agoti: Tabi...? Where are we?

Tabi: In the sky...

Agoti: Wait... Are we dead?!?!

Tabi: What? No. We're in a helicopter...

Agoti: Oh, you scared me there for a second... So... Are you ok?

Tabi: Yeah. Huh, are you ok?

Agoti: Sure, I'm fine as long as I'm with you.

Tabi: Huh- (blushes)

Agoti: I mean-! Huh... (blushes) Nevermind.

Ruv: Ugh, my head...

Tabi: Oh, hey, Ruv.

Ruv: Hey. Huh... Where the hell are we?

Tabi: Being taken by "Updike & Tord's Gang".

Ruv:... Is that an actual thing?

Tabi: No, I just invented it now. (looks at Agoti)

Agoti: (looks at Tabi)

Agoti/Tabi: Ahh!! (blush & look away from each other)

Ruv: Are you two ok?

Agoti/Tabi: Yeah, we're fine!!

Ruv: Tabi, can I talk with you for a second?

Tabi: What? But, we're in a helicopter, there's nowhere else to go...

Ruv: *sigh* We speak Russian then. Ahem...Он тебе нравится? [Do you like him?]

Tabi: (blushes) Huh, I- Ahem... Да? [Yes?] Но, п-пожалуйста, не судите меня!! [But, p-please don't judge me!!]

Ruv: я не сужу тебя, просто спрашиваю... [I'm not judging you, just asking...] Ты должен ему сказать, понимаешь? [You should tell him, you know?]

Tabi: Huh? Послушайте, а как вы думаете, это просто ?! [Listen, but do you think it's easy?!]

Ruv: Я не говорю, что это тоже ... [I'm not saying that...]

Agoti: Hey, guys?

Ruv: Yes, Agoti?

Agoti: Why are you guys talking Russian? Is there something that I shouldn't know?

Ruv: Oh, huh... (whispering) Sh*t, Tabi, help us here!!

Tabi: Huh... Slapping contests?

Agoti: What?

Ruv: Yeah, watching slapping contests, (crosses his legs) my favorite hobby. (whispering) That was a good one.

Tabi: (winks)