
The family

As she rode through the traffic, Sam felt unhappy. She knew what she was doing theft and wrong, but she had no other choices. She must complete this without any problem, or her family will be in danger. Without knowing she was being followed she rushed forward through the traffic. She had the whole family in her mind and all she could think was how her life was.

To tell the truth, she had no idea who she is or who she was, She could only remember her life from the age of 18 when she first opened her eyes, she was in the house with her now so-called family. When she regained her consciousness she asked them about who she was and who they were.

Albert, the one in charge of the house said that he is his uncle and she was saved from the accident with her parents in the car but, unfortunately, they died in the accident and he will look after her. After hearing this Sam was really shocked. They explained how she and her parents went out for celebrating her birthday party and ended up having the accident. There were no flaws at all. So, she believed them. 

But now thinking back she can see so many flaws. She had never seen her childhood photos nor her parents' photos. After her recovery from the accident, she was asked to do the house chores and she couldn't help it as she thought that's what she should do for them since they are looking after her.

And later on, she started working part-time so that she could get money for her tuition and they don't need to worry about her. But sometimes they started asking for money from her and she was getting beatings for each and every small mistake she made.

Only a single person in the family helped her and that was her cousin brother. He was always gentle towards her. even though he has poor health he helped her. And he is the main reason she is doing all this so that she can save him once. She didn't want him to get hurt and that's why she is rushing like this.

All I care about is my brother, otherwise, I wouldn't have helped them. I don't want to save the family who poisoned me but for him, I have to. Even though they treated me as trash I have to save my brother and he loves his family then how could I disappoint him. Sam still remembers his helplessness when they were captured, being the eldest, he couldn't do anything. He must have felt really bad. So, for him, she was determined. 



Even though she didn't tell that clearly, she stammered when she said to him that her family was the one that poisoned her for money from the person who ordered her to steal the diamond and give it to him. It seems as though he had made a deal with her family that he would provide the family with money for poisoning her. But as threatening her with her life didn't seem to work so, he came to her house and threatened her with the life of the family on line. Why is she doing this even after going through all this pain for such a family? This thought had occupied Kelvin's mind rather than who ordered her to do this. He wanted to know about her reasons for putting up this. He first followed her inorder to know who tried to steal the diamond, but after talking with her, he wanted to know more about her and her family.



As she was nearing her house, her fears were getting to her that until now was not much due to the pressure of riding through the traffic. She parked the scooter near the car in front of the house. As Kelvin saw her parking he asked his men to come faster so that it doesn't give time for the culprit to escape. As his car neared the scooter he saw Sam get into the house.He urged his men to come fast and surround the place and not to let the man escape. Jerry had asked him whether he should inform the police. But he didn't want to send someone who was dying within few hours to be sent to the prison. Even though he had a cold personality, and never once thought for another person except for him and the ones he cared for, but he didn't want to hurt someone who is dying. He  said Jerry to inform police but not to mention about Sam. Just the house being threatened by the goons, so that they will not know about the diamond, even if they know, they can save her as she was only having the fake one and that he gave tht to help her out from the situation and thus she could be saved.



As Sam walked towards the house her heart started beating faster, she didn't know if they will leave her family after getting what they wanted, but for now all she could do was to obey their order. She only had few more hours to live. knowing how long more do we live is really troubles, she thought. She didn't know if he should smile or cry at a time like this. All she wanted was a family that loved her, but this family for whom she ids trying so hard tried to kill or basically poisoned her and now due to which she will be dying any time soon. She thought, If my parents were alive , I would at least have had  good memories left, but now all I remember is the bullying I got from them and my brothers kindness. I wish I could find a way to cure my brother before something had happened to me,. but now there is no time left.As she went near the door and slightly pushed the door and looked through the open she was shocked to see what was inside that she couldn't move or speak, she stood there as if she were some statue. 

