
The Raging Storm

Boom! The sky was black and thunder stuck the earth. Castle walls rattled with each strike as the King solemnly sat down on his throne. "May he who has a solution, speak freely." he said. Yet all his advisers and wise council members shook their heads in dismay. Desperation took hold of the King. "Surely there must be an answer, a hope to cling to." Yet he heard nothing and saw only dour faces and broken spirits. Depression threatened to take over upon seeing the reactions of his officials. News of the war front in the east had come, by way of messenger, only days before. His army was routed, his towns captured, his enemies advancing onward. Soon they would be upon him. Such news was a huge blow to the King and his citizens. Many fled and many more panicked in the streets. Ka-Boom! The shaking of the stone walls in the throne room mirrored the trembling of the King's own heart. Would he die this day? Would his family be captured and his kingdom conquered? He shivered at the thought. The champion was the one leading his enemy's army. This Champion was a truly fearsome man. Tales of his accomplishments ran like wildfire even unto here, many hundreds of miles away. He render much glory and fame for his country. His was a frightening tale. Of pain and revenge, of suppression and triumph, of blood and slaughter! The King stood, for he could no longer sit idly. He paced back and forth before the council with a frown resting heavily upon his brow. So anxious he was to find a way out, a path to safety. All plan and ploy had been exhausted, every idea considered. But all were found either impractical or insufficient. Time itself seemed to be against them. Light flashed through the windows and sure enough, only moments later- Da-Da-Doom! Suddenly, the doors of the throne room were thrown wide. Many were shocked by the commotion, yet other did not hear because of the roaring thunder and screaming gales. But the King saw what was before them. There, in the doorway, stood a man carrying a sword. Lightning leapt from the blade and the very air twisted around it. The sight of it left cold sweat on the King's back. Yet, it was only until he looked up at the one wielding it that his knees buckled from under him. For what the King saw in the champion's eyes sapped away all his strength. It was there, collapsed upon the stone floor, that the King finally knew of his fate. A raging storm had broken the dam that was his kingdom's walls and none would survive.

Mr_Logical · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

The Journey Ahead

After the annual Test of Aptitude was finished, Elder Kim brought all eleven children who were selected to his home at the center of the village. He had them sit on the floor with their parents seated in a semi-circle around them, he alone stood before them.

"Alright children, it's time that I explain a few things." Elder Kim look at these eleven youths that sat before him with a relaxed smile. He combed his white beard with his fingers as he spoke, "Now that your aptitudes have been confirmed by Mag- Ahem, Senior Edward's Test, we will be informing you of the journey that you all shall be embarking on."

This time, Senior Edwards spoke out when Elder Kim repeated his mistake from earlier, "You would do well to remember who I am and who I represent, Elder." His voice was rough and held a threatening edge.

"Of course sir, I misspoke earlier and I apologize. It will not happen again."

The children were shock! Who could this outsider be to reprimand Elder Kim, the Head of the whole Village? Some of them even grew angry on Elder Kim's behalf. One such child stood up and shouted, "Hey, don't speak that way to Elder Kim, you big meanie!"

"Shut your mouth child! You know nothing!" Surprisingly, It was Elder Kim himself who said these words! "But Elder Kim, he-" "Not another word Alisa." Elder Kim's voice held a kind of cold fury within it and Alisa was powerless to object.

She sank to a sitting position on the floor and David could see that she was both mad and sad, having tears in the corner of her eyes. He took hold of her hand in his and saw that her anger began fading away, but her sorrow remained. "Hey-" He began, but didn't quite know what to say after that.

Meanwhile Elder Kim apologized again to the outsider, saying that Alisa is only a child and is ignorant of many things.

"Ahem. As I was saying, you have all been chosen for the journey ahead. This is already a great accomplishment and you will soon bring honor and glory to yourselves, your family, and to all of us here in this village! But hear me when I say this. It will be no easy task!" Elder Kim was solemn when he said this, having the children's undivided attention.

One raised his hand to be called on, "Please Elder Kim, what does the 'Journey Ahead' mean? Are were going somewhere dangerous? Will we be going into the wilderness?" When these words were said the other children gasped and turned towards Elder Kim, hoping that it was not so.

"No George, none of you are being sent into the wilderness. But, you all will face danger at some point. In one week all of you will be sent to a school on the eastern side of the kingdom. There you will learn many things that most of us lowly villagers don't. These subjects will assist you on your path to glory and success. Remember, that while you are there, all of you are the pride of our village!"

There was a small up roar as the children heard this, "What? What's a school?" "Is it far away?" "Do I have to leave Mommy and Daddy?" and many other questions like these were heard among the children who were sitting on the floor.

"Quite down, quite down now. I know this seems scary children, but trust me, you will all come to understand why your parents and I are having you do this. Yes, you will have to leave the village but it is not forever. You will have plenty of opportunities to come visit us in the future." Elder Kim calmed the children with his reassuring words and began to explain a few more details about this journey they would be taking in a week.

After everything was explained, David went home with his family, but not before saying goodbye to Alisa. He held his father's hand as they walked home speaking excitedly about how he passed the Test of Aptitude. His father laughed and picked him up as he did, holding him in his arms. His mother was just to their left also holding a child. It was David's younger brother, Adam, who was only around a year and a half old.

When they got home it was very late, so his parents put David to bed tell him that tomorrow they would begin preparing for his departure. David had a little trouble sleeping due all the excitement but being only eight he still fell asleep soon after.

The sun rose and with it a new day dawned. David leapt out of bed and rushed to the living room, eager to start the day. His parents were already up and having breakfast when he came in, it was delicious as always.

Soon, David and his mother were walking down the road to the center of the village, then suddenly they heard someone calling out to them. It was Alisa also walking with her mother. She then came running towards them with her hair pulled back into a pony tail that flopped in the wind. David laughed, when had she ever worn her hair like this before?

Alisa came to a stop just before them. She was winded but still said, "Hi Ms. Mindy! Hi David!" "Hello Alisa, How is everything at home?" David's mother, Mindy, replied. "Everything is great Ms. Mindy! Mom made my favorite thing for breakfast this morning!" Alisa had a huge smile on her face as she remember her breakfast.

"Aw, that's good to hear!" Mindy said as Alisa's mother caught up with them. "Alisa! Don't run off like that! It's not very lady-like to be running around everywhere." Alisa stuck her tongue out at her mother and promptly got a smack on her head for it. "Oh it's alright Jasmine, Alisa is still young. Don't be to hard on her." "No no no, you don't understand Mindy. Raising this girl is such a hassle. She doesn't listen to anything I say!" Ms. Jasmine and David's mom went back and forth for a little while, talking about raising children and about family life in general, all the while walking towards the village marketplace.