
The Raccoon and the Fox

Peace is only temporary. a figmite of our imagination before chaos ensues. During that fateful night on October tenth, two tailed beasts had attacked the village. How different would Naruto's childhood be with the perfect Offense and Defense? Would he fold under the pressure and succumb, or will he perform and be what he was born to be. A God Amongst Shinobi.

ZiixlZ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 5

_A Week Later_

Naruto lazily went through his books, looking back between his readings and the time. It was two o'clock in the afternoon, around the time his clone at the academy would pop, sending him the information it 'learned' at the academy for the day.

Naruto sighed, boredom clinging to every bone in his body. These were many of the rare days that he wasn't being guarded twenty-four-seven by Anbu. Today must have been important, although he couldn't think of anything important about the day. It was the middle of September, after all.

Naruto watched as the clock struck two-thirty. He awaited a couple of more seconds before he felt a rushing feeling in the back of his head. His clone had done exactly what he had thought he would do, which was next to nothing. Naruto laughed at the memories of Kiba getting bullied by the fangirls. That was funny. The boy was very arrogant, so seeing him get shot down a peg, even by his sworn enemies the fangirls, was pretty funny.

Naruto just sat there on his bed, almost waiting for slumber to take over his body, but it never did. He didn't necessarily feel tired or awake, sort of in the middle, like a zombie. Naruto sighed through his nose, rubbing his eyes, expecting to get less tired, but it never came.

He looked at the clock again, expecting it to somehow tick faster and reach the time when he would normally fall asleep, birthing a new day when he could train with the help of Kakashi. Naruto could just simply head down to the training ground now, however. Nothing was stopping him from training. He hadn't done so in two days.

Naruto looked at his anbu-like armor and kunai strap, contemplating whether he should or not. Finally deciding, he got out of bed after folding his scrolls up and putting on his armor, one thing on his mind. Power.

Naruto went to grab his kunai pouch when he felt something much different than a kunai and scroll in there. He opened it and noticed that there was a mask.

'That's weird,' Naruto thought to himself. He hadn't remembered putting that in there. He turned the mask over as it was facing downwards, and dropped it, noticing the familiar mark on the right side of it.

Root. That was the boy's mask. He hadn't remembered grabbing it, but there it was, and it looked exactly like how he'd always remembered it in his dreams the past week. The boy, getting squished in his sand, the crunching seemed to sound in his ears, almost deafening him, before he shook his head. Naruto covered his ears with his palms as if to block out the sound that originated from his head.

It worked somehow, the sound disappearing from his consciousness, for now, knowing that it would probably return sometime later. Naruto shuddered at the sight of the mask, thinking of what he should do to the mask. It looked interesting now that Naruto truly got a good glimpse at it—nothing really like the anbu masks, having their spin to them. Naruto could show this to Kakashi, but he didn't want him worrying about him, thinking he was going mental with it. So he opted out of that, not wanting Kakashi to worry about him any more than he already is.

Naruto brought himself back from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his front door. Naruto hurriedly threw the mask to the bed, grabbing his kunai pouch and clipping it to his right leg.

Naruto ran out of his room and into the living room. Opening the door, the man in question, Kakashi.

"You know, I was just going to ask you if you wanted to train, but it seems you already had it in mind. How about to cheer you up, I will teach you how to partially control one of your affinities?" Kakashi asked, to which Naruto just shook his head up and down, crazily signaling his decision already.

"Let's go Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto yelled, closing his door, locking it, and grabbing onto Kakashi, whose body flickered them to training ground seven.

_Training Ground Seven_

Naruto took a look over the training ground that he and Kakashi had trained at for the last year now. It looked as good as it did when he first saw it, training in how to do the leaf exercise. Naruto smiled at the fond memory, remembering the start of his shinobi career.

He loved the progress that he was making. He estimated that he would grow as strong as Kakashi, maybe stronger in less than three years. That is if something didn't impede his training. Like losing an arm or something.

"So, what chakra nature do you want to learn first? Remember, you have four you can choose from so don't be too hasty now. We will eventually go over all of them," Kakashi said abruptly, bringing Naruto out of his thoughts, who now looked like he was paying attention.

"What do you think I should start with, Kakashi-sensei?"

"Well, if I were you, I would have started with wind, however, I am not specialized in that area, so I would probably wait for someone like Asuma who is very skilled in the wind nature, other than that, there is no one in Konoha who is as strong with that Nature than the Hokage, of course. And Danzo," Kakashi finished, almost looking like he was going to puke at his last words. Whoever this Danzo figure was that Kakashi and the Hokage so rarely spoke of, they didn't like him.

"Okay, so what then?"

"Well, your next best bet is learning something to combat wind and something that could equally combat water that would slow down your sand. Water and lightning are the two natures that aren't weak against your sand and can do some damage against it. Mind you, you could always make more, which would probably be very easy for you as you have a high chakra capacity, however, throwing around chakra isn't the smartest move ever.

Now, going with that, your next best bet would likely be fire. Fire I am very skilled in, for it not being one of my two original natures. This sharingan is very adept at copying those moves;" Kakashi finished. Naruto just stood there thinking. Fire would probably be his best bet. It would combat wind, and if his fire was strong enough, it could put out the strongest waters, which would be good for combating water.

Another thing that Naruto could do was earth; however, earth nature is way too defensive, something he didn't need right now with his sand. It was also good at combating water, but it didn't remove the water; instead, it pushed it back, which was something that he didn't need as of right now.

Naruto made his decision, "I'd like to learn fire, Kakashi-sensei. I believe it would be the best and work with my very defensive abilities. It would be best if I learned some more offensive-oriented skills. Rather than picking something like earth nature which is mostly defensive." Naruto finished, to which Kakashi nodded, waving over to Naruto to follow him as he started walking behind, towards where the lake was.

Naruto walked over, taking in the light breeze that followed during the fall season. It was nice to feel it wisp around in his hair, and interlock with his fingers, almost as if it was calling him. It felt cool.

Naruto finally arrived at the lake and watched Kakashi stop in the middle of it, paused, and walked on the water. Naruto followed suit, applying a steady amount of chakra to his feet, walking on water too, trained to perfection Kakashi would say.

"Now, instead of teaching you how to swim, I am going to teach you how to dive. Meaning, instead of teaching you control, I will teach you a very common move, see how you work, and build off from there. Depending on how you do it, you will need to start at the basics of fire chakra," Kakashi explained first. "Now, watch my chakra with your senses and see how I mold it. I will tell you the reason why we are at the lake after."

Naruto watched on as Kakashi molded his chakra into the fiery, ember feeling. It felt different from every other feeling he had felt with everyone else's fire. Everyone who had the affinity felt sort of natural like it had a belonging. Kakashi's, on the other hand, felt unnatural for some reason, as if it was out of place. He watched as Kakashi pulled the chakra out of his center, inhaling a numbing amount of air, pulling the chakra through his stomach and throat, before slowly exhaling; a steady supply of chakra seeping through his lips and forming into the shape of a ball.

"Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu," Kakashi exclaimed, watching on as the water licked at his fireball, the direct object in question bulling through the air forward, finding no end until it died out, Kakashi stopped stabilizing it with chakra.

"That is the first fire jutsu I will teach you, and depending on how you treat it and how many tries it takes you, I will follow back and try to teach you something different, far easier. And then go on through training that controls from there," Kakashi stated reassuringly, Naruto nodding at his words.

"Now, I don't expect you to get this on your first try, so don't beat yourself up too much if you don't get it down. Not even I got this down on the first try. It took me a couple of times before I could even get the form down.," Kakashi said finally, waving Naruto over to try and recreate it.

Naruto sighed through his nose and closed his eyes, concentrating on the feeling of fire. What came to mind was the heat that he felt from the sun, and memories of his chakra coming to mind. The feelings of his hot, fiery chakra that was instead of burning and undying like Sasuke's, were vast, like a sea of water of flames. His chakra was hot like the sun. Not undying or slow like Itachi's, but like a blaze that erupted from the fire. The feeling of the sun's rays became very apparent in his mind.

He pulled that feeling from his core, as Kakashi had instructed, and pulled it up through his throat, taking a deep breath, and spewing flames out of his mouth. This time, it was at least three times as big as Kakashi's own, a ball of flames taking over the lake and hovering over it. Naruto hadn't put that much chakra in it, but his strong chakra had amplified it.

Kakashi stared on at the vast sea of flames shaped like a ball. He watched where it was going and noticed that it was going to hit the trees. Kakashi, not one for deforestation and setting trees on fire, quickly ran over, gliding across the water and in front of the sea of flames, and went through multiple seals.

"Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu," Kakashi yelled out; a dragon made out of the water, big enough to compete with even the fireball's size came upon it, head-on, fighting for dominance. Kakashi had put a fourth of his chakra into that jutsu, making sure to douse the fireball.

Finally, both of the jutsu's died out, with no winner coming out, as both of the jutsu's canceled out each other. Kakashi didn't have time to be surprised by the size of the fireball, which was multiple times bigger than his own. A sense of pride washed over Naruto's feat. Very impressive indeed. He could tell Naruto had a strong affinity for fire, but never that strong. He truly was prodigious in all aspects, he put forth his hand at.

"I commend you on the size and power of your fireball, although maybe next time let's not put that much chakra into the fireball, please? I would like to keep some trees for this training ground for when we do our tracking drills," Kakashi said sarcastically, filling the ears of Naruto, who scratched the back of his head sheepishly.

"Yeah sorry about that Kakashi-sensei, although I didn't mean to make it that big. I promise I swear I didn't even put that much chakra into it either. I must just have a strong affinity for it," Naruto said, almost pleading for Kakashi's understanding. Kakashi just smiled at the boy's words, finding it funny that the boy had accidentally overpowered the jutsu with little amounts of chakra, it truly was impressive. He could sense Naruto was telling the truth by going off his chakra alone.

"Now, let's try something more sophisticated rather than a jutsu," Kakashi said, signaling Naruto to follow him as his body flickered away from the lake. Naruto could sense the man back at the main part of training ground seven.

Naruto's body flickered over to Kakashi's position, watching as he gathered a few leaves at his position.

"Now I have control. Instead of just overloading a jutsu with fire chakra, we are going to try and control that feeling by slowly licking the leaf one by one. This will teach you to not just overload a jutsu with fire chakra, and it will also teach you stability. By controlling the amount of chakra you project, it will help you later for Jutsu that require fewer amounts, and for later when you don't want to overload a jutsu and just want to simply create light with your fire," Kakashi explained, handing over a leaf to Naruto, Naruto taking it in hand and closing his eyes, concentrating on that feeling again, except this time, in a less and confined environment.

Naruto imagined everything he did before and was met with frustration when the leaf lit on fire, except this time it was enveloped in the flame, turning it to ash in seconds. Naruto cursed, his control was good, and he wouldn't downplay it. However, this was different. Controlling raw chakra was easier than controlling fire chakra, although it did come a long way.

Naruto tried again with another leaf that Kakashi had helpfully handed over to him, this time he lowered the amount of chakra he stabilized in the leaf once more, just a sliver of chakra. He was met with more success than the attempt before however, he was still met with the same problem. After a certain amount of time, it was enveloped in fire once more. His affinity to fire was so strong that it made simple tasks like setting things on fire like firewood much harder as he didn't want to set the forest on fire, but one remote spot.

Naruto cursed at his misfortunes, but rather than getting frustrated and trying something else, he kept at it, getting better each and every single time he had gotten a new leaf. It was around two hours later that he and Kakashi called it quits. It was getting late, around five o'clock in the afternoon.

"Let's go grab some food, you made good progress, being able to hold the chakra for three minutes is progress indeed. I believe by a week you will already be on some more advanced moves for fire. You are a prodigy in all areas, but ninjutsu is one of your stronger suits along with fuinjutsu," Kakashi said, complimenting Naruto on his strong suits.

"However," Kakashi started, "this does not mean we slack off in physical aspects like taijutsu or kenjutsu, it just means we need to try even harder than before so you can keep up with your advancement in ninjutsu," Kakashi said, motivating Naruto to try even harder in getting stronger in every area. It was Naruto's dream to become strong in every field, even fields he was even uncomfortable with.

"Ichiraku Ramen?" Naruto asked, to which Kakashi shook his head no.

"Let's try something different this time, Naruto. Too much sodium isn't good for the human body, you know? How about some Yakiniku Q?"

"I could go for anything really," Naruto said with a shrug of his shoulders. Kakashi just laughed, giving him a knowing look. Naruto just grabbed his arm, a little hesitant at the disrespect that he was given by Kakashi.


'I can't believe it's already time. Although, I doubt Itachi will be happy that I will be doing this behind his back—though there was no choice,' Shisui thought to himself as he stared past the village into the Uchiha clan compound. He already knew the layout so casting his Mangekyou ability would be the easy part.

He closed his eyes, taking in the nervous feelings and doubt that had infiltrated his consciousness, and heaved a long-awaited sigh. This was inevitable. It was this or the Uchiha clan would be committing an act that would detriment hundreds of thousands of lives. If Konoha were to be trapped in a civil war, then they were for sure going to be picked off by the other villages as easy pickings. It wasn't the most moral decision, but it was the necessary one.

He was brought out of his senses when he had felt multiple presences off to his side, closing in on his position at a very fast pace. He narrowed his eyes at that. The only people who knew he was here were Danzo's men, as they had assigned him for this mission. If that were true, then he shouldn't be so guarded—however, he felt like something was up. Something wasn't right, it was a gut feeling, and when shinobi had gut feelings, they were pressed to listen to these. Shisui's gut feelings never killed him in the past.

Shisui waited for these multiple signatures to reign in on his position and waited for them to make their first move, and whether it was negative or positive would decide whether or not he would be hostile back.

As they finally landed on a nearby branch, he waited for them to announce their presence, whether that would be their first hostile move was up to them. Shisui pulled out a kunai from his pouch in secrecy, just in case they were to be unfriendly. Shisui was put off and was estranged from these men.

Shisui's worries were met with irreproachable precision, feeling that multiple kunai and shurikens were thrown, to his now, previous position. His body quickly flickered to a closeby branch. Shisui had quickly activated his sharingan, putting forth a steady amount of chakra to his eyes that were almost negligent to his vast reserves. Shisui teleported into the open field that lay ahead of the forest he had originally sat in.

It was when he landed in the open field that the people finally revealed their presence, stepping out with him. They wore hoods, but under the hoods were masked men with a kanji of root to the top right of their mask.

Shisui narrowed his eyes at the new-found assailants.

'So if the foundation is here, that must mean…' Shisui thought his presumption soon found to be true, as a new presence stepped out of the forest. The man that had walked out was a heavily bandaged old man.

The older man spoke up, "very fast… Well reasoned, Shisui of teleportation." Danzo spoke up, continuing his stride out of the forest and in the clearing, his chakra relaxed, and so did his features too, his face giving nothing away.

"Danzo…" Shisui replied, eyes piercing through the man's own.

The man in question finally reached the encircled Uchiha.

"All of you just stay back," Danzo said, dismissing the root members to the side. Shisui and Danzo now had a standoff in the middle of the clearing, the root shinobi scanning over the scene as their own respectable audience to the bout. Shisui realized now how late it was, the sun finally making its own existence known, when a slight shadow had fallen over Danzo.

The clearing was quiet, until Shisui spoke up, breaking the peaceful silence.

"What's the meaning of this? Why are you getting in my way?!"

"Kotoamatsukami… a visual jutsu that creates false experiences. Such incredible power—but what a waste to use it to merely stop a coup. How unfortunate that an Uchiha doesn't know how to use the Sharingan," Danzo fired at Shisui earning him a grunt from the man, who was clearly annoyed at the man's words.

"If you used your visual jutsu on the clan… as long as the Uchiha exists, it's highly doubtful that another coup can be avoided," Danzo said, pausing in his speech, scanning over Shisui's being.

"And even if your plan worked, it is only for this instance. There is no guarantee that the same thing will not happen again. On the contrary, it probably will happen again. Sooner or later, the Hidden Leaf Village will have to deal with the Uchiha. If so, by exterminating the Uchiha now… the future of the village will be secure, don't you think?" Danzo asked in a slackened voice, receiving a surprised look from Shisui.

Shisui's eyes quickly narrowed back, his sharingan barely peering through the slits, "Danzo, you were planning this all along…"

"This is all for the sake of attaining true peace for the Leaf," Danzo said looking up at a green leaf falling from one of the nearby trees and landing on the ground. He turned his attention back to the Uchiha.

"Shisui… do not worry. I will make good use of your eyes," Danzo finished, appearing in front of Shisui in almost a near-perfect flash, Shisui pulled out his sword and slashed at Danzo's being. Shisui, perceiving Danzo's motives, slashed at him before he could fully reach his eyes. Danzo petaled back, dodging another set of Shisui's sword attacks.

Danzo noticed he was rather on the defensive so he sent a barrage of wind bullets. Shisui sent his own bullets—however, made out of the fire.

His fire overpowered Danzo's lesser wind and slammed into the trees behind him. Danzo and Shisui clashed once again, kunai and sword, metal meeting metal.

Danzo reached for one of Shisui's eyes, but Shisui just ducked, going for a sweep to Danzo's legs, hoping to catch him off balance and in position for another set of blows.

Danzo appeared behind Shisui in a show of speed, trying to surprise Shisui. Shisui had already predicted this and had sent a slash, which had narrowly missed Danzo's form, overreaching Danzo, who had sent a kick to capitalize on it.

The kick never made its target, who just teleported out of its trajectory. Shisui had body flickered in a multitude of directions, trying to throw off Danzo's own perception of reality. However, the man just sat there calmingly, waiting for Shisui to make a mistake.

"I must comment on your speed and use of the body flicker. It is impressive indeed," Danzo said, catching Shisui's figure in one of his many body flickers and sending a slash of wind to his form. Shisui was hard-pressed to dodge the arc of wind, sending his own layer of fire to combat it. Fire met wind and fire and this time the matches were different as Shisui's fire was rushed, this time ending in a stalemate and no obvious winner.

A few more encounters were made, though the same outcome had been met. No true winners out of the little skirmishes. They lay in a stalemate once again, both facing each other waiting for the other to make the first move. Shisui and Danzo were both now panting heavily, both of their chakras now reaching about half. This was not good if Shisui wanted to use the kotoamatsukami on the Uchiha clan.

He would have to end this soon, he had decided. Danzo had now spoken up, cutting the silence that was interrupted by the occasional pant.

"How persistent you are. You've earned your reputation as the strongest of the Uchiha. I suppose I must force an opportunity upon you," Danzo stated, sweat dripping down from his face. He raced his left hand up, palm facing Shisui's form.

Shisui watched on as the anbu that he had formerly almost forgotten was there jumped out of the bushes where they resided in. They all jumped up in equal succession, each throwing their own respectable bunch of kunai and shurikens. Shisui was pressed against the onslaught of metal, whipping out his own to deflect the seeking weapons.

What he hadn't noticed was that Danzo's form was now behind him, too late to realize, he turned around in a last-ditch effort to inflict a wound on the wizened man. The man had just seemingly dodged the swipe and reached out for Shisui's eye and finally made contact with the target, grabbing a hold of the socket.

Shisui stumbled back from the pain, closing one eye shut now, kneeling on one foot.

"That's one down," Danzo taunted aloud, watching at the now kneeling form of Shisui.

'I can't let this happen,' Shisui thought to himself, before pulling out a smoke bomb and hurling it to the ground, smashing and creating a cloud of smoke including his form.

Danzo shielded his eyes from the oncoming smoke. The smoke was soon wisped away revealing Shisui had disappeared in a body flicker. His anbu jumped to his position.

"Lord Danzo!"

"Get him! He couldn't have gone too far, after all," Danzo ordered, wiping the dust that had gathered after the smoke from his robe.

"Yes sir!"


Leaping through the trees in a hurry, he could feel the same appearance on his tail. Shisui looked back with his one Sharingan and watched as the anbu had tailed onto him. He cursed aloud.

One of the few anbu threw shurikens at his landing spot so when he landed he was forced to do a quick body flicker. In doing so, one of the other anbu landed on a branch and jumped up, throwing kunai to his future position predicting where he would land.

After landing on the branch, he was hard-pressed by multiple flying objects to deflect with his own, reflecting the kunai away from his being. He was surprised when he deflected a poison bomb, exploding on impact. He inhaled a little before his body flickered again.

Shisui landed a little away from the smoke, kneeling on a similar branch.

'I must have inhaled some of that gas,' Shisui figured, panting at the thought, his vision becoming a little shaky and blurry confirming his thoughts.

"Damn it," Shisui said aloud this time.

"This is it, Shisui Uchiha," one of the many anbu that surrounded him said, all of them pulled out kunai with explosive tags.

"I…" Shisui wasn't able to finish that thought before he was interrupted by the root members.

"Aim for the legs, not the face."

"Right!" One of the anbu said, relaying them to pull back their arms and wait for a single.

"Now!" The leader said, signaling everyone to throw their own respectable exploding kunai.

"I'm not finished yet!" Shisui said, his red eyes shifting into a pair of pinwheels.

The anbu exploded the kunai on Shisui's body, and a huge array of smoke covered the forest, forcing them to backpedal to not get sucked in.

A massive wind ran past the anbu, forcing them to apply chakra to their feet to stick to the branch, throwing up their hands to block the dust that threatened to hit their eyes.

Coming out of the smoke were pellets of glowing green flying objects, some of the anbu were able to escape, although the slower ones were brought down by the pellets, killing them on contact.

The remaining two anbu landed on their feet on an open floor that was not moments ago flooded with trees, now barren except for the ground covered by grass.

As the dust settles, they bear witness to a green, ominous chakra that surrounds Shisui, in the shape of a demon-like samurai chakra construct. His lone eye now rested as a black orb, his chakra so low that he needed to stop the flow to his eyes to conserve energy. The ominous chakra that had surrounded Shisui quickly dissipated, leaving a weakened and tired Shisui.

They threw kunai at Shisui, who just rolled to the side to dodge tha,t and the two fireballs that lay in his wake, now heading like hot missiles, hit the anbu as they were unable to dodge the seeking fire.

They were hit back and hit the trees behind them, banging their heads against the bark, killing them on contact. They lay with the rest of their squad, dead and left to the soil, forever to be unknown.

Itachi appeared in the clearing now, carrying Shisui's form on his shoulder.

Shisui looked at Itachi's form now, his eyes speaking of how grateful he was that he came when he did—less he would be a goner.

"I thought… that you were on a mission..?" Shisui said, a smile forming on his lips.

"Something didn't feel right, so… I came back"

"Glad you did," Shisui whispered, as they soon fell into silence.

Shisui was the one to break it though, "Sorry, for the trouble."

_Cliff Nearby Compound_

"The foundation is involved. Unfortunately, it seems like there's no way to stop the Uchiha's coup," Shisui started before pausing after, looking down at the stream that lay far below him, he estimated that it was a long way downwards.

Shisui continued, "If internal warfare breaks out in the Leaf, the neighboring countries will invade and war will begin," Shisui said, continuing to watch what awaited him. He looked back at Itachi, looking into his own black orbs, his lone eye's Mangekyou Sharingan now activated and open to any peering eyes.

"I was planning on using Kotoamatsukami to stop the coup… But Danzo took my right eye. He didn't trust what I was trying to do… and he will resort to anything to protect the Hidden Leaf Village."

Itachi just listened to Shisui's warnings, although stuff he didn't already know. It was quite obvious before that the war hawk was willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted, his own Konoha. A Konoha under his teachings and rules.

Itachi was interrupted by Shisui, "They'll probably come after my left eye, too," Shisui said, reaching up to his eye.

"Before that happens, I want you to have it."

Itachi watched on as Shisui peeled open his eyelids and reached in, grabbing his eye and pulling it from his eyelid. Now both of his eyes were closed and he reached out waiting for Itachi to take it.

"Shisui…" Itachi whispered out loud.

"You're really the only friend I can trust. Protect the village and the Uchiha's name as well," Shisui wished Itachi, handing over his eye now. Itachi just took it into his own hands, staring at it almost loathingly.

"But I…"

"And," Shisui announced, butting in before Itachi could try and say no. Itachi looked up at his brother in all but blood.

"That isn't the only thing that I need to give you. I'm going to give you a new power, too. The Mangekyou Sharingan."

Itachi's eyes widened, surprise evident on his face. "Shisui… You can't!"

"I'm not going to last very much longer. Take it as a gift… My dying wish," Shisui stated, and although he couldn't see, he could tell a flash of worry was on his face.

"What's with that look of yours? Even like this, I can still see your face easily, you know," Shisui said, giving a little chuckle before planting his foot on Itachi's shoulder.

"A worried expression just doesn't look good on you. You must always remain calm, my friend. That's what Itachi Uchiha is. I am positive you can do this. So don't worry, It'll be fine."

Itachi held down his head at the older Uchiha's words, "I will carry on your will for the Uchiha."

"For now on, you may be forced to walk down a long, dark path. One that's filled with pain and suffering. I have to apologize… That I can't be with you through it all. I hope you don't falter from your path. And keep moving forward as a Leaf ninja. I believe in you," Shisui whispered to Itachi, who was shakily holding back tears now.

"That is why I am asking you to carry my will… And the Mangekyou," Shisui had finished, letting out a long-awaited sigh that escaped from his lips.

"Thank you. For everything," Shisui added, studying the way the falling sun reflected off of the night sky. As it finally reached its end for the day, falling behind the large mountain that lay ahead of him, he sighed once more, looking down at the running stream.

"I guess this is the end of the road for me. But this will pave a new way for you… And give you new power," Shisui paused, taking in the silence with a newfound peace. Taking in slow, deep breaths before exhaling fully.

"Well, Itachi… Now, the time has come… Make a new way for yourself with your own hands. You can do it… I know you can…" Shisui finally finished, flashbacks of when they trained together flashing through his mind, memories between him, Itachi, and Sasuke, the Village Hidden in the Leafs, and when they had graduated to Anbu.

"See you friend… I'll leave the rest… To you…"

Itachi started on the river that had taken his brother in all but blood, emotions churning through his mind; however, his face didn't show any of the complex feelings he shoved deep inside himself. His eyes flexed its Sharingan, before shifting into his own pinwheel, signifying he had finally unlocked the Mangekyou.

"Rest in peace, Shisui."

The Prophecy of The Raccoon and the Fox.


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter much better and it makes more sense than the bs I wrote not that long ago. I finally took the time to think out a process and write it down. I don't want to give Naruto the Sharingan as I would just have him destroy it, if I wanted to solve that fantasy I would probably create another fanfic where I would have him born earlier like around the second or third shinobi war, or make my own ooc where they were born as a Nara and Uchiha with Ashura chakra. That would be a fun story to write, I don't doubt. But a last, I am stuck with this. Poor ole' me. Makes me wanna cry. Not really.

Well, that's pretty much it. The next chapter will probably be a time skip, most likely six years. Nothing really to go over, I believe I stated the basis. Now all I have to think about is Naruto's power. It wouldn't make sense if I made him like Chunin as he would most likely surpass the Zabuza and Kakashi's canon timeline in two years or a little more with the progress he has going with himself. Along with the use of shadow clones, with his prodigy-like reserves and skill in ninjutsu, no reason to overshadow that. Anyone who wants to comment on how strong I should make him would be well appreciated. I know not to make him the God of Shinobi, which can be done after a three-year training trip, but I know not to make him weak to the point it doesn't make sense. So if anyone wants to comment on this or pm me it would be appreciated. You guys tell me what you want.

And I hope the man who had commented on the old chapter stating they were disappointed isn't disappointed anymore, I truly tried to stick with canon this time, playing it safe and I believe this to be the best way to write the massacre. However, I do have my own spin on it. I believe that the unnecessary killing of the kids was stupid and the killing of Mikoto was unfounded, so I might save the kids and Mikoto also, to give Sasuke some help and a reason to not make him such a dick that he is in the original.

Anywhoooo, I am going to go peeps. PEACE.

Just making sure people know, I am Sernote over on ffn. If you want, go check that out. For the people who don't know or have the doubts, yes, it is truly me, Sernote. I can't reply to some of your comments for some reason, so I am going to have to figure that out some day. But yes, pm me over on ffn if you want to discuss my fic with me, need the minds to help with my next chapter.

Talking and words.


Bijuu and Summoning