Born of the wastelands, Spheris Arnadel, a young skilled thief, finds himself subject to a twist of fate when he steals a powerful relic and becomes a Bearer — humans gifted with powers from the Gods. As a punishment for his theft, he is cast into an otherworldly realm alongside other Bearers, where he faces off against monstrous beasts and powerful enemies. Yet, in his determination to return to the Continent and save his dying mother, Spheris is hell-bent on surviving the abyssal world. Even if it means giving his body to the Dark God whose powers he had stolen... even if it means losing all of his humanity.
The Scaledshark was a massive aquatic predator and one of the many forms taken by Knightbeasts. First discovered in Knightmare over ten years ago, they were known for their distinctive red scales that shimmered like rubies under water. These scales served as natural armor, providing significant defense against both natural predators and hunters.
Scaledsharks measured up to 60 feet in length, and they had elongated bodies similar to traditional sharks, but their most notable feature was the long, slimy tendrils that hung on both sides of their nose. These tendrils were highly sensitive, allowing the Scaledshark to detect vibrations in the water and locate prey with pinpoint accuracy even in complete darkness.
They were carnivorous Beasts, and their hunting style involved rapid bursts of speed and powerful lunges, or entrapping their prey with the tendrils, then pulling into their mouth.