
A Shattering

But he obeyed my command. Surging inside me with wild abandon. His face dropped to mine and he took my mouth. Deepening the kiss every moment longer he spent touching his tongue to mine.

Making me wetter inside. Soaking my walls around him.

And finally, I could take no more. His wildness brought mine to the fore and I climaxed. Slicking his cock with my hot fluids as my body clenched him. Gripping him so tightly he couldn't withdraw without his skin growing taut.

He moaned. A long, broken sound. And I felt the spurt of fluid inside me and knew he came as I did. The sounds and feel of my body peaking in pleasure overwhelming him to the point he joined me.

That made me hot. Suffused with pleasure at the idea that he was so moved by my desires. When before it'd seemed he cared perilously little.

"Zira!" He said desperately. Kissing me repeatedly.

"Yes?" I gasped.

"I love you, Sweet Woman."