
• Fifth Calamity: Flood

The team of Thorin, Nero, Akemi and Linne moved steadily through the barren, crimson-hued landscape.

Thorin led the way, eyes sharp, stance resolute, as his brown coat followed the motion of the winds of drought. Linne guided them through directions, telling them when was left and when was right. Everywhere looked the same in the terrain of red rocks.

The oppressive heat of the Drought Calamity still weighed on them, and the dryness was worse. However, they managed to stave off the worst of it with their resourceful use of powers.

Nero would fill the flagon that they had taken with them with ice, and then hand it over to Thorin who would meticulously melt the ice in the perfect temperature of heat to avoid making it too hot to drink.

Then, they would have refreshing water, which they passed around sparingly.