
The Reader's Survival in Another World

One day, Victor finds himself trapped in the world of the web novel he read for years. How will he survive? In a world full of hidden dangers. His advantage? He knows the plot of the story to the end. Because he was the only reader who stuck to his guns. Read his story to see how he survives!

Junni_MC · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


Riiii! Riiii!

The insistent sound of the alarm pulls me out of my concentration. I walk over to my desk and stop the timer on my screen. Finally, I finished coding the last bit of JavaScript. It's been an exhausting afternoon, but I'm satisfied with the results. The codes intertwine in perfect harmony, creating a digital symphony reserved only for those who know how to appreciate it.

I look up and scan the office around me. I notice my colleagues chatting, laughing, and packing up to leave. I feel a twinge of envy and loneliness as I watch them interact naturally. If only I could be part of those social relationships, those moments of camaraderie. However, something in my past has condemned me to loneliness.

I carefully stow my laptop in my backpack and get up from my chair. I make my way to the table where my closest companions are sitting, trying to crack a smile despite my sadness.

"Hey guys, are you ready to enjoy your well-deserved rest?" My voice sounds a little more strained than I would have liked. They look at each other, smile, and nod.

"Of course we will! Let's have a few beers and celebrate the start of the weekend," exclaims Jorge, one of my colleagues. Everyone seems excited, eagerly anticipating the fun that awaits them.

"Sounds interesting," he replied, secretly wishing he had an invitation. But deep down, I know it's unlikely. I don't fit into his circle. I'm not part of the herd. Although my appearance is striking in its grace and care, my solitary aura acts as a shield that deters others.

A sigh escapes my lips as I try to mask my disappointment. "Anyway, enjoy your outing. See you Monday." I wave goodbye and walk away, feeling my companions' stares settle on me for a few moments before returning to their animated conversation.

I insert my AirPods and seek solace in music as I go to the subway station. The notes of a song flow into my ears, creating a cocoon that insulates me from the outside world. I catch the city's heartbeat inside the urban streets as the sun sets and the night lights illuminate my path.

Loneliness clings to me like a constant shadow over my existence. It was not always like this. At times, friendship and companionship were commonplace in my day-to-day life. However, a traumatic event, still fresh in my memory, left me scarred and withdrawn.

Every step I take toward the subway station reminds me of my isolation. I see people passing by, couples holding hands, and groups of friends laughing and chatting. I sketch a faint smile, feeling a hint of envy for their innate social ability. I wonder what would have become of me if that fateful event had never crossed my path.

As I wander through the crowded subway station, I feel small and passive. I walk through the crowd, looking for my corner in that lonely carriage, where I can coexist with strangers but also fall apart. I put on my headphones and choose a new song from my playlist.

The train's rumble reaches my ears as its doors open with a mechanical creak. I enter the carriage and discover an empty seat by the window. I look through the glass at the blurred silhouettes of the passengers as the train pulls away.

Just as I am about to immerse myself again in the melodies flowing in my ears, a notification breaks my tranquility. The alert comes from a web novel app, which I follow closely. A fleeting beating of excitement runs through my heart as I read the message announcing the release of a new web novel I've eagerly awaited for weeks.

My eyes light up with anticipation as I open the app and search for the newly published novel. Quickly, I slide my finger across the screen, eager to dive into the plot and meet the characters waiting for me on those digital pages.

Just as I am about to start the first chapter, a friendly, hurried voice interrupts me from the row of seats in front of me. "Excuse me, could you tell me what time it is?" asks a young woman holding a book.

She consulted my watch, and I sketched a forced smile. "It's 6:30 p.m." Our gazes met briefly before she nodded gratefully and returned to the book. I sensed a hint of curiosity in her eyes as if she wanted to engage in more conversation, but something seemed to stop her.

Noticing that no more words were addressed to me, I looked back to my phone, where the app with the novel's first chapter was still installed. Wasting no time, I began to dive into the printed words, eager to unravel what this opening chapter had to offer.

As I read on, a sudden and violent jolt from the train interrupted my concentration. It was as if something had struck the vehicle with unusual force. The shrill noise of twisted metal and the high-pitched screech of brakes flooded the atmosphere, projecting my body forward due to the abrupt collision. In the blink of an eye, the carriage, once a haven of tranquility, was transformed into a chaotic and terrifying scene.

The alarm spread among the passengers, manifesting in cries of panic and bewilderment filling the space. The peaceful aura that prevailed moments before was engulfed by regretful and unwanted chaos.

Gripped by fear, people struggled to keep their balance, clinging to any object within reach as the train derailed. Crashes and bumps echoed all around me while the faces of the passengers reflected the terror that invaded their minds. Amid the accident, anguish reigned.

The impact jolted me intensely, shaking my body and disturbing my thoughts. My head seemed to slam sharply against the back of the seat, causing a stab of pain to shoot through me. Blurred vision and a sharp ringing in my ears accompanied my effort to remain conscious as my body struggled to resist the attack.

Heart-rending screams echoed everywhere, mixed with the piercing sound of shattering glass and the constant creaking of twisted metal. My attempts to get up were thwarted by legs that seemed to have lost all firmness. Amidst the prevailing gloom and disarray, I was plunged into overwhelming confusion and latent fear.

The engineer's voice filtered through the loudspeakers, asking for calm and hoping for help. However, amid the commotion, maintaining composure was difficult. Passengers were searching for an escape route, some calling loudly for help, while others rushed to help the injured in a desperate attempt to restore some semblance of order to the scene of desolation.

The throbbing pain in my head grew sharper, and a feeling of dizziness swept over me like a rising tide. I struggled strenuously to stay conscious, clinging to the fragile hope that help would not be extended in coming and that we would soon escape this unimaginable nightmare.

The time I seemed to freeze as I waited amidst the debris and despair. Finally, the faint sound of emergency services sirens filtered into the carriage, bringing a ray of relief. I knew that help was coming, and we would soon be out of this terrifying crossroads.

Gradually, the darkness enveloped me like a veil, and my thoughts faded into the fog. My last perceptions consisted of intermittent flashes of lights and the voices of approaching rescuers as I surrendered to the comforting embrace of unconsciousness.


Slowly, I awoke, feeling a fog enveloping my mind. My eyelids lifted with effort, revealing a brightly lit hospital room. The bright lights made me nervous as my vision adjusted to my surroundings. I gradually became aware of the bandages and medical equipment around me.

I tried to move, but my body seemed dense and sluggish as if submerged in jelly. Anxiety flooded me when I realized that I could not move a single muscle. I felt like screaming, but my vocal cords remained silent.

What happened? Why couldn't I speak or move?

At that instant, the door to the room opened, and a nurse entered with some papers in her hand. Her face reflected kindness and concern as she approached my bed.

"Greetings," the nurse said in a soft, comforting voice. It is gratifying to see you awake. Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Nurse Maria. You have been in an accident and have sustained some severe injuries. At this time, you have temporarily lost your body's mobility and the ability to speak."

My chest was pounding, rumbling in tandem with the shocking news I was receiving. I tried to articulate words but only managed to let out a choked sigh, an exhalation of the torrent of emotions that overwhelmed me. Frustration mounted as I struggled to find the correct expressions to communicate what was boiling inside me.

Amid my despair, Nurse Maria seemed to notice my torment and gave me a sympathetic smile that was like a soothing balm.

"I understand how difficult it is to accept. However, I want you to know that we are here to accompany you in your recovery process. The medical team is putting all its efforts into understanding the origin of your condition and working on your rehabilitation."

My eyes clouded with tears of helplessness, reflecting my overwhelming frustration and gratitude toward the nurse, who was trying hard to convey serenity. I wanted to express my appreciation, to confide my faith in both her and the medical team, but my lips remained silent, immobilized by the complexity of my emotions.

Nurse Maria's voice kept flowing like a constant river of information about my condition and available avenues of treatment. She described in detail the need for physical and occupational therapy to regain mobility and communication.

It was then that I realized that we needed an alternative communication channel. My eyes scanned the environment, looking for some usable resource. I spotted a notebook and pen on the nightstand next to my bed. With a titanic effort, I moved my arm just enough to reach the pen and notebook.

With slightly trembling hands, I began to write with leisurely cadence, shaping the words into somewhat clumsy but still legible letters. "Thank you," I captured in firm penmanship, presenting the message to Nurse Maria. A warm smile lit up her eyes, and she nodded with understanding.

"You're welcome," he voiced, his eyes roaming over my words. "I'm here to help you with whatever you need. Don't worry; together, we will get through this situation and support you every step of the way."

Before I left the room, Nurse Maria took control of the television and tuned in to the news, allowing me to see what had happened while I was unconscious.

[Tragedy on the tracks: Train derailment accident leaves multiple injured.


[New York]

In a heartbreaking scene, a train derailment accident rocked nearby [downtown Brooklyn] on a seemingly quiet afternoon. The tragic event left many people injured and dead, plunging the community into a state of shock.

The incident occurred at around [6:35 pm] when the [TMR-2023-001] train headed for [Brooklyn] suddenly derailed. Eyewitnesses recounted that the train experienced a violent jolt before careening off the rails, causing chaos and panic among passengers.

Emergency services were quickly alerted and deployed to the scene, as ambulance and fire truck sirens filled the air. Rescue teams worked tirelessly to rescue the injured trapped in the wrecked carriages and provide immediate medical attention.

Preliminary figures indicate that at least [900] injured, some in critical condition, were rushed to nearby hospitals. Meanwhile, medical personnel evaluated and treated the rest of the passengers at the crash site.

Authorities have launched a thorough investigation to determine the exact causes of the derailment. Initial speculation points to possible failures in the rail infrastructure, but a complete analysis is still needed before conclusions can be drawn.

The mayor of [New York], [Erik], expressed solidarity with the victims and their families.

"This is a sad and painful day for our community. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured in this tragic accident. We will do everything we can to support those affected and ensure that a thorough and transparent investigation is conducted."

The accident has significantly impacted rail transportation services in the region. Authorities have temporarily suspended train operations on that route and established contingency plans to ensure the safety and mobility of affected travelers.

Pain and anguish are felt throughout the community as more information is awaited about the injured and efforts are made to restore normalcy to the affected area. Support organizations and crisis services are working to provide emotional assistance to those affected by this Tragedy.

This train derailment accident is a chilling reminder of the importance of transportation safety and the continued need to ensure infrastructure integrity and emergency protocols. As the investigation progresses, it is hoped that appropriate steps will be taken to prevent similar incidents in the future and provide justice for the victims and their families]

After hearing the tragic news, I realized how close I came to losing my life.