
Fight back

Kelvin was startled, ' what is she thinking? Does she think they will let her off after she reveals that she knows their truth?' He was starting to get more tense. And slowly collecting himself, he called," Jerry, Did you ask them to gather the information on this family?"

"Yes, sir. They are in the process." came Jerry's reply. He stared at Kelvin as if to know what his next instruction was. But all he saw was his boss tensed up and staring at the girl they followed.



"Sam, what are you talking about? What nonsense is all this? And what fake family? Did someone tell something bad to you? Or is it that you are afraid of something?" asked John as he moved towards her in his wheelchair, trying to look sympathetically at Sam and eyeing everyone warningly so as not to say or do anything. " Don't be scared. I will protect you."

Sam continued," You guys are indeed great actors. It is a great miss for the entertainment industry for not having you guys. Just stop all of these dramas. I am sick of it. You, the one who pretends to save me from his mother being a good brother, are just in need of my body, to regain yours. Am I right? And yet you claim to be a good brother. And you who claim to be the brother of my father don't even know who my parents are. And yet you guys made me do all the things you wanted me to do and degraded me with the name of being family. And at last, you don't even know who I am." as she smirked holding back her anger and distress.

"How did you know that..?"

"That you are not my uncle? You just said it yourself about 15 minutes ago. Don't you remember?"




"Is she angering them on purpose?. Jerry, are you done with the information?"

"Yes, sir. It's just been forwarded to you. They were just an ordinary family until one day mysteriously their niece showed up and then they started to have a much more luxurious life than before, but the niece was treated as a servant and the only person who showed care and concern for her was the brother who was in a wheelchair. But he had "registered for an operation soon and the donor is the niece that they brought in." 

"That is almost what we heard today from her and that group of people, but if she is not their family then who is she? Ask someone to look into the accident that they talked about earlier from where they got the girl and whose accident, what happened"

"Yes, sir. I will give them the instruction. But as they said there were no clues or any traces left after that accident and no one knew that an accident had happened there."

"We will find something if you check it out. Nothing can be hidden that clearly. Especially when two people had died. There will be some missing records or something of that sort. Just dig it out."

"Yes, sir."



"You have been eavesdropping on us since you came, and that's why you said you didn't bring the diamond," Albert said as he laughed hysterically. " Where have you hidden it? Even if you don't say or take it out we will get it eventually since it will be around us." 

"What if it can't be retrieved to the original even if you get it?"

Everyone looked startled at Sam hearing this.

"What have you done with the diamond?" Bria asked as she pulled Sam by her collar.

Sam just smiled at them without any more words.

Jessie started frantically "You will not be having a good ending either without the diamond, Better tell the truth or you are not going to save yourself. Even if you hate us and have known the whole truth, you can't just sit silently Your time is ticking, the poison will start kicking in soon and you will die. But if you tell the truth and pass on the diamond, we will give the antidote for the poison."

"You guys still think you can control me? Never gonna happen again. Even if I die here, I am not going to give in. You won't have a peaceful life."

As John wheeled his chair towards Sam he said, " Sam just listen to us and tell the truth, Then you can get the antidote and save your life and later you can go find out about yourself and your parents. We will get what we want and you can get what you want. Isn't it good?"

"Huh... Don't make me laugh, you will get what you want but will I really get what I want? you are going to use me again right? for your purpose you will do anything and won't mind getting rid of it by any means am I right? My dear brother. Oh sorry you are not my brother but I am just an organ donor for you, right? And after I tell you the truth you are going to give me the antidote, then you will have me drugged to take the hospital and get the surgery done all well planned huh? What surprised you that you are not able to fool me now like in the past by emotional talks? Once I was fooled but not anymore don't even think about it"



Kelvin watching all this from outside was actually relieved and thought,' At least she knows now not to trust them anymore. I thought she was going to fall for their emotional talks. It is good that she knows them by now.'

Jerry was standing beside his boss examining the situation inside the house as well as managing the troops his boss had sent out and waiting for his command to take action. 

Kelvin said quietly," If the fight inside gets worse give the orders to move in, if not we will wait for their leader and see if he shows up."

"Ok, sir".