
A shock

As soon as she reached the house, Sam rushed towards the door. She had no idea that she was being followed. As she reached out to the door, she saw a slight opening at the door, she didn't know what was happening inside, but she was worried about the others, so without letting the door move she checked it out through the slight opening, but what she saw shocked her, she couldn't move a bit. tears started to roll down her cheeks. She stood there frozen like a statue, with her heavy heart unable to breathe. She covered her mouth with her hands and wept.



  As Kelvin parked his car a little farther away from Sam's house and started walking towards her house stealthily so that she or the goons inside didn't notice him. But as he approached the front of the door, what he saw was Sam standing there and watching through the small opening in the door, it seemed like she was trying to keep herself from crying but she couldn't and as she didn't want to make any sound she had covered her mouth with her hands, but tears kept rolling down her cheeks nonstop. He wanted to know what she saw inside that made her cry like that, so he checked for an area, where he could see and hear clearly what is happening inside. And he saw a window half opened, he went near and peeped, All he could see was the goons sitting with their back towards him, so he couldn't figure out who the person was, but he could see the family members. But he was confused at the sight he saw.



  Inside the house, it was a completely different atmosphere as Sam had explained. The goons and the family members were chatting and laughing as if they were friends. The head of the goon said, " Hey Albert, when is your niece going to come? My patience is running thin." " Come on Duke, You know very well she isn't my niece, and anyway she might reach here soon right? Your men said she had got the diamond and left. But why didn't you let your men take the diamond away from her after she got it?" 

" If I did that then my men will be caught, but now it's her who is going to get caught and this is not my idea, it's someone else's." As Duke said this he looked at someone with a smile. 

As everyone turned to see, Jessie said," John, You are indeed my son"

"Of course, Sam did whatever I told her to without even thinking, she thinks I am a gentle person what to do, I what her to only see my gentle side now so that I can get up from this damn wheelchair with her help right?" 

"Brother, but you poisoned her, now how are you going to use her organs? it will be poisoned right?" 

"Bria, do you really think that was a real poison, I have the antidote for the poison, I won't let her die. I have been waiting for 2 years so that her injury can be completely healed and she can give me what I want. If she completes this task and comes back I will give her the antidote and let her give me what I want." 

"But brother, what if she gets the antidote from somewhere else?"

"There's no way because this is the only one in the world" smirked John.

"But how did you get this girl? That too at the right time when your son needed someone with the same blood group as him?"

"Duke, you remember 2 years ago before you left F City, we had a gathering with my family. As we were returning home, we saw a truck racing toward a car, and then the accident happened. As the truck pulled off and went away, we went near the car and saw a couple, they were both dead. But there was a kid in the back seat, she was still breathing and calling for mom and dad, and her face was covered with injuries. At first, we thought we could use her and then brought her out and took her to the hospital, later when we went to the accident spot, it was cleared and it felt like the accident never occurred there. The clearing in such a way only shows that it was done by a big gang, so we were scared to get involved, so we quietly went back. And later we were wondering about what to do with the girl, in case they found out and come to us, so we thought we would get rid of her, but then the doctor in charge, who was also a friend called and informed us about the blood analysis and that she can help John, but she will need to rest and be healthy first before the surgery, as the accident has caused a great impact on her body, or else they could have performed the surgery at that time itself. So we asked the doctor to perform a small plastic surgery for her so that she won't be recognized by the gangs and we can use her. When she woke up she had no memory of her past which relieved our tension and we told her she was my brother's daughter, otherwise, we were preparing for a hypnotist. She still hasn't found out yet. And by the she finds it out she won't be able to do anything. Now she is more useful we can get money as well as John can get his surgery done." Albert said this with pride as if he had accomplished something that no one would.

"You are indeed wise, and she is an idiot, she didn't even have any doubt about the story that you told her. Didn't she ask for any proof? " Duke asked them.

"It's easy to create some photos of her dead parents right? and as for her childhood pictures, we said they were not with us so we don't have any" Jessica replied with a smirk.

